Chapter 20

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A\N: cotton candy :3

Charles woke up with a headache.

he held his head as he groan and plopped back on the bed.

he kept his eyes closed, not wanting to open his green eyes due to sleep

he forced his eyes open and got out of bed.

for some reason, he didn't feel so good that morning.

he walked down the stairs, trying to clear his vision.

Henry was already and saw Charles.

he started to get worried and walked towards his lover.

"Charlie, are you alright?" he asked.

Charles turned to Henry with sleepy eyes and nodded.

"yeah of course, Hen. it's just my vision is getting really blurry." Charles explained as he took the last step of the stairs.

Henry shook his head.

"darling, you basically need more rest." Henry sighed. 

he watched Charles walk to the couch and plopped on it.

"no Hen, i'm fine. but you might be right though.." Charles admitted.

Henry walked to Charles and rubbed his back.

"don't worry Charles, get some sleep." Henry whispered.

Charles shook his head slowly and softly.

"no, i'm not tired. my eyes hurt." Charles told him, facing Henry.

"they do?"

"yeah. and my head hurts too." Charles groaned. he placed a hand on his forehead.

Henry took Charles' hand off of there and replaced it with his own.

"it's hot. you have another flu or something?" Henry asked.

"i.. i don't know." Charles sighed.

Henry hummed and got up from the couch.

"i'm gonna make you tea. let's see if that helps." Henry told him.

he kissed Charles' forehead, making a smiled tug into Charles' face.

Henry gave Charles a smile and went into the kitchen

now, Charles wasn't so sure what to do there.

he was indeed sick and his head hurts like hell.

Charles stared at the blank ceiling and sighed.

he sniffed and had an urge to close his eyes

he felt heavy.

he needed to tell Henry this..

"h-hey Hen?" Charles spoke.

Henry came out of the kitchen to face Charles.


Charles took a deep breath and shivered in pain.

"i don't so good.." he groaned

Henry hurried to Charles side in a flash.

it's like Charles was gonna give life to a child any minute

but let's not think ahead.

Henry placed his hand on Charles' forehead as his lover tried not to close his eyes.

it's like death was coming.

"my head is killing me." Charles groaned.

Henry blinked and sighed.

"you need rest Charles. get some." Henry kissed Charles' cheek after he told him that.

"n-no.. i don't need to.." Charles sighed and closed his eyes.

he gave up fighting the sleep inside him.

Henry smiled softly.

he kissed Charles cheek and let him sleep.

Henry saved the tea for another time

or maybe when Charles wakes up.

Ellie came through the front door, with Ruby in her arms.

Henry raised eyebrow as he saw Ellie enter.

"you got Ruby with you. i thought she ran away." Henry snorted.

Ellie rolled her eyes and placed Ruby on the couch, next to Charles.

"no you idiot, i just brought her with me." she lied.

of course, Ruby found her.

with her scent.

Henry sighed and didn't mind it at all.

Ellie looked at the sleeping Charlie, which had Ruby on his stomach.

"what happened to Charles?" Ellie asked.

Henry shrugged.

"Charles didn't feel good today when he woke up." Henry explained.

she looked at Charles remember see his face turn green yesterday

her mind is spinning.


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Words: 522

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