Chapter 27

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A\N: life is mean as fuck-

Henry could rhyme if he could. 

he could make a poem about Charles' complete anger.

he wasn't used to see Charles so damn mad before. what did Ellie say to him to make him so mad?

Henry sighed and when he could, he looked at Charles' beaming face.

he could just ask the pilot why he was mad.

that's what he was going to do.

Henry took a deep breath, hoping that Charles would answer him.

why are you so mad?" he asked, calmly. Charles looked at him with written anger in his eyes

"because of Ellie." he huffed. although, Henry was still confused. what the fuck did Ellie do?

Henry scoffed before he asked again.

"what did Ellie do?" he asked.

Charles sighed and combed his fluffy hair with his fingers. his anger was boiling non-stop inside of him and he hated it.

"i called her and asked her where she was and she just hanged up on me!" Charles explained, letting out another huff after.

".. i don't think that's a reason for you to get mad, love." Henry said. Charles raised a brow, still having an angry look on his face.

".. i don't think that's a reason for you to get mad, love." Henry said. Charles raised a brow, still having an angry look on his face.

"what do you mean?" Charles asked. Henry just shrugged. he could make his point really clear for him.

"just because Ellie hanged up on you is no reason for you to be mad, Charles." Henry explained, using his free hand to wave around.

Charles let out ANOTHER huff.

"she could have answered me and i would be less mad." Charles pouted. Henry shook his head slowly.

"do you assume she's with somebody? she hanged up on me too." Henry said, making Charles look at him surprised.

not only did she hang up on Charles but she hanged up on Henry too.

"i heard a groan. it seemed to be a guy with her." Henry explained. he could recall Ellie's sudden panic.

"huh. i didn't hear anything but her voice." Charles said. he didn't loud mad like he did before.

"she might be hiding something." Henry assumed. he never did but sometimes he got to.

Ellie knew she was dead

they stopped again and Johnny handed Ellie a paper bag for her to blow in and out on.

she been doing like that for 10 minutes right now and Johnny was surprised that she hadn't ran out of breath.

"calm the fuck down women. you could have told him where you were but nooo" Johnny complained.

Ellie didn't blame Johnny for complaining. she would even hit herself on the steering wheel again but Johnny is most likely to stop her.

"what was i supposed to say?!" Ellie shouted. "that i was in the middle of nowhere?!" she cried.

Johnny thought for a few minutes and came up with an answer.

"yeah, you could have said that and then hang up." Johnny barked. Ellie nodded and sighed.

"yeah, yeah, i know i messed up. don't rub it on my face, Johnny." she said. Johnny rolled his eyes instead.


Johnny looked annoyed. so she kept blowing onto the paper bag until she could turn purple.

Johnny seemed to notice and stopped her from turning purple.

"woah, woah, just because i look annoyed doesn't mean i hate ya!" he cried, crumbling the paper bag into a ball.

"yeah, sorry." Ellie sighed. Johnny just shook his head. "there's no need for that." he said, patting her back

she started up the car and drove off that spot. although she was parked on dirt so the tire tracks are easy to notice.

Johnny didn't seem to care though. neither did Ellie

they are most likely to get caught.

by Henry and Charles of course.


life. ahhhhh-

Words: 645

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