Chapter 28

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A\N: why does my arm hurt?

ahhh yes. night finally came to end the day.

meaning, you cannot see if the dark unless if you have a flashlight or something.

Ellie swore that one day, she was gonna crash into a tree and make the car explode.

they finally arrived where they needed to be. unlike Ellie, Johnny got a chill going down his spine.


"what are we doing here?" Johnny whispered. Ellie hummed.

"we're here." she said and got out of the car. Johnny watched as she got out of the car. he shouldn't show that he's scared, right?

"i'm just gonna stay in here." Johnny whispered to himself and sank down.on his seat.

"are you coming or what?" Ellie shouted. somehow, Johnny could hear her shout through the car and groaned.

"i don't wanna!" he shouted back, covering his face. Ellie came back to the car and looked at him through the window.


"...what?" Johnny turned to look at Ellie, sitting up straight

"your a chicken."

"i'm not a chicken!" 

Johnny hit the window once to startle Ellie a bit.

he managed to but she came back.

"c'mon, Johnny! let's go." she shouted and walked away.

Johnny groaned and opened the door. he hopped out of the car and closed the door.

"do you think that Charles and Henry will spot the car?" Johnny asked. Ellie shook her head,

"i doubt it! it's too dark anyway." Ellie assumed. Johnny shook his head.

"there is a such thing as, MORNING." Johnny shouted. Ellie just laughed and kicked a rock out of her way.

"i know Henry and Charles better then you. they are lovebirds but idiots." Ellie said. she turned her light towards Johnny, making him stop and cover his eyes.

"once when i come over there, i will slap you."

"i thought you loved me."

"i do, but sometimes you really have the strangest ideas." Johnny uncovered one of his eyes while speaking.

"that's really sweet. Johnny. i'm turning bright red." Ellie joked

it didn't even sound like she was joking. she snickered and turned around, taking the light off of Johnny.

he chuckled and bit and followed behind Ellie to wherever the fuck she's headed to.

Henry and Charles was having a hard time, however.

err, Charles is having a bad time.

while Henry's driving, instead of sleeping, Charles flicked his phone light on and off on the window, showing only the trees and some of the road.

no sign of Ellie's car.

he groaned and plopped his head on the backpack. Henry sighed. Charles been doing that for awhile now and he was soon gonna burst.

"calm down Charles, we'll find her somehow." Henry told him. Charles nodded and then shook his head.

"how can we find her at this point of-!!" Charles was interrupted by his horrible coughs, creating tears on the corner of his eyes due to how hard he coughed.

Charles quickly grabbed his so called 'medicine' bottle and chugged some of the water inside of it.

Henry stared as Charles chugged on it. he didn't question it and shrugged it off.

"you feel better now?" Henry asked. Charles could hear the hints of worry on Henry's voice. did his cough sound that bad?

"yeah, i guess so." Charles sighed, speaking in a whisper.

Henry sighed in relief. he gave Charles a look and shook his head.

"don't speak so loud, you'll lose your voice." Henry spoke softly. Charles gently nodded and looked out the window again.

he needed to calm down. when he finds Ellie, he'll make sure yell and scream at her. he doesn't even care if he loses his voice.

Ruby watched as Charles kept on flicking his light on and off over and over again.

it was getting quite boring. Ruby was tired and she rested on Charles' backpack. although, no matter how much she tires, she cannot sleep.

Charles sighed again and placed his hand and slides it across his face.

Ruby barked softly. Charles turned to her and gave her small pats and her closed her eyes. the car was quiet.

the only thing Henry and Charles could hear was the car zooming across the road.

Ellie heard a car coming and she ducked. Johnny saw a light flicking from the window of it

it flicked again but missed Johnny. the light shown on Ellie's car. she knew who's car that was.

"I'M FUCKED!" Ellie screamed. she ran to Johnny and grabbed his hand. she yanked him through the woods, trying not to trip on every rock.

Johnny screamed throughout the way, begging Ellie to stop.

she finally stopped. they went far enough.

Ellie plopped on the grass on let out a long huff. Johnny's eyes were wide and he rubbed his arm. he slowly turned to Ellie.

".... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Johnny shouted. Ellie, somehow is still calm.

"they found me." Ellie sighed. Johnny was confused until he remembered Ellie's call with Charles.

".. you're fucked."

"i'm fucked."

"you're dead."

"i'm dead as a chicken."

Johnny plopped down next to Ellie and they both let out a sigh.

Henry and Charles stared at Ellie's car, seeing that nobody's in it.

"where is she?!" Charles shouted. Henry just shrugged. "i don't know." 

"i wonder where she is.." Henry whispered, touching the car.

Charles noticed that the car wasn't abandoned by Ellie.

something was off.

and he knew it.


i feel like this doesn't make any sense-

Words: 884 

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