Natillie Prince

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My name is Natillie Adelina Prince although as of four months ago the world now knows me as Wonder Girl, my awesome butt kicking superhero alias. That the media describes as a younger version of Wonder Woman with brute strength and reckless tendencies. So I have a punch first ask questions later policy and to be fair I'm still learning. They are talking about the girl who forgot how to fly, considering Diana and my mother wanted me to keep my powers on the down low.

Starring at the dark haired reporter who made me question my self worth I shoveled the left over chinese noodles into my mouth. Chewing rather viciously she glares at the woman by the name of Lois Lane who was reporting on recent events. Granted she was giving constructive criticism it was not wanted. It made me question what Superman saw in her besides her looks. She is a beautiful lady with her dark black hair and bright blues eyes, it made me all the more willing to punch her in her perfect face. 

Groaning she simply climbs off the couch and stomps towards the kitchen.

"You try saving a bus full of children Lois!" Tossing my dishes into the sink a frown settles upon her features while glancing at the T.V that would always cover the never ending destruction that followed Wonder Girl. She was still  learning and lets just say her punch first and think later policy wasn't working. "For the first time may I add. I don't see you stoping a bus."

"I told you to stop watching this stuff. For one you are still learning and second of all you are only going to undermine your confidence." 

Turning to her older sister Natillie stares at the older woman with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes at she smiled fondly at her. 

"I tried but it's all over the place. I nearly dropped those children right into the ocean all because I heard-" her words trailed off at the thought of what really happened when suddenly she could hear all their thoughts. Cries of anguish. "Because I was distracted" she retorts rather easily. "I was too focused on not using to0 much strength to where I crushed the bus but also enough to where I could get them to safety."

"You think too much Nat. It is more so doing than it is thinking" Diana exclaims while walking over to her with a smile. "Besides you saved those kids and now they are safe at home with their parents. I say this calls for ice cream. I got your favorite." 

"You know sometimes I like having you as a sister" Natillie exclaims while Diana hands her a tub cookies n cream ice cream.

"If sometimes is all I can get then I shall take it." Handing a spoon to Natillie which she takes, she's just about to dig in when a loud beep fills the air. Groaning Natillie shoves a spoon full of  ice cream in her mouth as she rushes off to find her super suit.

"A jewelry store is being robbed" Diana yells while Natillie slips on her blue spandex shorts before stumbling around as she pulls on her red boots. Slipping easily into her red tube top much like Diana's, Wonder Woman  top she then places her tiara over her caramel colored locks. Adjusting her lasso of truth on her waist she slides her bracelets on before zooming out of her room and into the kitchen.

"Natillie" Diana yells while floating outside the window of their apartment

"Coming" she hollars through a mouth full of ice cream as she flies out the window after her older sister who leads the way like always. Not that she was complaining, she didn't know where they were going in the first place but a girl could dream, couldn't she?

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