Chapter 9: Young Justice

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Before Diana left, they managed to bring some of her things over to the cave to make her room feel more like home but despite the pictures that littered her wall and the closet filled with her clothes and her regular bedding, she still felt her sisters absence more than ever. To think she thought that when Diana was keeping her at arms length was bad, having Diana not around for who knows how long was worse.

Although the team did their best to make sure she felt welcomed she was still trying to adjust to things.

"Natillie" a rather cheerful voice exclaims with a soft knock on her room door causing her to close her book and fly over to it. Opening it she stared at the green skinned girl with firey red hair that went by the name M'gann who was also secretly Miss.Martian the teams green martian from Mars. Yes, mars has martians.

"Hi Miss.M" she says with a small smile as the older girl beams at her as Natillie takes note of her beach attire with furrowed eyebrows.

"We're all headed to the beach and wanted to know if you wanted to come. I mean it'll be good for bonding and what not. You've also been in your room a lot and I thought that you would like to get out." Miss.Martian rambles as Natillie lets out a small laugh deciding to relieve the girl from continuing as she agrees to go out with them after she got changed. "Great! I'll tell the others" And with that Miss.M is flying down the hall.

Dressed in a pair of black shorts and a black and white polka dot bikini top she greets that team in the kitchen as Meghan announces her arrival. 

"We're glad you decided to come" Aqualad exclaims as Natillie stares at the dark skinned Atlantian who was their team leader as of lately. She smiles at him before Robin throws an arm around her shoulders as they head out the cave and to happy harbor beach which just so happened to be right outside the cave.

"We should go to the beach more often" M'gann exclaims while smiling as she cheers rather excitedly. Natillie was pretty sure they didn't have beaches on Mars not to mention the planet had a civil war between the white and green martians from what M'gann told her.

"First a moment of silence for our absent comrade" Robin exclaims rather dramatically while Natillie laughs rather softly. It turns out the ginger from her fight with Amazo who was also know as Kid Flash was also on the team along with Superboy, Conner Kent, the guy who appeared to be like superman but wasn't. She could relate to him and actually did but he still kept her at arms length like everyone else. 

"Ok. Moment of silence is over." Robin exclaims while pulling her towards the water while she laughs.

To be honest she was glad that she took M'gann up on her offer to join them at the beach because she had a blast and for once she felt normal. It had taken them awhile to convince Conner to join them in the water and relax which he finally did. They ate hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch on the beach which was followed by burying Conner in the stand before they had an intense game of volley ball. Her and Miss.Martian went up against the boys although Conner and her may have gotten a little too carried away trying to one up one another which lead to the ball popping and an epic water fight that Aqualad bested the both of them in. 

They were laughing so hard that they almost missed Batman radioing them in.

Walking into the main room all dressed up in her bright red tube top and spandex blue shorts with her knees high red boots with her lasso of truth attached to her side she took note of the familiar blonde who stood next to Green Arrow. 

Flying over to the team she lands just as the computer voice announce the arrival of Kid Flash. "The wall man is here" he yells right before he goes crashing into the floor earning a cringe from Natillie as his things go flying.

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