Chapter 1: Another Amazon

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Slamming into one of the many jewelry displays the glass shatters on impact as the momentum of the blast sends her crashing to the ground. Ignoring how her body ached from being thrown around like a rag doll by this telekinetic jerk she blows her hair out of her face while glancing up at him with a smirk.

"Well at least we know that your mother didn't teach you not to hit-" before she can finish she's rolling out of the way of the display that crashes into the floor where she laid just a few seconds ago. Glaring at the man who smiles at her she scrambles to her feet while meeting his gaze. 

Dodging a chair that is sent flying towards her she flies towards him barley dodging the pieces of furniture he sends flying towards her. Reaching him in a matter of seconds she grabs him by the shirt easily lifting him up off the ground she meets his gaze, staring into his strikingly dark irises she smirks.

"Not so big and bad now, are ya?" she gloats while smiling as she was rather pleased with herself for catching him. "So what do they call you?" Not expecting him to say anything as he has been rather quiet during their fight except for his creepy facial expressions she shrugs it off when he doesn't respond as she turns her attention to Wonder Woman. 

Watching her fight the blonde who appears to match her in strength and height. Some thing about the woman seemed familiar. Narrowing her eyes at the two she watches as Diana pulls her punches from doing any real damage. 

"I think the real question it what do they call you?" the man exclaims as she snaps her head towards him so fast she could get whiplash. Staring at the man whose mouth was sealed shut, her eyes scan his face before she hears him again despite how his mouth doesn't even open. "Natillie Prince. I suppose it has a nice ring to it." 

Releasing her hold on him she cringes at the sound of his voice in her head as her memories are pulled forward, the last fifteen years flying forward all at once. Glimpses of memories she surely didn't remember and some she did. Clutching her head she lets out a screams as she falls to her knees in a heap as she struggles to get air through her lungs. He searched through her memory picking apart every last detail in the time span of seconds. The pain intensifying with ever memory he plucked from her skull until she was born. Those memories  proved to be the worst as she fell onto her hands and knees trying her best to fight him off as tears streamed from her eye before she let out a scream so deafening it shook the building but it was enough to push him out.

Gasping for air her eyes flashed open as she stared at the man before her who seemed almost satisfied with his findings. Pulling her hands from the tiled floor she flung herself at him in a battle of pride as she ignored the salty tears falling from her eyes at the feeling of being violated. 

Throwing a punch that he only blocked mentally she threw everything she could at him, allowing her anger and pride to get to her. Spinning into a round house kick she smiles as her foot slams into his side before jabbing him in the face with her elbow. 

Unlike Wonder Woman she wasn't going to pull her punches. 

Her body trembled at the surfaced memories before she clenched her fists aiming to do some damage. She was going for another hit when Wonder Woman grabbed her wrist with alarming speed.

"Control" she simply says before Natillie's pulling her out of the way from an attack by the blonde woman.

"Got it" Natillie states as she remembers what happened with the school bus. Turning to the blonde she lets her come to her, despite how intimidating she was. Standing her ground she dodged the punches and kicks with ease, enough for her to know that the woman was holding back on her. 

This only added fuel to the fire inside her. Did she not think that I was a worthy opponent?

Studying the woman's movement Natillie pushed herself farther. Throwing punches and kicks she analyzed her movements with ease knowing all the techniques like the back of her hand. 

They were taught at a young age how to fight on Themyscira and this was their fighting style. Staring at the woman she ignored the headache that was coming along as she tried to piece everything together. 

"You've finally figured it out" the older woman exclaims while circling Natillie her eyes never leaving her

"You're one of us?" Natillie states although it sounded more like a question than a statement

"Surprise. I thought I would stop by and pay my sister a visit" the blonde states as Natillie follows her gaze to Diana before looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"No way" she states while looking at her with wide eyes trying to wrap her mind around this newfound information that explained why Wonder Woman was holding back her punches.

"Yeah! But that doesn't make us sisters." 

As if on cue the ground is sailing towards her as her feet fly out from under her. Staring up at the blonde, Natillie barely dodges a foot to the face as she hurries to get to her feet. Instead she's slowly picked up by the foot where she dangles upside down facing the woman.

"Let her go Aresia" Wonder Woman yells while walking over to the two making it just one big happy family reunion, note the sarcasm.

"Now why would I do that, Diana" Aresia states while tightening her grip on Natillie's leg as she stares at Diana.


"Oh spare me, Diana. I see you and mom were quick to find a replacement." Scoffing at Aresia she swings her arms at her but finds it's difficult no thanks to Mr.Silent. How did this relationship between then work? He never said anything. "She's a poor copy" 

"You left us! Your fight is with me and mother-" Diana begins before being cut off

"You mean your mother. We both know she's not my mother."

"Just let her go" Diana states her voice boarder line pleading which was a first. Diana never pleaded for anything but obviously this was different for multiple reasons. 


Before she can register whats happening, Natillie is soaring through the air crashing into the window of the shop with enough force to shatter the window. Shielding her self from the glass she barely has time to stop herself as she hits a car while Diana tackles Aersia, taking on the two of them with ease. 

"We got what we came for lets go" Aresia yells in between grunts as she does her best to fight off Wonder Woman but she's no longer pulling her punches. 

Groaning Natillie slowly pushes herself up off the car that she tumbles off, hitting the ground with a grunt she ignores the Wonder Girl sized dent in the car as she gets to her feet. She wasn't ready to end this fight. Stumbling towards the jewelry store she can hear the sirens of police cars nearing them. Reaching the door she drags her feet along the glass floor fighting the aching of her body.

"She just doesn't know how to give up" Aersia states causing Diana to glance at her which allows Aersia a chance to hit her square in the jaw before turning to James as they share a hidden agree. Suddenly her head begins throbbing again as she struggles to keep herself upright. Diana doesn't seems to be fairing rather nicely to it either as she glares at them before the headache intensifies bringing her to her knees while Natillie collapses in a heap. Glass shards dig into her skin making her feel more human than amazon. Fighting against it she watches as Aersia nears her before kneeling beside her as the guy focuses his attention on Wonder Woman.

The blonde gently touches her cheek while smiling at her.

"I stand corrected. You're not a poor copy after all. Sweet dreams dear" Ignoring how memories from when she was an infant flooding her mind she relinquished her hold on fighting against the throbbing headache as she gave in to the darkness that was taunting her.

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