Chapter 18: Failsafe

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Both the Green Lanterns of Earth fly up to the strange alien ship just outside Earth's atmosphere as Batman hangs back in a space ship waiting to see what happens. That is before the two lanterns are disintegrated while Batman orders a code red as the cargo doors of the space ship Batman was in opens revealing Superman, Martian Manhunter, Atom, and Captain Marvel. All who are immediately disintegrated before Batman is.

The transmission cuts off just as they catch a glimpse of all the alien ships ready to invade Earth.

Natillie turns her attention to Zatara who appears on a screen that Tornado turns to.

"Tornado, did you" the magician begins before Tornado cuts in 

"Yes Zatarra. We saw." he states "Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all Terrestrial measures." Zatarra simply nods before the transmission is cut off as Tornado turns to the team. "I must help the league. We will protect the planet at all costs but should we fail. The responsibility falls to you."

"We stand ready" Aqualad exclaims while glancing at the team.

From the cave they watch new reports of different reporters talking about the aliens attacking while league members try to stop them but only end up failing as they too are disintegrated. Turning her attention to a screen that shows Wonder Woman destroying a few ships, Natillie simply smiles at her sister before she goes to deflect a blast and she's disintegrated too.

"Red Tornado to cave. I fear that I am all that remains of the league." the android exclaims while radioing us

"R.T" Robin yells before Tornado is disintegrated

Staring at the destruction showing up on the screens Natillie then glances at Aqualad.

"We are Earth's heroes now" he exclaims

"So what are we waiting for?" Superboy yells while looking at their leader "A theme song?"

"A strategy" Aqualad retorts while Natillie turns her attention to Robin who was typing on his holo-computer. "Earths weapons are ineffective and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."

"Here's where the aliens are now" Robin exclaims while pulling up at satellite image of the world with multiple red dots scattered on it, showing where the aliens were at.

"This one get lost?" Natillie question while pointing at a red dot that seemed all alone.

"That's Superman's fortress of solitude" Robin answers

"Superman has a fortress of solitude?" Superboy questions sounding surprised by the place

"It's power source must have caught their attention" Robin exclaims "At least enough to send a scout ship"

"We will target this lone ship" Aqualad states while Natillie nods

"Yeah! Break it down. Build more. Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo." Kid Flash yells while punching his hand to show he meant business before Artemis is smacking him upside the shoulder.

"Martian and Kryptonian in the house" Artemis whispers causing Natillie to smile.

"Not that all aliens are ugly" Kid Flash states in an attempt to fix his mistake before the team goes to suite up to head to the fortrice of solitude.

Dressed in a long white cat suite along with a light gray cloak and  boots she adjusts her belt before taking her seat in the Bio-ship. The ride to the fortress of solitude was silent as Aqualad gave them the run through on how they were going to take out this lone ship.

They land away from the alien ship and trek their way towards it before getting in position.

Watching as Miss.Martian rips a piece of the ship off, Natillie relaxes. "Communications disabled" Miss.M states while the ship drops to the ground right before Natillie looks at Artemis signaling her to fire.

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