Chapter 24: Messing with Magic

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"DIANA!" her sister's name rips from her throat as her blue eyes widen in horror before her knees slam into the pavement with a sickening smack. Fresh tears fill her eyes as she stares at where her sister and Aresia were just at before they vanished into thin air.

Her heart slams against her chest as she gasps for air the tears stinging her eyes before running into the cut on her cheek. Bracing herself on her hands and knees, Natillie closes her eyes. 

Was this another one of James twisted tests? 

He did love to torment her emotionally, always trying to push the extent of who she is.

But why would Aresia vanish with Diana?

Taking a deep breath she slowly comes back to her senses as cries of terror fill her ears. Instantly her eyes flash open as she takes in the scenery around her. Granted people were running from the fight between them and Aresia she could now see a few cars swerved on the sidewalk, some crashed into one another while a few kids littered the street.

Wiping the tears from her cheeks she scrambles to her feet while spinning around to take in the chaos. Her legs wobble from exhaustion as she then takes to the air to get a better look at everything. Destruction littered the streets of Metropolis far beyond where Diana and her were fighting with Aresia.

Her phone begins ringing pulling her from her thoughts as she fishes it out of her left boot. Not bothering to check the caller ID she answers it with a raspy hello.

"Wonder" a familiar voice exclaims as she attempts to clear her throat, willing herself to focus on what is happening rather than worrying about Diana and Aresia.

"Yeah.Yeah. I'm here" she states while closing her eyes rather briefly

There is a pause like he's debating on what to say before Robin speaks up again. "Every social media platform has been stating the same thing: anyone over the age of eighteen has vanished. No signs. No nothing. They're there one moment and gone the next. It's happened all over the world."

So it's not one of James' cruel tests.

Although that doesn't bring as much relief as she was hoping for considering her sister was still missing. 

"We can't reach anyone. Kid and the others have set up a refuge in Happy Harbor." 

"I'm in Metropolis at the moment so I'll start setting one up here" Natillie begins her voice soft and some what detached as she begins to focus on the task at hand. "It will be too long of a commute to get every kid here all the way to Happy Harbor."

"I'll send Superboy your way to help" Robin states almost instantly as if he knew she was going to make this decision "Zatanna thinks that we're dealing with sorcery so we'll be trying to locate the source here at the cave." There's a pause as if he's debating something so Natillie simply responds with an ok.

"Ok. I'll call if we have anything else." he states a Natillie nods forgetting that he can't even see her.  With that she's hanging up her phone and descending to the ground where she begins assessing the situation. 

The sun will be setting soon so she'll have to make quick work before nightfall.

Deciding to set up a refuge at her school Metropolis High, Natillie begins rescuing kids from cars that crashed into one another to young ones who have simply taken to crying in the middle of the street. She's pulling open car doors and busting down apartment doors left and right ignoring the exhaustion that tugs at her from her fight with Aresia earlier but it keeps her mind from wandering to Diana.

The alarm of a convenient store snaps her out of her trans-like state as she snaps her head towards the alarm. Narrowing her eyes at a group of kids maybe her age and older laughing while holding arms full of candy.

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