Chapter 11: Broken Picture

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Natillie didn't know why she agreed with Barbara's idea to confront Monica but here she was away from the heart of Metropolis and heading to where her best friend lives. Although despite how she should have been dressed up as Wonder Girl she chose to keep her regular clothes on while wearing her Wonder Girl outfit underneath but she did thread her lasso of truth in the belt loops of her jeans for easy access. She just prayed to the Gods above that she wouldn't have to use it but then again they weren't that kind to her the past month.

Bumping into Barbara's arm that she held out to stop her, she follows her friends line of sight before staring at the house before them. She stares at the trailer in the drive way of the one story house that was covered in vines before turning to stare at the house that had vines covering the front and sides as if they didn't bother to trim their yard in years.

Glancing at Barbara who pulls out a knife from her boot, Natillie's eyes widen a fraction before following her up the front steps. Nearing the door she watches as Barbara uses her knife to cut through the vines on the door, that's when she hears the muffled noises from behind the door that become louder once Barbara opens the door. Slipping inside she notices more plants crawling up the walls as they venture deep into the house.

Hearing something crunch under her foot as she was walks into the living room, Natillie bends down to pick up a fallen picture frame. She turns it over in her hands only to notice a picture of her, Barbara and Monica. A smile reaches her lips as she remembers the day they took the picture as she runs her fingers along the shattered glass of the frame until she frowns hearing the muffled noises again.

Looking around her eyes widen as she stares at the figures on the wall that reminded her of mummies except instead of being wrapped in gauze they were wrapped in plants and held up against the wall. Nearing them she takes note of how one of the figures was moving while mumbling.

"It's ok" Natillie exclaims while reaching to touch them when she hisses in pain at the thorns. She could only imagine how they felt. "Stop struggling you're making it worse"

Watching as they slowly still she glances at Barbara who was in the kitchen rummaging through the drawers before pulling out a larger knife. Flying over to her she takes a knife before flying back to the figure. They begin cutting through the vines when a loud bang comes from the room down the hall.

The plants on the floor soon come to life around them before a figure emerges from the hallway startling Natillie.

"I wouldn't do that it I were you" Monica exclaims as a the cuts Natillie and Barbara made to free whoever she was holding hostage began to weave themselves back together.

"Monica" she says rather softly while nearing her but she's pulled to a stop by a plant that wraps around her ankles, glancing at Barbara who was assessing the situation she turns her attention to Monica. "Ok.Ok. I won't let them out"

At this the person she was trying to set free begins squirming again while mumbling for help causing Monica to frown before the plants begin to unravel. Turning to get a look at who was behind the vines she looks at Monica's mom, Mrs. Sanders. The older woman falls to the floor while gasping for air. Staring at the cuts all over Mrs.Sanders body Natillie looks down at the floor trying to wrap her mind around things.

First the incident with Amanda which more than likely triggered something with in her then her parents but what did they do? Was her stepdad still alive? She was probably just mad they must have done something to provoke her, Monica wouldn't just do this too them.

Would she?

What happened with Amanda was because the girl was a jerk but did she really deserve to be attacked by plants and strung up on the wall?

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