Chapter 22: Unhinged

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[A/N: This chapter is super long because I didn't feel like it should be separated. Sorry in advance.]

A week had passed since her sister, Selene, impaled her with an arrow that might as well been shot through her heart rather than her right side. 

Despite how Diana was back she avoided their apartment like the plague and kept herself as busy as she could even though Batman put her on the metaphorical bench while the team went out on missions.

Staring at her computer and the zero search results for Selene Cadence on instagram she frowns, was it too hard to hope she would have an instagram where she would document all the people she stabbed. Glaring at the screen she then slams it shut before standing up from her desk rather abruptly. 

By now she wanted to pull out her hair while throwing herself on the floor so that she could throw a tantrum but what would that solve besides her going bald early and looking like a complete fool.

Deciding to actually leave the comfort and security of her room she wanders down the hallway towards the kitchen. She can't recall the last time she had a proper meal but she would settle for whatever junk food she could find. 

She heads towards the cabinets when she notices the black and white static of the T.V that Connor always liked to watch. He claimed it was calming. Grabbing a bag of chips she walks over to the couch and plops down while staring at the static hoping it would calm her down as well.

Instead the black and white static was almost hypnotising as she zones out her shoulders relaxing as she stops munching on her chips and just simply exists. All her worries seem to vanish as it's just her and the static of the television when she begins to hear voices.

"I can't believe he would say that"

"They won't find me here"

"Uggh. Will he ever stop talking"

None of which belonged to her.

"Do you think she's ok?" This voice she recognizes as Miss.Martian but the team wasn't even in the cave as Batman sent them on a mission bright and early today.

"If I am being honest, no" Aqualad adds causing Natillie to look around the room instinctively for the source by comes up short as she expected. "She's the youngest out of all of us and I fear this all may be too much"

"Natillie's strong. She can handle this." It's Artemis this time as a sharp pain erupts in her head causing her to cringe as she strains to listen. "She's also not only dealing with our team's agenda but her own as well"

"You mean the other Amazon lady." Wally adds reminding her of Aresia "Oh! And not to mention that weird telepath you guys came across along with her evil twin?"

"Selene" she whispers before gasping as her mind goes blank before focusing on the girl. Her dark brown hair and cold blue eyes almost a mirror of herself.

Suddenly a new image of the girl appears against her eye lids of her leaving what appeared to be a hang out of sorts. Catching sight of a street sign she wants to see more when she hears someone calling her as she feels something run from her nose.

Her eyes snap open releasing a burst of psychic energy that causes the lights to flicker before shaking the room.

"Ok.What was that?" Wally questions as she turns to look at the team as they stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Her eyes lock with Artemis's who are filled with concern before Natillie looks away reaching up to touch the all too familiar crimson liquid that fell from her nose at the use of her new powers.

Staring at the blood she almost misses Miss.Martian calling her as she wipes at her nose to stare at the martian with a forced smile.

"Yeah" she answers while getting to her feet rather abruptly a plan already forming in her mind with the new found knowledge she just received.

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