Chapter 20: Girls Night Out (part 2)

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Jolting awake her eyes flash open while she scrambles to her feet only to back up against a metal wall. Her eyes slowly adjust to the darkness as she runs her hands along that surface of the wall only to find that she was in a circular container. 

Her heart slowly began to speed up as she dwelled on the small place knowing it was only going to make her claustrophobia worse. 

Slamming her hands against the metal she ignored the pain that ran through her arms. "Hey!" screaming she bangs on the walls as her breathing increases.

"Not a fan of small spaces are you?" a familiar voice questions as she instinctively looks around for the source.

"What do you want James?" Natillie spits out while slamming her hand against the wall in anger. She didn't have time to be toyed with, she needed to find Artemis and Batgirl. 

"Isn't that an answer you would like" James states more than likely smiling at her discomfort

"Where's Aresia? She's easier to talk to than you" Natillie fires back while narrowing her eyes in the darkness hoping to see anything but comes up short.

"I'm sure she is" James replies "My wife is many things but keeping her emotions in check is not her specialty. She doesn't know what she wants. I on the other hand know exactly what I want. I know better than to be challenge by a young girl like you graced with powers she can't even fathom built on false foundations." 

Frowning at his words she shakes the doubt in her head telling her his words had meaning behind them. "Lies" she whispers.

"What do you want James" she yells as her mind clears pushing her previous thoughts to the back of her head.

"Isn't it obvious." James answers with a small laugh "I want to see what you're made of Wonder Girl"

As if on cue the floor begins to move causing her to stumble before she's looking up, the sound of cheering filling her ears as her heart begins to race. Instantly blinded by bright lights she cringes while shielding herself before letting her eyes slowly adjust to the lighting. 

Looking around the glass cage she frowns as she takes in the men and women siting of the other side cheering.  What was this?

Her attention turns to a familiar blonde who was standing across from her with a frown gracing her features. 


The blonde held onto her bow as if it was a life line her body stiff. That's when Natillie noticed the inhibitor collar around the archers neck. Narrowing her eyes at the girl she looks up as the speakers come to life while the crowd slowly begins to silence.

"I'm happy to introduce to you guys, Wonder Girl herself. Protege of Wonder Woman." a voice she immediately recognizes as Roulette. The crowd cheers with glee again. "Who will go against Artemis, the protege of the Archer in Star City. I hope you guys placed you bets because only one person will be walking away from this round."

Natillie's eyes widen at her words, knowing the true meaning behind them. 

Staring at her friend she ignores how her heart begins to pound while the Roulette begins to count do.

"3" The crowd roars with glee 

"2" Her stomach slowly churns while her mind races

"1" Artemis is running at her full force wasting no time. Flying out of the way she lands rather light while she keeps her eyes on the blonde.

"Artemis" Natillie exclaims in a weak attempt to reach her friend as the girl turns to her with her bow aimed. "You don't have to do this"

The older girl responds by firing multiple arrows at her that she easily deflects with her metal bracelets, only for an explosive arrow to hit her sending her flying backwards. 

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