Chapter 3: We Meet Again

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Before she knows it Aresia is grabbing her and sending her straight through the plaster wall and into the next room. Hitting the ground with a thud she shifts her weight in an attempt to get up only for a hand to wrap around her neck. Lifted up like she barely weighed anything Natillie stared at the blonde in front of her before something rolled across the floor. Turning her attention back to Aresia, she smiles as the bomb goes off.


"No one just disappears without a trance" Robin exclaims while glancing at her as she shifts her weight rather impatiently although she was only fidgeting because she didn't want Diana to arrive home before she did. 

She's pulled to a stop by Robin who sends her a sharp glare causing her to raise her hands up in mock surrender. He releases his hold on her before going back to looking through the camera footage from across the street of the Jewelry store. 

Watching as he hacks the feed, she makes a mental note to get him to teach her how to hack just incase she needed to hack something. I mean if it ever presented itself. 

Suddenly he was tapping into a variety of camera's following Aresia and Mr.Silent's movement creating the path that they took to get away. Although she was glad to get a lead she felt like it was just too easy and apparently she wasn't the only one.

"Could be a trap" he states while looking up at her from the holo-computer on his wrist that showed a clear path to where they had vanished off too.

"It is a trap" Natillie corrects him while looking up from her red boots to look at him "Only one way to find out" 

A devious smile reaches her lips as she places her hands on her hips. 

They had managed to gain access to the cameras thanks to Robin and now they had a lead in just an hour. 

"Come on. What's the worst that could happen" Natillie states rather simply while folding her arms over her chest as he narrowed his eyes at her

"Everything!" he states while leaning against his motorcycle "You say that and I think of all the ways this could end badly. Would you like me to name them because I can?"

"We know it's a trap besides I just want answers. I can punch and pummel people later." Natillie exclaims trying to convince him to come along with her but judging by the scowl on his face, he wasn't convinced. "First sign of trouble we can bolt out of there and let the League deal with it"

"Oh No" Robin states while pushing off his motorcycle as her eyebrows furrow at him. Handing her the helmet she takes it despite being confused as to what changed his mind. "We don't need the league" she stares at him with narrowed eyes before he sighs "at least not right now"

"Ok" she states rather softly while pulling her helmet on over her head.

"Besides why do they get to have all the fun" 

Smiling softly she climbs onto the motorcycle after him, securing her arms around him before he takes off down the street following the directions from his computer.

Natillie knew very well this was a trap, Aresia and her partner have remained hidden for years and something told her that if they wanted to they could easily go back into hiding. Yet, that didn't stop her from heading after them. 

What was she doing? Why was this bothering her as much as it was?

Closing her eyes she focuses on the wind blowing past them as they neared there destination. Maybe this was a bad idea. No it was the definition of a bad idea but then again she was tired of being left behind.

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