Chapter 25: Trust Me

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Smiling at the tv as she caught sight of Diana on the screen while the League began to induct the newest members, Natillie shovels a spoonful of honeycombs into her mouth. Catching sight of Captain Marvel she nods approvingly glad that they kept him on the team considering he withheld the information about him being a twelve year old. That's when she notices Red Arrow, granted the guy had a bad attitude half the time Natillie had to admit it was cool to see a sidekick become a hero. 

"Way to go Roy" she whispers before eating another spoonful of honeycombs.

That's when her phone chimes from it's spot beside her. Keeping her eyes on the screen not wanting to miss a minute of the induction ceremony she feels around for her phone before finding it. She glances at it noticing a message from Robin claiming she was needed. 

Putting her bowl on the coffee table she runs towards her room knowing that there was no time to spare. Swinging the door open she rushes to her bed before her body stills as she snaps her head towards the person standing in her room. 

In an instant Natillie is on her feet facing the blonde who stares at her rather hopefully.

They knew where she lived.

The thought alone sends a chill down her spine as her fists clench at her side. "What are you doing here?" Natillie spits out with so much distaste that the older woman cringes before regaining her composure as her blue eyes find hers.

"We need to talk" Aresia states rather simply leaving Natillie's mind to race with all the conversations they could have or where to begin but her curiosity dwindles as she remembers the last time they spoke.

"You put me through a wall the last time you wanted to talk" she fires back almost instantly while narrowing her eyes at the blonde

"All I want is my family back" Aresia exclaims causing Natillie's face to contort in disgust as she feels her stomach churn, making her feel nauseous. She was not a part of their family.

Diana and Queen Hippolyta were -- are -- her family.

Shaking her head at the notion, Natillie's waves fall over her shoulders before she lets out a harsh laugh wondering how deluded this woman was."I will never be a part of your family." the words leave a bitter taste in her mouth but that doesn't stop her from continuing "You may be my blood along with that deranged psychopath you call husband but I will never be your daughter. Do you understand me?"

"Natillie" Aresia begins while taking a step towards her causing Natillie to jerk away stumbling backwards in the process before regaining her balance. Looking at the woman who's eyes remained impassive while masking the hurt she felt.

"It's too late" she whispers her voice barely even audible as she stares down at the ground before looking up at Aresia. "You lost the right to be apart of my life a long time ago" Watching as the blonde goes to open her mouth, she cuts her off with the wave of her hand. "Nothing you can possibly say will make this any better."

"It's funny that you say that because here we are" Aresia states while gesturing around her before her eyes fall back onto her. "You're still listening to me despite everything. You have yet to attack or yell at me, all you do is stand there drawing lines when you don't even know the half of it"

"I know enough"

"Do you though?" Aresia questions with a small smirk gracing her lips "Don't you want to know the truth about who you are?" Of course she does but can she trust the source. " You have spent most of your life feeling like you don't belong, trapped behind Diana's shadow but really you were destined for so much more." How did she even know this stuff? But then Natillie remembers James picking through her brain when they first met. "Aren't you curious as to what you are capable of?" 

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