A Faint Smile

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"What exactly are we looking out for?" Felix whispered into the ear in between you and Kai.

The weather was calm as you three were crouched down on the roof of the house. You looked to your right to see Levi sitting on the roof next to you. He had his eyes glued to the alleyway in front of you guys.

"I guess a large titan like normal. Or for the other scouts signal." You let out a sigh of exhaustion as you waited patiently for any action.

"If Levi is commanding us, does that mean we're part of his squad now?" Felix scooted closer to you and Kai. "No, he just needs a group right now before they find some people fit for him." Kai looked over at Levi and rolled his eyes.

"And Felix, why so many questions? Just stay focused, alright?" Kai took Felix's head in his grasp and forcefully turned his head towards the street.

The sound of shouting filled the streets, causing you and everyone else to be more alert. you crouched down lower and began to crawl on the roof to get a better view of what was going on.

You could see three figures in green cloaks and one person with bright blonde hair standing in front of them. "That must be Annie, keep an eye on her." You looked over at Levi for a command, but he stayed still.

As you were focused on Levi, you felt a large gust of wind, sending you flying off the roof.

You snapped back to reality and quickly grappled into the roof, before you hit the ground. The gust of wind stopped, almost as suddenly as it had begun. "It's time!"

You heard Kai shout and you looked up to see him and Levi moving towards the large titan that had appeared.

It was the same titan as the one in the woods, the female titan.

Felix flew in front of you, rushing towards the female titan.

No matter how close you got to her, you couldn't get close enough. She would swing her arms, or harden her body parts so that you couldn't get a good hit.

You dug your hooks into her shoulders, sending you flying high into the air. Positioning yourself right above her nape, you spiraled down head first and extended your arms.

You brought down your blades on her nape, only to be greeted by the crystallized shell that had formed. You hopped back onto a roof and dropped the dull blades and replaced them with new ones.

Levi landed on the building next to you, looking at the kid with brown hair flying through the air. "Captain Levi, we aren't going to take her down like this." You were out of breath and hunched over.

"I know, tell your team to stand back." Levi once again jumped up and swung himself towards the other Survey Corps members.

"Kai! Felix!" You waved your arms and they immediately came towards you. "Levi said to stand back, I think they're going to use Jaeger." They both nodded and stood on the rooftop next to you.

It wasn't much longer until you felt another gust of wind and a roar coming from the direction of the female titan. You looked in astonishment as you stared at the large titan that had appeared. It was built with a lot of muscle and long brown hair.

"Woah." Felix's mouth opened as he stared up at the titan. Once the other titan appeared, was when the real fighting started. You watched as the two titans fought it out. Every kick, every punch, made a loud noise and a large shake of the ground.

As your team stood there watching the titans battle, Levi dropped in next to you. "You actually listened to me." You looked over at him and gave him a small smile. "I'll always listen, but I won't always take your words into consideration."

A faint smile appeared on Levi's face, which surprised you, but it soon disappeared when there was the sound of a horrendous roar.

You looked over to see Eren's titan towering over the body of the female titan. You could barely see what was going on, but when you squinted your eyes and focused more on the female's nape, you could see that it was crystallized, but this time there was a body in the crystal.

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