For The Last Time

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Your body seemed to have repaired itself overnight, but you still felt like you were about to throw up your insides. You rolled out of Levi's bed, clutching onto your stomach. Levi was perched at his desk, his eyes following you as you stood up.

"You okay?" Levi walked over to you, reaching out and grabbing your arm. "Yeah I'm fine, I just still feel like I'm going to throw up my entire stomach." You sat down in the edge of the bed and put your head in between your knees.

"I'll go get Rose and Hange." Levi walked towards the door and disappeared, leaving you to deal with the pain alone. Soon enough you heard Hange's loud leaps through the hall and he shouting.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Hange came bursting into the room with Rose right on her heals. "Yeah I'm fine." You lifted your head up to look at them. "You don't look to good. Don't do anything from now on ok? Levi can take over your duties." Hange looked at him and winked, but he just scoffed. "Come on, it's the least you can do for your fiancé." Hange smiled and gave a Levi a nudge in his rib cage.

"I need you to find out what's going on with Y/N." Levi walked towards you and placed his hand on your forehead. "I'm no doctor Levi." Hange stepped over to you, shoving Levi out of the way and placing her hand on your cheek.

"You're burning up... Jesus." Hange stepped back and looked to Rose. Rose nodded her head and quickly ran out of the room. "Hange, what are you going to do." Levi looked at Hange sternly and then at you.

You could feel yourself going in and out as your head began throbbing. "A couple of recruits had the same symptoms last week..." Hange leaned into Levi and whispered in his ear.

You looked to Levi, but he didn't even dare make eye contact with you. You felt your eyes roll back into your head as you tried to keep yourself sitting up. "Y/N. Hey! Y/N!" Levi began shouting as you fell back into the bed, your eyesight going black.

You woke up to a bunch of whispers around you. You could pick out Levi's and Rose's voice. "Hey, shush." You heard Levi's voice get closer to you and the bed that you were laying on sink in.

You tried to open your eyes, but they were heavy and you were too weak. "Don't force yourself to do anything. Just stay still." Levi stroked your hair out of your face and patted your head. You groaned as you tried to speak, but you couldn't form any words.

"I'll leave Y/N with you." Rose moved out of the room, leaving Levi sitting in the bed. You laid there unable to move as you began to hear sniffling.

You wanted to reach out to Levi, but you couldn't lift up your arms. "Y/N... T-They said you won't make it." Levi began to speak, but his words were interrupted by his sniffles.

"Please. You made a promise. You can't leave me. We haven't gotten married. We haven't ended this war. Please there's so much I want to do with you. You can't die to a fucking illness." Levi slammed his fist in the bed and he collapsed onto you.

He began to breathe rapidly, choking on the tears streaming down his face. The tears soaked the bed sheets that you were underneath.

"God dammit Y/N. Please just... please live for me. First Erwin, now you. You're all I have left." Levi sobbed, his normal demeanor changing. "The next time I come in here, you better be better. We have to defeat Marley and I can't do it without you." Levi stood up from the bed, sniffling as he wiped his tears away. He began to walk away from you and you tried your hardest to spit out some words, but your body wouldn't let you.

Before you could move at all or make any noise, Levi was gone. You gave up and sunk back into the bed. You felt yourself once again starting to be engulfed by the darkness.

Is this the last time I'll be closing my eyes? Please, Levi. Come back.

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