Wall Maria

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"Levi, you have to tell me everything that happened on the mission." You sat in the chair in the corner of his room with your legs to your chest.

"Kenny and Rod are dead." Levi sat slowly behind his desk and looked straight at you. "Oh." You tried to look for any sign of emotions in Levi's eyes. "Kenny gave me this." Levi grabbed a box sitting on his desk and held it up.

It looked like the same type of box that held the serums that Eren and Rod took. "Is that..." "Yes, another serum. I told Erwin and he's entrusted me with it." Levi set the box down and stared at it.

"What's the next step?" You looked to Levi as he continued to look at the serum. "We are meeting with Erwin and the others to discuss that." Levi stood up from his desk and walked over to you. He crouched down and ran his hands down your face and to your neck.

"This. You always where it." He pointed to the necklace that hung from your neck. "Yeah, my mother gave it to me when I was a child." You grabbed onto the necklace and held it out so he could see the small locket.

"Do you mind adding another piece?" Levi reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out something shiny. He opened his palm in front of you to reveal a silver ring. "I know it's not much and it's simple but I found it-"

"Levi, it's beautiful." You smiled widely and tears began to form in your eyes. Levi grabbed your left hand and slowly slide the ring onto your ring finger. It fit perfectly and definitely wouldn't slide off during combat.

You wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and pulled him close to you. "I love you Levi, thank you." Levi ruffled your hair and pulled back. "I'm glad but now we have to go."

Levi quickly shot up from the floor and walked over to the door. You stood up from the chair and admired the ring sitting on your finger. It was a simple silver band, but it was beautiful.

You followed Levi out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind you. You walked with Levi down the hall towards Erwin's door. Before you even reached the door, you could hear voices coming from the room. Levi swung the door open without knocking and entered the room.

"Well look who's here." Erwin grinned as he saw you and Levi enter the room. You stood against the back wall and scanned the room filled with familiar faces. Erwin, Hange, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and your squad.

"We were just about to discuss the important details." Erwin looked to you and nodded his head.

"Our next mission is going to be dealing with Wall Maria." Erwin looked to Eren and Eren straightened his back. "Eren has now obtained the hardening ability for his titan, which we can use to our advantage."

Erwin stood up from the large table and looked to you and your squad. "Y/N, you and your squad's job is to help clear the way for Eren's titan. We want Eren to have full strength when he goes to use his ability. Once the path is cleared, Eren can go in where Wall Maria was breached and harden the wall so we can start building the device."

Everyone nodded, but you slowly lifted your hand up. "Yes Y/N?" Erwin looked over to you. "Uh, I think I missed the memo about the device you're talking about." Hange jumped up from her chair and looked at you with large eyes.

"We are building a titan executioner!" She threw her hands up in the air and danced around. Levi looked to you and rolled his eyes. "You seem a little too excited for this four-eyes especially since you enjoy experimenting on them."

Hange brought her hands down and frowned at Levi. "This device is going to be amazing, of course I'm excited." Erwin chuckled and Hange and motioned for her to sit down.

"We will set out to wall Maria tomorrow morning, so please get your rest so you're ready for the mission." Erwin motioned towards the door and you opened it. Everyone began to shuffle out, but Erwin grabbed your arm and pulled you back.

"I hope you aren't angry that I made you stay here the last mission." You shook your head and pulled your arm away from Erwin. "I was at first but I understand." You looked to Levi who was right behind Erwin.

"Levi." Erwin turned around to face Levi. "I have discussed with the council that it would be best for you to keep hold of the serum. I know you'll make good decisions."

Levi kept a straight face and walked by Erwin. Erwin let out a sigh and walked back towards his desk. "Don't think I don't notice that ring Y/N." Erwin smiled at you as he sat down at his desk and began to shuffle through papers.

"Go, enjoy your time with him." He shooed you away. You let out a laugh and raced after Levi. "What sort of decisions would you have to make with that serum?" You grabbed onto Levi's arm and held it close to your body.

"I don't want to find out."

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