Chapter 18

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As the two finally woke from their unconventional slumber, Ryuko was the first to stand. She was also the first to leave. (Y/N) then thanked that he had decided to also make some undergarments for her with the life fiber he had used to heal her, so she wouldnt come to and be naked.

Nobody managed to stop her, not even Mako. (Y/N) sat up, holding his head, before looking around.

Hours passed. Hours turned into days, days into weeks. Neither Ryuko nor (Y/N) had eaten much, only really eating when necessary. Ryuko avoided him as much as she could, much to his dismay. Every time he would try to ask her a question, she would always say she had something else she needed to do. It seemed like the whole "over a feeling" thing really upset her. At least... that was what he could tell.

At the one month mark, he finally confronted her as she awoke. (Y/N) sat in a chair across from the room, also just waking up. His gaze locked with hers as she woke, and the two shared a deep stare for a few moments.

"Ryuko, I cant apologize if you dont-" He started, but was quickly cut off.

"Dont even bother. You could have killed me, and you were okay with that. You said you were part human, but I really dont believe that anymore." She snapped back, finally looking away.

If (Y/N) had a heart, it would have broken. "Ryuko... I... I'm sorry, okay? I dont need you to accept that right now. Just... take it into consideration. Okay?"

Respecting her boundaries, (Y/N) stood, making his way towards the door, sighing as he exited. Ryuko was left in her bed, alone with her thoughts.

Authors note:
Hi! It's me again! Not dead yet. I know I've been really off and on with this, but I have nowhere for it to go. All that's left is to give it a strong end. If this chapter blows up, you'll get another within the week. Blow up the whole story, and I'll even write a sequel!

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