Chapter 12: Attempt at a Reclamation pt. 1

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Their plan was flawless. They went to the gate, Inumuta's Probe Regalia successfully disabled the security system, allowing them entry into the complex. They rushed through, disabling or killing any who stood in their way, with Ryuko and Satsuki at the head of the charge. Anyone who stood in their way was decapitated on the spot, no questions asked.

When they reached the elevator, Ryuko and Satsuki were the first ones in. They held the door for the others, and they filed in. Their plan had been executed flawlessly, and everything went perfectly until they reached the top.
(Y/N) was kneeling in front of Ragyo, a single string of Life Fiber going from her index finger to his head.

"I will say this much, Daughter: This one has some fight in him. I cant let him be, or he just breaks free!"

"Then don't strain yourself, mother. Let him go so he can spare you the torturous death we'll give you."

"Oh.... Petty Threats from a Kiryuin? Tsk tsk tsk.... (Y/N), kill My daughter. Bring the other girl to me."

He strained, writhing in pain for a brief moment before standing, staring at Satsuki with blood-shot eyes.

"I'm.... Sorry.... Satsuki...."
In a blinding flash, and moving faster than anyone could see, he had rushed next to her and backhanded her with such force she had flown through the wall, and down to the floor below them.

A second strand flew from Ragyo's hand into (Y/N)'s head, causing him to flinch.

"With one, I control his movements. With two, however.... I control his will~"

He stood there, giving Ryuko a blank stare.

"Ugh, those clothes do not suit her. Get her out of them, and destroy the clothes she wears!"

"As you wish, Mistress."
He appeared next to her, but Senketsu had transformed her and guided the scissor blade to block the blow.

(Y/N) was able to pull his punches, through sheer force of will, but it wasn't enough to give her the upper hand. He smacked away the scissor blade, and swung down, meeting the scissor blade again, knocking it away for a final time and using his other hand to smack her into the other wall. The one without a gaping hole in it.

Ragyo guided her new puppet towards Ryuko, where he pulled her out and slammed her against the floor, sending the Scissor blade flying towards the Elite Four, who simply stood there, staring in awe. Gamagoori was the first to transform, rushing towards (Y/N) with reckless abandon. He was quickly dispatched, getting his leg cut off and the opposite arm torn off. Inumuta rushed in while still in Probe Regalia, calculating what (Y/N)'s first move would be. She calculated correctly, but was too slow to block the blow. Nonon and Sanageyama had rushed out of the hole to tend to Satsuki, leaving (Y/N), Ryuko, and Ragyo alone.

"Good.... Now relieve her of that filth she calls clothing."

He walked towards her, slowly, occasionally bucking away but being forced forward anyway.

He grabbed the chest to Senketsu, planting his other hand on her head and pulling, effectively tearing the two apart by force. After throwing Senketsu into the air, he formed a blade on his arm and sliced him up into little bits. He turned to Ryuko, to find her not naked, but wearing a shirt. And panties.

"M..... My..... Love....."

"Pay her clothing no mind! Get her out of it, you swine!" Another tendrils shot from her fingers into his head, and he reached down, grabbing the shirt. Her hand wrapped around his wrist suddenly, and she stared into his eyes, tears streaming out of her own.

"Please.... Don't do this...."

"My.... Undying... Burning..... Love..... For..... You?"

Ragyo shot numerous more tendrils, but no matter how much she tried to make him, he wouldn't tear the shirt off.

"Damn you, (Y/N)! You ungrateful little insect! After all I did to empower you, you couldn't remove a shirt?! What is wrong with you?!"

"My apologies, Mistress, but I find myself unable to do this task."

"Then I will do it myself!" She guided him away from Ryuko, stepping in and stripping Ryuko of the clothes.

"Such perfect form.... Oh, how Junketsu will love you~"

"N.... N-No.... Do not touch her...."
Ragyo slapped (Y/N) across the face while simultaneously throwing Junketsu at Ryuko so the two would bond while she dealt with her rebelling Living Life Fiber.

"You serve me. You do as I say, with no questions asked. Understand?!"
He attempted to rebel, but another life fiber shot out and into his head.

"Y-Yes.... I understand...."
"Good. Now, go greet your new partner~"

Ryuko had bonded with Junketsu, whether it be against her will or not.
He stared at her, and she walked towards him, slamming her lips into his. They held it for a solid minute, before she peeled away, the life fibers snapping from Ragyo to (Y/N). He kneeled at Ryuki's feet, bowing his head.

"I am forever bound to you, Ryuko Matoi. Your word is My law."
"I could get used to this!"

"Good, My little Ryuko. Because you should. From this day forward, the world shall quiver in fear from our might!"

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