Chapter 4: Challenge

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(Y/N) stood in front of Ryuko while Gamagoori, in a new Goku uniform, approached them.

"Oh my god.... Gamagoori, if you would be so kind as to go fuck yourself and let the lovely Matoi and I go about our day, that'd be great."

"Oh? And what if I don't?"

"Then I'll..... Hm.... Do nothing. Looks like whoever makes your Goku Uniforms made a fatal flaw."

"Fatal flaw?! I laugh at your stupidity, boy! Ha!"

"Well, We'll just be going. See ya." And despite her protests, he took a tomato red Ryuko Matoi by the hand and led her to their class.
(Y/N) was able to finish their current assignment quickly, and Ryuko leaned over to him.

"Senketsu is curious: What fatal flaw did their tailor make?"

"He removed the weak point."

"Wait.... Isnt that the opposite of a fatal flaw?!"

"When it comes to life fibers, no. Sure, the clothes can remain intact and pose no threat while keeping the host protected, but if they try to go on the offensive the entire thing collapses. Like if someone were to remove a human's heart and replace it with a machine they need to carry around. Sure, they'll survive, but as soon as their heart starts beating faster they're toast."

"Thanks for that. Senketsu would not shut up."

"Any time."
"By the way, what'd you get for 4?"


She nodded, scribbling down the answer with a smile on her face.
As class ended, (Y/N) stood, stretching and heading outside. Ryuko followed after him like a lost dog.

"So... Question: What do you even intend to do if you get to Kyruin?"

"Beat her within an inch of her life and make her regret having kept what she knows from me."

"And what questions do you intend on asking, hm?"

She stared blankly at him.
"You don't know? Cute."

"Shut up."

The two went back to Mako's house, where Mako was already fast asleep. He had sat against the wall already, prepared to sleep outside again.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep."
"Not out here, you're not! Get in there!"

He stood, wrapping an arm around her and walking inside. She didn't protest, and judging from the look on her face she wasn't going to.

"Ryuko.... Just tell him how you feel."
"Absolutely not!"

"C'Mon, Senketsu.... Just let it be. The time will come when it comes."

Ryuko went into her room, and changed out of Senketsu and into the Pajamas Mako had given her. She opened it and let (Y/N) in, who collapsed immediately onto the bed, leaving enough room for Ryuko.

"S-Shut up, sleezbag!"
"I could always change the transformation to something more revealing-"

"Dont you dare!"
"Then lay down. You'll need your rest for tomorrow, and you seem morr at peace around him."

"What's going on tomorrow?"

"Naturals Election. You'll need your full strength and (Y/N)'s help if you want to come out on top."

"How the he'll do you propose I do that?"

"Just lay down."
"Ugh! Fine!"

She hesitantly lay down next to him, her face red as a tomato. As Senketsu had said, she calmed down and closed her eyes. His arm had wrapped around her, but she didnt mind.

Ryuko woke up first.
She smacked (Y/N) hard, waking him up while she rolled out of the bed.
"Watch where your hands go, (Y/N)!"

His hand had been on her chest.
"Sorry.... I just like grabbing soft things. Doesn't everyone?"
"Shut up!"

"Ryuko! Naturals Election is about to start! We need to move!"

She grunted, not even bothering to push (Y/N) out of the room. She changed right there in front of him, and hopped into his arms. Unlike before, her face remained the same color.

He bolted out of the door, not grabbing Mako on the way out.

"What about Mako?!" She had finished her sentence immediately after they arrived, which only took two seconds.

"No time. She'll get here when she gets here."

A loud thunk was heard, followed by a flash from above. Satsuki Kyruin was up there, looking down on her subjects.

"Tonight will mark the first ever Naturals Election tournament! The first five to make it to the top of the five pillars scattered around the arena will face off in numerous one on one matches, in which the victor shall receive immunity from expulsion! All others are vulnerable and must pray that they arent one of the many who shall be expelled from Honnouji Academy!"

Murmurs were scattered around the arena, but ended when Satsuki stamped her foot and screamed out "BEGIN."

(Y/N) took Ryuko into his arms, and in a single leap got onto one of the pillars. After looking around, the other four were occipied by the members of the elite four.

"Fault! One of the pillars are occupied by two people! Fix this or face immediate expulsion!"

"Ryuko, Transform." (Y/N) looked drad serious, so she did as told.

"Senketsu, I'm sorry about this."
"Sorry about what-"

He was cut off by (Y/N) exploding into life fibers and entering the Kamui. Senketsu yelped in pain, and the outfit began convulsing, before exploding and reforming around her and sealing itself into a less revealing but still slightly so outfit, still reminiscent of her old Kamui.

"What.... Is this power?!"

"This is the power of two Kamui's fusing. Currently, I am speaking to you due to me being more dominant than Senketsu."

"So.... Is this form more powerful?"

"No. Senketsu's attacks are stronger than my own, but I am exactly ten times faster than he is."

"Woah! B-But what do I call you? While you're like this, I mean."


Ryuko nodded after getting the response, turning to the rest of the pillars.

"Well? Problem solved! Only one person stands on this pillar!"

"Good! Your first match shall be against Gamagoori!"
"Yes, Lady Satsuki!"

He charged to Ryuko's pillar, leaping onto it and slamming the floor.

"Rules are simple! Knock your opponent off, incapacitate them, or kill them!"

"Transfer student! What is that new outfit you wear?"

"This? This is my newest ally and Kamui. Intruducing: Kamui Ketsuen!"

Ketsuen: Bloodbound

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