Chapter 9: Prep

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The two woke up, (Y/N) clutching Ryuko close to his chest.
She's so cute when she's asleep....
He lay there, not wanting to wake her, and began petting her like a cat. She seemed to rub into his hand, but woke up soon. After realizing their current situation and waking up at the same time, she blushed heavily, but kept rubbing into his hand.

"How catlike can one person get?"

"Unlike cats, I like water."
"Good point."

They sat there for about a half hour, before Ryuko accidentally let out a moan, causing them to drift into an uncomfortable silence for quite a bit.

It was also her who broke the silence first. And of all things to say, she said....
"Are you just gonna stare at me, or give me a reason to moan?"
Her face went red, and he just kept staring at her.
🔔Wee woo, thats the sound of a lemon🔔

He flipped her and pressed their lips together, his hand finding its way between her legs and sliding into her lady bits. As she had asked, he had given her a reason to moan. He began pumping his fingers in and out, his other hand finding its way to her waist as he kept going, pumping faster and faster, until the point where if he went any faster he would likely cause friction burn. So he kept that pace and never went faster.
They went on for twenty minutes, before she winced, her legs wrapping around his arm as he felt a warm splash of fluid against his hand, a loud moan escaping her lips.
He smiled at her, gently pressing his lips to hers and soon after pulling away.
🔔Lemon over, Unshield your virgin eyes🔔

He helped her up, and the two walked back inside, making a b-line for where Senketsu was being held.

"Finally! Ryuko, where have you- Oh. He's here."

"Of course. You got a problem with that?"

"None at all. If he's ok in your book, he's ok in mine. Just.... Be wary, Ok? I worry."

"I'll be fine as long as I'm with him. But now that Ragyo has been gone for days, we have come to an agreement. We need to go after her before she comes after us."

"Are you insane?! Going after Ragyo is going to get us killed!"
"You think I haven't taken that into account, you perv?" (Y/N) stepped in. "I hold Ryuko closer to my heart than you. I wouldn'tve had this idea if I knew it was certain death."

"Why are you calling me a pervert? You're a Kamui, just like me!"
"But also unlike you, I have dignity. So when Matoi asked oh so politely for me to change to something a little less revealing, you know what I did?"

"No. Dumbass. I heeded her words, and took the form of something less embarrassing for her."

"Well, I cant do that. I'm not powerful enough of a Kamui."

"Whatever. She needs to wear you for out invasion on the REVOCs headquarters."

"What?! Why cant I wear you?"
"Because I'll be of more use to the group in human form. Now, gear up and head outside. We leave in an hour."

And he left, leaving Ryuko still in the life fiber blanket and a blood-starved Senketsu.

".... Can you at least make some panties for me in the skirt?"

"Afraid not."


She came out of the chambers wearing Senketsu, and clung to (Y/N) who smiled down at her.
"You aren't wearing any panties, are you?"

"N-No.... Thats why I came to you. I know its an odd thing to ask, but since you and Senketsu are so comfortable while in sailor form, would it be possible to make.... Ugh, this is awkward..... Um.... Undergarments out of life fibers?"

"Yep. They'd be comfortable as hell, and be forced to do whatever you say to the highest extent. Due to their small size, they cant muster up full sentience."

"Cool! Could you make me some panties for now?"
Small tendrils of life fibers shot out of his hand and under her skirt. She blushed, beginning to make a noise that was a combination of giggling and moans. It took a bit, but eventually the tendrils withdrew and she stood there, lifting up her skirt to find panties made entirely of life fibers.

"You werent kidding.... They really are comfortable! Its like they were made to perfectly hug my- shit. That'd be awkward."

"They were perfectly designed to hug your ass. Thats why the tendrils spent such a long time feeling you up."

"And they can change into whatever you want to hug any part of you that you want. All you need do.... Is will it."

She focused for a bit, letting out a cute yelp and covering her face as the panties snapped into place for what was currently going through her mind. Out of pure suspicion, he lifted her skirt to find nothing had changed. Though.... The waistband was oddly thin....



"Did you turn it into a thong?"

"...... Maybe....."

"I should've seen that coming...."

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