Chapter 14

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Authors note: Could you imagine losing all will to write but getting back into the flow of things because you dont want to leave your fans hanging? What a fucking loser.

In mere seconds, (Y/N) had already lopped off Ragyo's arms, as well as heavily wounding her legs. The Original Life Fiber was keeping her sustained, but even it was beginning to falter against his relentless attacks.
His attacks came faster.
Faster and faster, more attacks came.
They slowed, but the power behind them was amplified by an inhuman amount.

And with one last slash, he changed targets, his arm cutting deep into the Original Life Fiber, shoulder deep. He plunged his other arm in, and began tearing it open through brute force.

"What are you doing, you damned ingrate?! Do you have any idea what this is? This is the original life fiber! You can't destroy it!"

"Oh yeah? Watch me."
He tore it in two, crawling inside. Ragyo hurried the production of Ryuko's new shell, also healing her own wounds, but it wouldnt be ready. He made it to the core, and went to town, tearing it apart with tenacity
Ryuko.... I've known you for three weeks, and I feel at peace when in your presence. You have that way about you. Anyone around you should feel amazing. I feel amazing when I'm with you. I won't lose you.
Not again.

A huge explosion signified he had done his part, launching him towards the elite four. They caught him, and the COVERs they were fighting dropped.
"The Original Life Fiber is dead. Ragyo and Ryuko, on the other hand.... Are still alive. And thats problematic." Y/N said, staggering to his feet even with the help of the others.

"If lady Ryuko is alive, then all is well!" Gamagori spoke, his voice stern as ever.

"I.... Beg to differ."

Ragyo stood, laughing maniacally, Ryuko standing and brushing off the dust. She wore a new Kamui, but.... This Kamui was different. The eye.... Tore into (Y/N)'s soul, filling him with a sense of dread.

"Ragyo, you bitch!"

"Thats no way to speak to your mother in law! Ryuko, kill your husband!"

"As you wish.... Mother...."

No one even got to question it. Ryuko and her new Kamui had already transformed, attacking (Y/N). Even he had trouble keeping up. He was forced back, staying only on the defensive.
"So this is the power of the Original Life Fiber...."
Ryuko landed a few blows, but (Y/N) did a hip toss, throwing her thousands of yards into the distance.
"Everyone, Fall back!" Satsuki announced, and all of Honnouji Academy ran away, (Y/N) reluctantly following.

However, as they ran away from the terror that was Ragyo's creation of dread, (Y/N) realized something.
His bond with Ryuko was strong enough to overpower this.... Abonination. His admiration, his desire to protect her, and though he wouldnt admit it, his love for her.
All were strong enough to destroy even the new Kamui. Emotions can be a strong driving force.

So he stopped. The rest of the group looked back at him, eyes wide with both terror and concern.

"(Y/N)! What do you think you're doing?! I said fall back!" Satsuki spoke with authority and a small hint of rage.

"And I dont care, Lady Satsuki. Ryuko is.... Ryuko is mine. And I refuse to let her go again."

He gave a weak smile to Satsuki, but then turned to face Ryuko. He took a deep breath and reformed his arm blade, closing his eyes and taking a fighting stance.

Ragyo laughed, and almost fell over. "Do you really think you can defeat her? Without your little parasitic link you're nothing! You're weaker than the old man!"

"You will not speak ill of Ryuko's father. I don't deserve to speak his name for allowing any ill will to come to his daughter."

"Oh? You hold him in such high regard as to die for him?"

"Repent now, Ragyo, so your death will be swift."

"Repent?! I've saved humanity! Granted them a new life under the authority of the Life Fibers! I have nothing to repent for!"

"Then face me yourself."

"I'd rather not dirty my hands with you. Ryuko! Dispatch of him at once!"

"As you wish."
Ryuko lunged, stabbing straight for Y/N's abdomen, but getting parried and punched right in the chest, knocking her back a few feet. This was done even with his eyes closed. Parry after parry, dodge after dodge, Y/N remained untouched for quite some time before finally going on the offensive, his eyes opening. His right eye had suddenly turned blood red, and his blade went straight through Ryuko. His other arm turned into a tendril and pinned Ragyo to the floor, forcing her to be unable to do anything as Y/N stabbed her daughter.

"I'm going to make you watch as I slowly peel your abomination off of her."

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