Chapter 2: The Living Life Fiber

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(Y/N) was at the bottom of Satsuki's tower. He smiled and looked up, ascending the entire thing in a single
jump. He entered the top floor from the roof.

"Ah... Satsuki Kyruin. Nice to finally meet you in person."

Three members of the elite four rushed at him, but He managed to dodge each attack. With one kick for each member, all three were sent flying back.
"Um... Inumuta? You look.... Different."
With a snap, the blade from earlier came out and a gash formed on Inumuta's face. (Y/N) licked it, as usual.

"Smart.... Proud.... Knoledgable.... Cautious.... And... A woman?"

"Experimentation. My gender has been irreversibly changed. We do not know what we did that turned me to this unfortunate state, but it is regrettable nonetheless. Although the newfound agility, it will be easier for me while in my Regalia form to analyze my enemy."

"Anyyyywaaaaaay.... Satsuki, it's been a while."

"Five years."

"Lady Satsuki?! You know this man?" Gamagoori screamed out from the wall.

"Indeed I do. This man raised me for four years, when my mother departed to seek a different path from her daughter."

He bowed, smiling.

"What have you learned of this Matoi girl?"
He stood straight, the smile faded from his face. "I may have been a doublecrossing spy incapable of detection for you four years ago, but I've changes. I work for the Kyruin clan no more." His expression softened, and he slouched against the nearby wall which Nonon was stuck in.

"So, (Y\N). If you arent here to inform me of Matoi, why have you come?"

"I just wanted to say hi! You're like a little sister to me. Wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I can assure you, I'm just fine."

"Ha! The fact that Matoi just wasted Omiko in a tennis match says otherwise."


He hadn't even turned, but he knew the events that transpired below in the tennis court.
"Man, that Kendo guy moves fast. Almost didnt see him dodge my kick. Almost. Tell him he needs to limber up!"

"Of course, (Y/N). Now please, depart."

"Of course. But.... We both know we need to talk about something."

"Oh? And whats that?"

"My first day here. When I actually slept alone. I woke up with an azure lipstick smudge on my collarbone. And I only know one person who wears azure lipstick~"

Satsuki froze up, shaking her head and walking down the stairs that folded from the tower to ground level.

"Silence will get you nowhere, lady Satsuki!"

And he disappeared in another blinding flash, appearing next to Ryuko.
"What'd I miss?"

Back in the Tower

"Inumuta! What information were you able to gather from that man?"

"He indeed rose Lady Satsuki for four years. His speed rivals that of the speed of light, and clearly from his fight with Gamagoori on his first day, his strength rivals that of a three star, potentially a five star if we ever manage to create such a thing."

"Is there reasoning behind this?"

"Upon further inspection, I detected the energy of life fibers. But his outfit is not a Goku Uniform, nor is it a Kamui."

"Than how?!?!"

"The man himself.... Is made of Life Fibers. He lacks skin. He lacks muscles. And he lacks organs. Everything about that man is pure Life Fiber, aside from his heart and mind."

"How is such a thing possible?"

"With all due respect, Gamagoori: I'ven't got the slightest fucking clue."

It was unlike Inumuta to use foul language, so it was a surprise to all when he/she was that angry to do so.

Back at ground level

"Thats all? And you didnt pass out from blood loss this time?"

"Yep! But no time for recovery! I want to fight Satsuki Kyruin RIGHT NOW."

"Aaaaaaand thats a death wish! Congratulations."

(Y/N) stepped away, smiling as the two girls duked it out. The sheer force of their attacks caused all the spectators, including the Elite Four who had come down from above to be knocked back. However, (Y/N) held his ground, observing each and every move they made and logging it for if he ever had to fight either of them.

Aftwr the two finished, Ryuko fell to the floor, her Kamui reverting back to a sailor uniform. As Satsuki rose her sword for the final Blow, (Y/N) called for a ceasefire.

"Kyruin. Give her time. And watch."

Satsuki did as order, and Ryuko stood in a millisecond, having slashed a small cut onto Satsuki's face.

"I understand now... In order to truly bond with Senketsu, I must get naked!"

"As nice as that sounds, I know she doesnt mean it literally! And that makes me sad!"

She began transforming back into the true form of Senketsu, but something was off about them.

"I've heard of a true-bond between human and Kamui, but I never truly believed that it would work."
Have I finally found the one....?

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