Christmas special

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A/N: Sorry about the delay in chapter 14. Writers block is hitting me like a bitch.
A/N pt 2: Everything that happens in these holiday specials are non-canon

Ryuko and Y/N ran from store to store, trying to find a gift for Satsuki. After an easy 5 hours, they gave up and settled on an ugly sweater as a gag gift.
They got back to Y/N's little mansion, only to be greeted by everyone jumping out of nowhere screaming "Surprise!"
Ryuko had already drawn her scissor blade, but he just sat there, shaking his head.
"I literally have no clue how you fuckers found out."
"What's happening?"
"Its.... My birthday."
"Your birthday is on christmas eve?"

He entered, tossing the box with Satsuki's ugly sweater and wrapping it in life fiber. She wouldn't be peeking at her present this year.
After Ryuko and Y/N sat down, they had cake and Y/N opened the numerous gag gifts he recieved from the gang. They consisted of, but werent limited to:
A rather large box with a note inside, and nothing else, which read "Fuck you lol"
A dildo, with a note attached saying "Now when we say 'go fuck yourself', you actually can!"
Flip flops
Shirtless sleeves
And the only actual gift, a shirt that had JN on the shoulder, which was inside a heart. It was only noticeable to him, however, as his enhanced eyes let him see how faint it was. He glanced over at Nonon, who was doing the most Tsundere thing possible and glaring at him with a soft blush on her cheeks.

"You guys are assholes, I want you to know that."
Laughter, followed by everyone standing up and taking their leave, except for Ryuko and Nonon.

"So, Nonon-"
"If you tell anyone, your head will be separated from your shoulders."

She got up and left. Ryuko rested her head against Y/N's shoulder, closing her eyes. He picked her up, and took her to his bedroom, where he lay her down, lay next to her, and fell asleep. The morning would hopefully bring cheer.

He woke in the middle of the night to Ryuko, half naked, straddling him.
"Um.... Ryuko? You know this isnt a dream right?"
She pointed at the clock behind her. It struck twelve, and she pounced on him, plowing their lips together.
Their lustfully passionate (fuck you I do what I want) kiss held for a solid five minutes, before it was Ryuko who pulled away, practically tearing off her bra.
"So... Is this some kind of present?"
"Your christmas present was going to just be me allowing you to eat me, but since last night was your birthday and technically today is Christmas, I figured I'd get your late birthday present and your christmas present, put the two together, and outright fuck you."

"So vulgar~"
In a flash, it was Ryuko who was on her back. Y/N had already stripped, and had slid his hand down her panties, rubbing his finger up and down her womanhood.

He leaned down, resuming their kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and pressing her breasts against his chest.
They held it for a bit, before he tugged her panties down and tossed them to the side, rubbing the tip against her.
"Quit stalling at put it in already!"
To her regret, he had put the entire thing in, causing her to let out a small groan of pain. He held her close for some time, allowing her to recover and adjust.
"F-Fuck.... Are you enhancing it or are you just naturally this big?"
"Option B, hot stuff~"
"Now I feel bad for not sharing~"

And the fun began. The went for 5 hours, stopping only because of a knock at the door. The knock actually made them go an extra hour, due to who it was.
Imma do the nice thing here and let you choose who walks in on you and ends up... Well.... Fucking you as well. You decide. Use your imagination. Who else besides Ryuko do you want to fuck? Cos thats who walked in on you.

The third party left, leaving Y/N and Ryuko alone, exhausted, sweating.
"That.... Was the best present.... I've ever received."
"Every year, same thing... But it'll keep getting better and better~"
"I'd sure hope so."

A displeased scream from downstairs told Y/N that Satsuki had finally gotten around to opening her present. "I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU, Y/N."

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