Chapter 13: Attempt at a Reclamation pt. 2

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(A/N): Yeah, I know Ryuko is only 17. The actual thing isnt happening until the epilogue. You'll know what I'm talking about when you get there.

Ragyo had taken Junketsu off of Ryuko, as she had recognized the deeper connection of a True Blood binding. (Y/N) willingly went into his Kamui form, and was worn by Ryuko. He felt himself enter her mind once again. When he appeared, he found himself face to face with Ryuko, who was in a bridal gown, staring at him. Her face screamed "I would and couldn't be happier".

"So.... (Y/N), are you sure you want to do this?"

"Not really."

Outside, Ryuko had doubled over in pain. And instead of the Ryuko ahead of him being in pain, it was (Y/N) who felt the pain. He managed to stay standing, despite how mind numbing the pain was. He instead nodded his head.

"Yes! Y-Yes! I'm sure, I want to do this. I'm sorry, sweet-cheeks. Last minute jitters."
She calmed down, clinging to his chest. She took a step to the right, and (Y/N) knew exactly what was happening. He followed after, and soon they began dancing.
(Y/N) actually began to enjoy it as well. He relaxed, and the dance turned to a slow one. Hours passed, and he felt like he could live like this forever. The doors to the room bust down, Mako and Satsuki showing themselves. Ryuko drew her Scissor blade, staring at her two former friends with a hatred.

"Dont get in the way of my happiness!"

Through sheer force of will, (Y/N) broke free from his own trance and tackled Ryuko to the floor. Despite the immense pain he was feeling, he kept her to the floor, allowing for Satsuki and Mako to rush forward, surrounding Ryuko and hugging her. The overwhelming emotion forced all of them out of her head. (Y/N) found himself being in Kamui form, wrapped around Ryuko, who was fighting against all of her former friends.

What.... What was happening?
"I dont know.... Satsuki?"

"You were brain-washed by Ragyo."
Ryuko fell to the floor, looking down at the bloodied scissor blade in her hand.
"How.... How long was I her puppet?"

"A few weeks."

"She kept you hidden away. We couldn't find you until just now. Inumuta managed to track you down. We were lucky to have found you just now."

She sat there, still staring at the blade.
Don't worry yourself over what you did.
"Did you mean it?"
Mean what?
"When I was under her control, I asked you.... To marry me. And.... You.... Y-You said yes. Did you mean it?"
..... I have... No comme-
"Answer the question, Dammit! My life is going to hell! The least you could do is answer my one question."
.... M-Maybe. Once we get out of this mess, and I can tell it to you face to face, I'll give you a straight answer. For now, I'm picking up a high amount of energy coming from beneath the complex. Something is telling me it's got something to do with Ragyo.

"Y-Yeah. Lets go!" She stood up, finding herself more safe than ever. She was surrounded by her friends, and the one she loved was close to her heart. Literally and metaphorically.

They found their way to the gate, finding a large clustes of life fibers rising, Ragyo standing on one it.

"Behold! The Original Life Fiber in all of its Glory!"

"Yeah, I see it."
Not what I was going to say.
"What were you going to say?"
I feel closer to you now than ever before. I firmly believe we'll be able to defeat that woman without even trying.

Ryuko nodded, taking a battle ready pose alongside Satsuki.

"Ragyo! Your time has come!"

"Oh? And who shall bring that end to me? You? Your friend? Your Kamui?"

"My Kamui is my friend! No, My soul! My Kamui and I are two souls sharing one form!"

"And yet, it is still not match for my Total Control!" She yelled out, spreading her arms. "Kamui: Shinra Koketsu!"

A white wave of purity gushed out of Ragyo, and when it folded over Satsuki and the rest of the elite four, their outfits stopped working, reverting to their original state. Ryuko's Kamui remained in its combat form.

"What.... What is this? You dare dis-obey your Alpha?" Ragyo stared at Ryuko in pure disbelief, almost backing away.

"Whats wrong, Ragyo? Too scared to face me?"

"Far from it, Matoi. I am going to flay that Kamui off of you, and put you in Junketsu! You will serve as my ultimate warrior, Ryuko!"

"You can Try!"

Ryuko was in front of Ragyo in a flash, and the two collided time after time, never missing a beat. Their blades met every time, and no one ever got hit. It didn't take long for Ragyo to start losing steam. Ryuko managed to land a few blows, Ragyo's face strained with effort.

"(Y/N) and I are one! We can outdo anything you can dish our way!"
Ragyo kept going, as did Ryuko. Their blades kept meeting, and after quite some time Ragyo kicked her away, panting heavily and bleeding from nearly every inch of her body.

"You can't win, Ragyo!"

"Like hell, I can't!"
In one last hail mary, she rushed forward and sliced, Ryuko dodging to the side and knocking her leg out from under her, plinging the blade right into the middle of her spine. She screamed out in pain.

"This is the end, Ragyo."

"Yes, It is!" Life fibers shot up from the wound Ryuko had made, wrapping around her and beginning to slowly tear (Y/N) off of her. She was screaming the entire time, and Ragyo seemed to enjoy it.
"Good.... Good! Get her out of that and sew her a new form entirely! Let her be born anew!"

The Life Fibers kept her bound to the surface of the Original Life Fiber, beginning production of a new Kamui. (Y/N) reverted to his human form.

"Ah.... So he was here."

"Ragyo Kyruin. For your crimes against humanity and this academy, I believe I speak for everyone when I say your punishment: Is death."

"Oh? An who will carry it out? You're powerless without your wench of a friend!"

"Excuse me?" His mouth twisted into a corrupted frown, and he was clearly ready to tear her limb from limb.

"You heard me!"

"Do not....."
"Speak ill......"

"Of my Wife."

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