Chapter 8: Bonding pt. 2

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Ragyo hadnt been seen for days after she lost her arm. (Y/N) was lounging around the house while Ryuko hid in his room, constantly begging him to go back to Kamui form, since she only had Senketsu and him to wear. So he spent quite some time hearing out what she would do in return, mostly hearing ridiculous things she would think he wanted. The one that mainly caught his attention was getting ironed. The one time he got ironed while in Kamui form was like heaven.

"So.... You're willing to wear me naked, iron me, and make sure no harm comes to me while in this form, just so I let you wear me around my house?"

"Its either that or my underwear, and thats embarrassing!"

"Like Senketsu wasn't embarrassing."

"Shut up! That was different. I had no say in the matter. Speaking of which, can you change up the transformation so its less.... Revealing? And maybe less like Satsuki?"

"Sure. I'll go back to what we were like during the double Kamui incident."

"Incident?! You mean that was an accident?"
"A small one. I knew that would happen, but I had no clue that we would be that strong."

"Doesnt matter. Are you going to do it or not?"

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. And please, don't think you need to do all those things. Aside from the ironing, of course. Thats the only thing I need from you."

"Deal! Just change already!"
He took a deep breath, imploding and turning into the Kamui. Ryuko began taking her bra off, but hearing (Y/N)'s voice made her stop.

I said all you've gotta do is iron me.
"W-Well.... I'm doing this anyway."
Fine by me. But if anyone tries anything funny, I'm killing them on the spot.
After tossing her bra aside, she slid off her panties and got dressed in the shorts and long sleeve top (Y/N) had turned in to for her.

Ryuko came out of the room, plopping lazily onto the couch, snatching up the remote and beginning to channel surf.
You seem more relaxed than normal. What's going on?

"I'm wearing- Ugh.... Lets leave that buried, ok?"
You know I can hear your thoughts, right?
".... S-Stay out of my thoughts!"
Kinda hard, when your thoughts are my thoughts. I didnt know you think of me that way.
"Shut up, ok? Let me enjoy this."

She sighed, relaxing even more and falling asleep.

She woke up on the roof of the house, feeling the breeze a little more than normal. She looked to her side and saw (Y/N) looking out over the other two star mansions. His was at the top, so he had a perfect view of everything that went on below him.

"The city gets so quiet at night..."

"Dually noted. You couldnt like.... Give me one of your shirts instead of leaving me passed out and naked?"

"Dont worry, no one is allowed up here. Satsuki made that very clear while you were sexting our homeroom teacher in person."

"Excuse me?!"

"I'm joking! Jeez.... I'd think you'd know that by now."
"..... Why did you bring me up here?"

"We have shared interests. I am made from your blood, and I love the rain. I figured you did too. Or.....?"

"N-No! I love the rain too! I just.... Didnt expect someone as big and tough as you to share that interest with me...."

"Get up here. We have a perfect view."
He put out an arm, a blanket dropping out of his arm and beckoning her to come to him.
She slowly walked over to him, cuddling against him while he wrapped his arm around her.

"So.... Why come out now? It isn't raining."

"Give it a bit."

It only took a few seconds for the rain to start, the first drop splatting against Ryukos nose. She flinched, looking at her nose.
"What's wrong?"

"It's.... Been years since I've actually seen rain...."


"Then we'll stay out here all night. Or until you want to-"

"No. All night sounds nice."

And the two stood there for hours, before Ryukos legs got tired. (Y/N) sat down, and patted his lap. She stared at him, before sitting down and cuddling against his chest.
"I never want this to end....."

"Neither do I...."

And the two fell asleep in each others embrace, unknowing of the hell that would occur the next day.

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