Chapter 5: Natural Selection

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Inside Ryuko's mind

"What.... What's going on?"

"We're in your head, Ryuko."

"And why are we both naked?"
"Apparently, you dont believe in clothes. That would be the only reason I can see."

"So... Whats going on out there?" Her face was red as hell, but she managed to keep herself contained.

"Senketsu is recieving messages from us and told what to do. And he still acts like you."


"While you wear Senketsu and I at the same time, our minds meld together and become one. Think of it like this: Senketsu is at the wheel of a car, but has no idea where to go. You and I sit in the back, telling him where to go."

"Oh.... That's actually really cool!"

"Currently, we aren't talking to him, so he's stalling for us."

"So... How do we start talking?"

"You got any idea how to dance?"

Outside world
"What's wrong, Gamagoori? Afraid to take on two Kamui's?"

"Absolutely not!"
He rushed at her, his arms spread wide. He didn't want to use the Regalia form just yet. When the two collided, Senketsu managed to make Ryuko kick him away. Not very hard, but either way He went flying and almost went off the pillar.

Back In Ryuko's head

"Your father was an interesting man."

"I have no idea how to dance!"

"Then just let me lead. Ok?"
"A-Alright.... How do we start?"

He approached her slowly, as to not spook her, placing his hand on hers and leading it to his shoulder, that same hand dropping to her waist. After clamping their other hand together, he smiled at her.


"Not really.... But if it'll get us out alive, I dont have a choice do I?"

"I'm sure Senketsu would be saying you enjoy this."

"S-Shut up and dance."

To anyone wondering, its just a standard Walz, but really fast paced.

Back in the outside world

At the same time (Y/N) and Ryuko had begun their walz in her mind, Senketsu was able to go on the offensive, bombarding Gamagoori with attacks he was never able to see coming. Soon, he hardly managed to knock back the Kamui warrior, who plunged the Scissor blade into the floor like a hot knife through butter so slow their knock back.

"Whats wrong, Ira? Cant handle the heat?"

"Shut up! I shall show you the true power of a three star Goku Uniform! SHACKLE REGALIA!!"

The Goku Uniform began expanding and contrasting, exploding into a cocoon of wraps that looked awfully reminiscent of the wraps used for mummies.

"Really? Turning yourself into a Mummy?"

Back in Ryuko's mind

"You know... I was expecting to hate this.... But this is actually kinda nice."
"Took the words outta my mouth."

"You're just saying that because you're pressed against my naked body...."

"Partially. Not fully."
"You werent supposed to agree with me!"

"Yeah, yeah....

"So... Is this all we do?"

"Well... There is another way.... And it's likely part of the reason we're both naked right now."

Her face went red, and she pulled away. At the same time, Senketsu missed his hit and got the full backlash of all the attacks he had landed using the scissor blade.
(For anyone wondering, its still Ryuko in the outside world, still wearing the standard Kamui we all know and love, but she actually has something covering the midriff)

(Y/N) pulled her back to him and kept dancing.
"We cant afford to slip, Ryuko. We slip, we die."

"Thats.... Unsettling."

"Just let me lead. Stand on my feet if you need to, but we can't afford to mess up."

She did exactly that, and suddenly Senketsu was able to go all out.
Outside world

After taking the backlash, Ryuko lunged back at Gamagoori and sliced, and in that single movement, a large gash appeared in the side and he began gushing blood. She turned the blade, and the entire Goku Uniform unraveled, a lengthy life fiber sliding into the Kamui Warrior as she stood proud.

"Who wants next?!"

Next, Inumuta stood in front of Ryuko, smiling faintly as she placed her laptop on the floor very carefully. After doing the anime glasses thing, she turned into the regalia assigned to her, known as....

"Probe Regalia!"

To be Continued....

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