Thanksgiving Special!

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Sorry about getting this out so late. I couldn't find an idea for how to pan this out, so when I finally did I kinda hopped on it.

By the way, any and all Holliday specials will contain 0 action, they will all be as if the characters were one big family.

Cheers were heard around the table as (Y/N) entered the room with his secret recipe chicken everyone had heard so much about. He placed it in the very middle, making his way to the head of the table where Ryuko and Satsuki sat next to. Every one talked for about ten minutes after, before he raised his hand. Everyone at the table respected him enough to shut their mouths.

"Well.... If the past few days havent been eventful, Ryuko isn't a sexy beast."


"Shhh..... We all know you're a sexy little shit."
She crossed her arms, looking away with a red blush on her cheeks.

"Anyway.... We're here, we aren't dead, and we're all healthy. Well.... Mostly."
He looked over at Ragyo who was still missing an arm, since that story arc has yet to be uncovered. "But, today is a day for thanks. Not taking, not giving, not trying to take over the world, but being thankful for what we have and not what we could. We'll start with Ragyo, the mother of- Shit... Can't say that yet."

"Ha. Well.... I guess...."
I'm too lazy to go through and list off what Every one said, so I'll just end it with Ryuko and reader.

As it rounded to Ryuko, she took a deep breath, holding (Y/N)'s hand under the table. "I am thankful for my Disfunctional family, as horrible as it may be, I know they'll be there for me through thick and thin. Trying to take on the world or not, family is family. And... My wonderful..."
"You can say it, Ryuko. I dont care."

"My amazing boyfriend. Your turn, Hot stuff."

"Tough act to follow. I have many things to be thankful for. Whether it be my small and Disfunctional family that I care for and would gladly protect with my life, my friends who I would do the same for, this two star mansion so graciously provided by the lovely woman sitying to my right, or the beautiful woman I have the pleasure of calling me girlfriend to my left. I have.... A great life right now. And I'm proud to say that."

Every one said "Amen", and immediately dug into all of the food that was spread in front of them. (Y/N) told stories of his previous endeavors, showing scars on his body to say each were true. (Y/N) dug into a rather large chunk of turkey leg, having a mouthgasm. He had forgotten how good his turkey was.

Everyone had fun, laughed, told jokes and stories, and everyone wound up getting drunk off their ass, falling asleep in various odd places around the house.

Formal apology for all of the typos in my chapters. I write these things in the dead of night, and its a horrible idea.

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