Chapter 7: Face your Problems

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Ryuko had returned to the Arena in Honnouji Academy, only to find Ragyo, Satsuki, and Nui waiting for her.

"Oh ho..... Ryuko, where, pray tell, is your friend from yesterday?"
Do not tell her. Whatever you do, dont tell her

"Somewhere safe and far away from you, Ragyo!"

"You think anywhere is safe from me?! REVOCs is spread through the entire world, I have eyes and ears everywhere!"

"I can assure you, he is far out of your reach."

"Hmm..... Nui, search his house."
"Yay! Will I get to have fun with him?"

Satsuki's face had a stern look on it. "Disregard that, and leave us."
"Yes, lady Satsuki."

"Daughter.... What do you think you are doing?"

"That man raised me. If you think I'd let a monster like you so much as lay a finger on him, you're dead wrong."

"Daughter turned against mother? What an interesting turn of events~"

Satsuki turned against her mother, walking over to Ryuko's side.
"Satsuki? What the hell are you doing?"
"You know what you want to know. It was Nui Harime who murdered your father, not me."
She's right. I can smell your fathers blood on her. Its faint, but there.

"And.... Why do our Kamui's look so similar?"
"Long story, not to be spoke of while Ragyo is present."

"Understood. Now, are we going to sit here like idiots, or are we going to take that bitch down?"

"Lets settle on option B."

The two rushed at Ragyo, and she pulled out two blades made of life fibers and blocked each attack thrown at her from the two girls.

"I see you two have grown quite strong with your Kamui. But, will it be enough?"

Ryuko sped up, Causing Ragyo to need to kick Satsuki away and focus on Ryuko.
Their blades clashed an uncountable number of times, each collision causing a small flash of light. They went at it for quite some time, before a strong strike from each of them launched them a considerable distance away from one another.



You're doing great. I just wanted you to know that everything we've been doing has been so easy because we're bound closer than you and Senketsu.
"H-How? I bonded to Senketsu before you-"
Wrong. Your father made me when you were only a young baby. He made the regrettable decision of harming his child to get blood, and fused my fibers with your blood. I am literally made out of your blood, Unlike Senketsu who simply has your blood running through him. We've been bound since you were three, Ryuko. We just didnt know until now.

"Can we stop talking and get back to the ass beating?"

By all means, Lady Matoi.

"Lady Matoi? I like it!"

"Ryuko Matoi! Stop talking to your Kamui and tell me the truth. Where is that friend of yours?"

"Close to my heart, and far away from yours, you monster!"

The two clashed again, Ryuko's movements even faster than before. No one could see her, and Ketsuen was having a hard time helping her. But what is love without struggle?

Ryuko, slow down just a bit. I may be designed for speed over power, but even I'm having trouble enabling this speed.
"Just keep it coming! Just a little longer and she's-"
She was cut off by an unexpected punch to the gut that somehow managed to hit her even at her current speed. She went flying into the wall, yelling out in pain.

I told you to slow down! We are essentially gods when together, but even gods have their limits!
She hopped out of the hole she made in the wall, rushing towards Ragyo with a new fire in her eye.
As the blades collided, Ragyo attempted to go on the offensive but was quickly denied, Ryuko striking faster than any eye could see, even an enhanced eye with a Kamui had a tough time keeping up.

"So this is the power of a True Connection between Kamui and Human.... I believe I've seen enough."
She backed away, attempting to run away.
"On it!"
She lunged, lobbing off Ragyo's arm.

"You think that will harm me?"
A strand of life fiber shot out of her arm stump, latching onto the severed limb.
Ryuko sliced once more, severing the life fiber that held her together, causing her to scream out in pain and recoil.

"Mhm~ Feisty~ I will see you again, Ryuko.... I can garuntee that...."
And she disappeared in a puff of smoke, and Ryuko collapsed, numerous cuts appearing on her body.

I couldn't delay the impact any longer, Ryuko. I'm sorry.

"I-Its fine.... We won, didn't we?"

Ragyo isn't dead, Ryuko.

"You really know how to ruin a party, dont you?"

Be quiet. You need to recover. You wanna head back to my place? Or are we heading to Mako's house?

"I'll invite them up to your place. Lets go, I need to get dressed in actual clothes."
"I'm sorry, but-"
You do know that I can take the form of whatever kind of clothes you want, right?
".... Now I do."
Would you like me to change to something less revealing when not in this form?
"Anything but a sailor uniform...."

Ryuko arrived at Mako's house, knocking. The door swung open, revealing a Ryuko in a long sleeved shirt and skirt.
"Wooooah! Ryuko! What happened to your sailor uniform you talked to all the time?"

"He's.... In a funny spot right now. But as I was going to say, (Y/N) invited us to his place. Its in the two star mansions."

"Yeah. Apparently, he knows Satsuki Personally. She's already there, since her mom took over where she used to reside."

"So... Its going to be me, you, (Y/N), and Satsuki?"

"Aaaaaand the elite four...."

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