Chapter 10: Split

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(Y/N), Ryuko, Satsuki, and the Elite Four made their way to the REVOCs headquarters, (Y/N leading the charge. He stared down the massive gate in front, and he reached out, touching it.
He got zapped, and recoiled. Nothing ever hurt him, but for some reason this did.

"Hey.... Kyruin.... Try opening the gate."

She walked forward confidently, and opened the gate. As she attempted to step in, however, she revieved a shock as well.

"Inumuta, take off your uniform and get in there."

She did as told, and was able to do so just fine.

"Dammit! How did she manage to make this thing?!"

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?"
"Ragyo has some kind of force barrier that refuses life fibers entry into the compound. That's why I couldn't even touch the gate."

"That.... Complicates things."

"Inumuta, come back here and grab your laptop. Skulk around, see if you can find a way into the defense network to disrupt the system and disable the barrier."

Inumuta nodded, retrieving her laptop and going right back into the facility.

"How the hell is she so confident?"

"Her body!"

"It's called having no shame. Its not that she's confident, its that she just doesn't care."

After ten minutes, Satsuki's phone rang. She put it on speaker.


"Barrier is down, but I'm keeping it so. They'll find the breach in security soon. Long story short, get the hell in here now."
Everyone rushed in, Gamagoori snatching the Goku Uniform from the floor and folding it while they ran.

When they entered, Satsuki's phone lost connection to Inumuta.
"That cant be good."

The group found their way to the room Inumuta had been in, and saw her limp body being dragged away around a corner.
They ran towards her, but when they turned the corner she wasnt there, nor was her captor.
They spread out, (Y/N), Ryuko and Satsuki in one group, the remaining three of the Elite Four splitting into the other group.

They looked around, (Y/N) occasionally stopping the girls from alerting patrols by either stopping them or killing the guards before they could alert the others. It didn't take long before they found an elevator to the top floor.
"Get the others. Lead them here I'm gonna head to the top and see what Ragyo is up to."

"Stay safe, (Y/N)! I don't want to carry away my boyfriend in a bodybag just yet!"
"I'll try. You two stay safe, as well. I only want to carry off one corpse today."

He gave a cocky smile and kissed Ryuko, before walking into the elevator.
"See ya on the flipside."

When he finally reached the top level, he saw a naked Inumuta, her limbs spread and Ragyo suggestively caressing every point of her body. (Y/N) looked away out of respect.
"Good God, lady! Have some respect! Don't touch her without permission."

"(Y/N)!" Inumuta was a little too excited about being rescued by a man she used to hate.

"After all those times I called you out, this is how you turn up? Rediculous!"

"What's Rediculous his how you regrew your arm."

"So you were there..."

"Dont lie. You sensed me there."

"More or less. I knew you were nearby, I just didnt want to believe it."
"Yeah yeah.... Let Inumuta go."

Immediately, the Life Fibers releases Inumuta, and in a flash (Y/N) had swapped places with the now unconscious genius.
"Wasn't expecting you to listen."

Ragyo had swung her blade almost faster than (Y/N) could comprehend, but he managed to side-step, backing away and forming his arm into a blade.

"Huh. Neato." He took a defensive stance, and the two engaged in a flash of blades.

Inumuta lazily looked over at them, hardly able to keep track of what was happening without her Goku Uniform.
Soon, the elevator dinged, and the rest of the group appeared, Gamagoori handing Inumuta her uniform.

Everyone watched in awe as Ragyo and (Y/N) continued fighting. At this point, each time the blades collided, they hardly made any noise from how quickly they recovered to resume the assault.
After about a half hour, a thud was heard as he got pushed away from Ragyo, a hole in her gut and his hand outstretched. He had landed a blow.

"Ryuko.... I'm getting weak, and I'm doing my best to keep her at bay."

"What's... What are you saying? This is random as hell."

"REVOCs! Its a cover-up for her grand-scheme!"
"I see I'm not the only one capable of mind reading~"

"Shut up, Bitch! She's been handing out clothes laced with life fibers all across the world. All she needs to do is hit a button and every article of clothing released by REVOC is going to turn into a living life fiber, like me, but with one directive: Kill."

"This one is smart~ You wouldnt mind if I stole him from you, would you, Daughter?" Ragyo looked at Satsuki, smiling fiendishly. She didn't give a damn about the answer, she was going to do it.

A string of life fibers shot from her hand, destined to meet Ryuko's head. (Y/N) stepped in the way, however, and in a flash of light everyone but (Y/N) was back at his mansion. Ryuko had been given a box holding and unknown item.
She opened it, and inside was a shirt, clearly woven of strictly life fibers.

A note was stuck to the lid.

My Love, Ryuko:
I was able to move fast enough to write this note to you. Inside, you will find a shirt woven of Emotion of a Living Life fiber: More powerful than a Kamui made of a Living Life Fiber.
I split it from myself in a last ditch effort to give you a fighting chance against Ragyo and I.
I know whats going to happen. Ragyo is going to try and take you over, but I'm going to get in the way.
Currently, I'm under her control. However, this shirt holds a part of me. It will speak to you if you need it. And please, dont come for me unless you're wearing this shirt. It is woven strictly out of my love for you, and my desire to always be there for you. It is with great sorrow that I say; Even while wearing me, I fear it may not be enough to fight back against us.
Please, Ryuko. Stay safe. And try to fight on a day when it will rain. You should know why.

Forever yours

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