Chapter 17

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Satsuki and her squad carted (Y/N) and Ryuko back to the Nudist Beach base. They were immediately put on medical beds and hooked up to heartbeat monitors.

With how close the beds were, (Y/N) was able to subconsciously take her hand.

Ryuko had been skinned from (Y/N)s tearing off her Kamui from before. But with their hands interlocked, he was able to divert some life fiber into her, slowly but surely mending the damage he had done.

That was what would be seen from the outside.

Inside, they were linked again. Sharing a mental space like before.

In the wide, open, empty room, (Y/N) faced Ryuko, who was staring straight at him.

"You... I... I dont know whether to slap you or thank you." She said, suddenly averting her gaze.

"I did what I had to do, Ryuko. Her grip on you was iron, it was that or you kill all of your friends." (Y/N) Replied quickly, as though he had rehearsed this very conversation."

"And? You could have killed me!" She screamed out at him, clenching her fists into a ball. (Y/N) cursed under his breath, knowing that in part she was right.

"I know. And I'm sorry. But I... I had a feeling. That I'd be able to-"

"A feeling?! You decided to risk my life over a feeling?!" She growled quietly, before taking a deep breath and turning around, walking off into the distance, sitting cross legged on the floor.

Some time passed before (Y/N) decided to walk over and sit beside her. It had only been maybe ten minutes, but it had felt like an eternity. He remained silent for a moment, but it would be Ryuko who spoke first.

"What even are you? Are you human? Life fiber? What?"

"I... I dont fully understand that myself. To the best of my knowledge, both. I was... one of your fathers experiments. Merging life fibers and humanoids together. I was an incredibly success, but your mother wanted more, so she had him make me more Fiber than man. And so, I function similarly to a Kamui, and can be worn. I also have the humanity of... well... a human. Before your father died, he'd asked me to watch over you. And I did. He never wanted me to intervene, but after you got here, I knew I had to intervene."

More silence spread through the void that was this shared consciousness. Once more, Ryuko would break the silence.
"Why help me? If it werent for the old man, you'd never have done it."

(Y/N) had to think for a moment before answering that question. "I... I guess it's just instinct, really. Something in me is telling me to stay by your side and keep you safe."

Some hours pass, and both of their forms shimmer slightly.
"I guess they're waking us up." (Y/N) said quietly, standing up and offering a hand to Ryuko. She stood on her own, ignoring his hand. "I... guess I'll see you on the other side."

Ryuko huffed as the two were torn from the shared consciousness, and thrown back into the real world.

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