Chapter 15

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Y/N morphed his hand back to normal, grabbing Ryuko's new Kamui by the chest, a new tendril wrapping around her waist and pushing outward, to tear it off. She screamed in pain, clawing at his arm. But to no avail.

Ragyo watched in horror, pinned down by Y/N's tendril.
"You animal! You'll kill her!" Ragyo shouted out, panic in her voice.

"Oh, I know." Y/N replied, with a cold deadness in his voice.

"You wouldn't-"

"I would."

A loud squish was heard, and her skin came peeling off with the Kamui. But Y/N didnt care. He kept pushing her with the tendril, pulling with his hand. More and more of the Kamui was torn off, and slowly, Ryuko's life force slowly drained from her body.

Satsuki, Nonon, and the others all stared in terror. Y/N: A close friend, a trusted colleague, and worthy enemy, as lively and heartfelt as the next guy, could be as cold and heartless as an assassin. Soon, he had torn the Kamui completely off, and tossed it aside, gently setting Ryuko down, staring down Ragyo with murderous intent.

"You corrupted my beloved with the Original Life Fiber. The Original Life Fiber corrupted you. I'm sure at one point someone loved you. But now...." He gestured to Satsuki, a wicked grin slowly creeping across his face. "Not even your daughter can love you. You're an abomination: an affront to mankind. The fact that you exist sickens me, and I see it as my duty to free this world of your corrupted existence." You finished your speech, reforming your arms as swords, and taking a combative stance.

Ragyo began laughing maniacally, standing up, her arms reforming, with life fiber replacing them. Her nails had grown to claws, and her face was horribly twisted into that of a maniac.

"What a show! My god, I thought I'd never have a good fight again! Ishiin was a close second, but I KNOW you'll take first place! Lets Dance, Y/N!"

And with that, they shimmered seemingly out of existence. Every second, an explosion occured randomly in the air, signifying a collision between the two Life-Fiber infused beings.

Occasionally, if one focused enough, they could see Ragyo, but never Y/N. He kept moving faster than the eye could follow. Ragyo was slowing down, getting tired, limited by the bits of humanity still left.

Y/N was pure life fiber. His heart, his lungs, his mind, everything was constructed of Life Fiber.

The Living Life Fiber. A heartless, emotionless machine of war, capable of killing without remorse and ending entire wars without a second thought. Occasionally, spurts of blood shot out towards the crowd. But it wasn't Y/Ns. It was Ragyos.

Soon, Ragyo stumbled and rolled away, coughing up blood, clutching her side and laying on the floor.

"You should have just left Ryuko alone, Ragyo."

"I-I.... Lost?! I cant lose! I NEVER lose! N-Never.... Never! I refuse!"

In a Life Fiber explosion, Y/N was knocked backward, needing to stab his blade into the floor to stay stable.

Looking back to Ragyo, she was.... New. Her entire body had become merged with varying amounts of life fiber in her wounds. She had grown Demonic-Looking wings, her arms had extended slightly, and she was definetly bigger than before.

"The Original Life Fiber flows through me! I am the Strongest being in the universe! None can stand before me! Not even YOU, Y/N!"

Two words instantly snapped to mind. Y/N looked up at Ragyo, his eyes piercing through her very soul, striking fear into her. She recoiled, holding her hands up defensively.

"Watch me."

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