Chapter 11: Dream of Bound Souls

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"What... Just happened?" Even after reading what had happened, Ryuko was like most of my readers are: Irritated because of how fast everything happened. "That.... Bastard.... He should've let me take the blow!"
Ryuko, now is not the time to act hastily. If we sit here in angst and be angry for what he did, it'll just give Ragyo more time to figure out what (Y/N) is capable of.
"Shut up! I know that! I just.... Wish he hadnt done that...."
Ryuko wasnt the only one still shocked by his sudden departure. Satsuki, Inumuta, Nonon, even Gamagoori was shocked.
"After everything we tried to do to him, he still came through and protected us."

"Thats usually not something you see from No-Star pigs!" Nonon went back to being her cocky little-shit self, setting off both Satsuki and Ryuko.

"JAKUZURE. Withdraw your prevuous statement immediately." Satsuki held Ryuko back and spoke with a stern authority to her voice. Nonon had rarely seen this side of Satsuki, so she immediately apologized and dropped to her knees.

"A-Apologies, Lady Satsuki! I didnt know he meant that much to you."
"You would be wise to hold your tongue next time, Nonon, lest I allow Ryuko to murder you."

Ryuko was still trying to push past Satsuki to tear Nonon's head from her body.

"Lady Satsuki, if I may?" Inumuta broke the tension by acting as a voice of reason, something that they now lacked due to (Y/N)'s disappearance.
"Go ahead."

"Now that we are separated from (Y/N), I suggest we take the time Ragyo is using to fully break his mind to our own benefit, and create a plan to break back into Ragyo's fortress and get him back."
Sometimes, the fact that Inumuta is so smart scares me.
"Dont be such a baby, Senketsu. Inumuta, I hope you already have a plan. We cant waste too much time. I'm sure he can take whatever she dishes out, but I dont like the idea of my boyfriend being in her arms longer than I generally have to."

"As a matter of fact, Lady Matoi, I do."

"Lay it on me!"

"We'll need to wait for a rainy day. We infiltrate the area, use the same tactic to disable the barrier, but instead of me actually holding it open I use Probe Regalia to remotely open the gate from the gate. After we enter, we make a B-line for the elevator, make it up, and hit (Y/N) with everything we've got-"

"What?! We're trying to rescue him, not kill him!!"

"Let me finish. We knock him out of the window, and keep him outside until the rain begins. Before it does, however, everyone needs to back away and let Ryuko fight him. Having two emotional triggers hit him at once, the Life Fibers will over tax and he will be set free."

"I like this plan. Will it rain today? And if not, when is the next rainy day?"

"Tomorrow night. I suggest we use tonight and tomorrow morning to rest up and get back to our full strength."
"I second that motion." Gamagoori spoke up once again.

"Then it is settled. For tonight, we rest. Tomorrow, we assault the REVOCs headquarters and get back our friend."

Ryuko and the group went to their respective sleeping areas. Ryuko went to his bed, laying down and curling up in a ball.
How are you holding up?
"I.... I already miss him.... More than I should.... Why?"
You love him.
"N-No I don't! We're just dating. Its not like.... Every time we kiss I feel weightless.... Or like I can take on the world when I'm with him... And safe whenever I'm around him.... Trusting him with my life...."
Sounds an awful lot like you love him.
"M-Maybe I do! I miss him, ok? Maybe I love him, maybe I don't. Maybe I just miss having somebody to sleep next to.... To have someone to cuddle with.... Someone to warm me up if I get cold.... Someone to confide in...."
And she drifted to sleep, curled up in a ball with (Y/N)'s blanket on top of her.

In her dream, she found herself able to control her movements. She also found herself face to face with none other than.....

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"I.... Think so."
"W-Where are you? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, beautiful. Don't stress yourself out over me. Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine! Its so relieving to know you're alive... But how are we doing this?"

"This is what the Life Fibers would call a True-bond. When two souls were put into this world with a single purpose: Bond. We have bonded, Ryuko Matoi. We are one. And with that bond, we can communicate on a whole other level. And that's what this is."

"That's... Actually really cool."

"Right now, Ragyo is toying with my body. Its taking all of my power to not give her full control over me."

"We're doing our best, ok? Hang in there!"

"I'm trying."

Ryuko's form began shimmering. She was waking up.
"Oh, and Ryuko? Do me one favor, ok?"


"Don't lose your way."

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