The Final Chapter

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Authors Note: Its here. I know it's been a ride, through Cringe and through gold, but its here. I'll miss it.
Without further ado, I give you
The Dance of Death: The Final Chapter

It had been weeks since Ryuko disappeared. Even longer since the events with Ragyo. (Y/N) had just resided around the house for some time, waiting for Ryuko's return or helping out the others. Whether that be helping Satsuki with getting the academy back into functioning order, helping Inumuta get back to what they were supposed to look like, or being Sanegeyama's spotter, there was a plethora of things he could do. It wasnt too long, though, before (Y/N) finally gave in, going out to look for Ryuko. After saying his goodbyes, he went out to the rest of Japan, using his life fiber abilities to track the scent of her blood. As you wandered from place to place, asking if anyone had seen her, it quickly became apparent she didnt want to be found. But you wouldnt give up.
Ryuko was a part of you, as much as you were a part of her. This wasnt good.

So, a few more weeks passed, and eventually, you found her, in a small port just off the east coast. Quite a ways away from Honnouji.

You made sure to slowly approach, and sit a small distance from her.

"Everyones been worried sick, Ryuko." He said, sighing softly. "After you disappeared, things just... havent been the same."

She remained silent.

"Look. I know you're pissed at me, I get that. But the others deserve to know-"
"They dont deserve shit! They watched you almost kill me and didnt even try to stop you!" She snapped, turning to glare daggers through him.

"Because they knew what I knew, Ryuko! We've been over this!" He sighed, shaking his head softly. "I dont want to fight. I... I miss you, Ryuko. They do too. Please, just... consider coming back." He said softly, standing up slowly even though he had just sat down.
Ryuko remained seated, and didnt even turn as he walked away. She sobbed quietly, but (Y/N) didnt hear, continuing to walk off.

Even more time passed, and Ryuko still hadn't shown herself. (Y/N) had given up hope, until one sunday evening, a message arrived in the mail for him.

It was enough to get his blood pumping; In several ways.

"Italy. Help."

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