Chapter 3: Bonding

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As of this chapter forward, I am splitting off of what is Canon. Mostly. Not entirely.

(Y/N) hung around school grounds for a bit after hearing that all school clubs would be after his and Ryuko's heads.

"Well? What are you shit for brains waiting for? I'm right here." (Y/N) stood there, about to challenge one of them, but Nonon stepped up and looked up at him. "Ah, the little leader of the marching band. How cute."

"I am not cute, and I'll whip your ass!"

"You shouldn't say such things as such a young age... One might think you're a little lewd girl~"

The little girl blushed and stomped her foot, turning away. "Gamagoori! Teach this fool some manners, will you? After all, you are head of the disciplinary committee!"

He nodded, smirking and standing above (Y/N).
"Well well well..... Big... Last name begins with a G.... Three star Goku Uniform composed of... Thirty? Twenty percent? Same thing.... Hmm.... Right.... There."
"Quit your mumbling and KNEEL." Gamagoori went for an all out punch, and upon contacting (Y/N) he exploded in a brilliant and beautiful display of life fibers, wrestling Gamagoori to the floor. The ruckus aroused the suspicion of all classes in progress, and even Ryuko showed up.

"Senketsu! What's going on in there?"
"I have no idea... But I can sense your boyfriend!"
"Thats it! No iron for you tonight!"

After about five minutes, Gamagoori had been restrained ans forced to the floor by life fiber chains. (Y/N) materialized on Gamagoori's back with a smile on his face. He reached down and pinched a specific point on the uniform, and tugged.

"It cant be..."
"He is!"
"Shitsu!" And he pulled, tearing out a long string of Life fiber and causing the entire Goku Uniform to unravel.

"Ryuko, (Y/N)..... He isnt human!"

"He isnt a human. He's composed entirely of life fibers!"
"Stay away from him! If he decided to turn on us, there would be nothing I could do against him!"

"He'd never do that!"

While they had been focused on what he did to Gamagoori, he had snuck up on Ryuko and poked her sides, making her yelp cutely.
"Oh my god.... That was the cutest thing I've ever heard!"
Again, Ryuko slammed him into the floor with the dull end of the Scissor blade.
"Message recieved."

He pulled himself out, dusting himself off. Her stare of fear made him know something was up, so he wanted to scare her even more for some reason. His face suddenly went void of all emotion.
"What's wrong, Matoi?"

"Oh god.... Um... C-Could you... Not... Look at me... Like that."
He smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Really though, what's up? You normally look ready to kill me. Now you just look.... Afraid."

"Are you human?"
"Excuse me?"

"You heard me! Are you, or are you not, a human being?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm-"

"Oh, thank god."
"You didnt let me finish. Of course I'm not a human. Why else would I be able to hear Senketsu?"

Ryuko stared at him for a few seconds, before turning around and running away.

He followed, knowing that now that it was dark out there would be some pretty nasty people around the slums. He respected her wishes and kept his distance, but fell asleep outside of Mako's house. He wouldn't leave her alone. He didnt want her to feel abandoned.

Not again.
Not like last time..... Its a shame she doesn't remember.....

Ryuko had just returned to her father's house because he had called her. She arrived to find that her father, Isshin Matoi, had been impaled by a figure she couldn't see. He didnt go down without a fight, however, as there was an eyeball clearly not his sitting on the floor.
She rushed to his side, collapsing at his feet. (Y/N) was laying next to him, torn to bits.
"(Y/N)?! Not you, too!"

"Sorry, Little Ryu...." Cough "Your old man and I didnt stand a chance... Not yet... Take the scissor blade... And come here..."

She grabbed the scissor blade from her fathers lifeless corpse, dragging it to her childhood friend, (Y/N). One of the numerous fibers scattered around him shot into her head.
"I'm sorry, Ryuko.... But you can't remember me. If you did.... You'd be killed."

"But.... I want to remember you! Dont leave me with memories of a dead father!"

"I'm sorry, Ryuko.... One day.... I will find you again... And we'll be reunited...."
"And I promise you.... With every fiber of my being.... That I will...."
"Take.... What's mine..."

(Y/N) woke from his horrid dream to Ryuko's foot on his shoulder, giving him a straight look at her panties. He didnt point it out, he just held his eyes shut with little cracks in both so he could enjoy the view.

"What'd you want, little Ryu?"
"Don't call me that."

"Whatever.... What do you want?"
"Its no late day, and its 5 in the morning. We gotta get going if we want to outrun the obstacles.

(Y/N) sat up, stretching and unravelling a small chunk of his side and briefly lifting her skirt. Either she didnt notice or didnt care enough to react, because she went straight for the tram. (Y/N) went inside and picked up a sleeping Mako, jogging and keeping up with the tram.

"How'd you sleep, Matoi?"

"Shitty. Had a weird dream-"
"About you." Senketsu was awake.
"S-Shut up!"

Despite the two being lighthearted about it, (Y/N) just stared blankly at her.
"So you remember...."

"N-Nothing.... Senketsu, make sure you dig around her brain and tell me everything she thinks about me."

"N-No! Please don't! Anything but that!"
The two argued for quite some time, mostly consistent of Senketsu saying he could just make Ryuko naked for the transformation and Ryuko saying he wasn't getting any Ironing.

Please, Senketsu. Let her remember me...

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