Guys Girl (Bucky Barnes)

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Bucky Barnes X Reader

Warnings: gender roles I guess, small argument???


(Y/N) didn't normally wear skirts or dresses and when she did no one really cared. Except Bucky, he was new to the team he hadn't yet seen her in a skirt. So when she approached the guys and Nat wearing one his mouth hung agape as he stopped talking mid sentence. This caused the rest of the group to follow his eyes and find them resting on (Y/N) who was wearing a short black skirt.

"You alright Buck?" She asked and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Y-yeah, it's just you don't normally dress like that" he stated. She cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Dress like what?" She questioned her voice threatening, causing a few of the people to scram, which only left Natasha, Clint, Tony and Bruce. Even Steve had abandoned Bucky after realising his mistake.

"You know like- it's just your normally more of a-" he couldn't seem to phrase it right which only enraged (Y/N) more.

"More of a what Bucky?" she snapped lightly.

"More of a guys kinda girl" he shrugged. She clenched her fists.

"Okay Grampa Gender Roles" she huffed earning a few snickers from the others apart from Bruce.

"What?" Bucky asked, standing up so he was now towering above her.

"Oh no he stood up I'm so scared" she said her voice thick with sarcasm. "You heard me. Grampa Gender Roles" she repeated.

"I'm sorry I'm a little out dated doll, but if you haven't noticed I am from the forties" he growled.

"Just because everyone else was doing it doesn't mean you have to. It's not the forties anymore old man" came her reply.

"You are so frustrating!" He yelled, elenching his fist.

"I'm the frustrating one? Because I wore a skirt?" She scoffed, by this point Steve hesitantly re-entered the room and prepared himself to engage in the fight.

"(Y/N) that's not what he meant. Come on he's still adjusting" Steve tried to reason, but her anger only turned to him.

"You're just as bad, just last week when I was flying us back from that mission you told me the cockpit was 'no place for a lady'" she huffed.

"Oh come on, I thought you were over this. I was trying to be chiviolrus" he said throwing his hands up in frustration "you looked tired"

"Me being tired has nothing to do with my gender Steve" she sneered.

"No she has a point Steve, if it were Peggy she would've probably punched you" Bucky said defeated. "Look (Y/N) I'm sorry, what I said came out wrong. It was just a shock to see you wearing something so different. You can wear what you want and I respect that" he apologised.

"Thank you Bucky, I'm sorry for being so mean" she mumbled a small victorious smile on her face.

"I'm sorry too (Y/N)" Steve added.

"Yeah whatever gramps" (Y/N) dissmissed as she headed off to go grab water.

"She obviously likes you Bucky" Natasha stated once (Y/N) was out of ear shot.

"She doesn't and it's none of your business Nat" Bucky scolded.

"So you like her too then" Nat hummed.

"Natasha stop trying to play match maker" Steve groaned.

"I'm not I'm just stating facts. They both like each other" she shrugged. "Just ask her on a date Barnes"

"She has a point. They do both like each other, it's obvious" Clint agreed. Huffing Steve gave in and also agreed. (Y/N) walked back into the room.

"I can feel you guys talking about me" she said walking over to the group and placing herself next to Bucky.

"Nat was saying how you and Barnes love each other" Tony mocked. (Y/N) turned to Bucky and it appeared as though they had a silent conversation before what came next. With a smirk on her face (Y/N) lent up and kissed Bucky, who immediately reciprocated the kiss.

"What the fuck" Steve muttered. (Y/N) and Bucky pulled apart, but he kept one arm loosely wrapped around her shoulders.

"We've been dating for months punk" Bucky laughed.

"We were just waiting to see how long it took you guys to notice it" (Y/N) added.

"Wait so you guys did kiss on movie night?! I thought my eyes were betraying me!" Clint exclaimed.

"YOU THOUGHT THEY KISSED AND DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ANYONE" Nat yelled and with that those two were gone as Clint ran away from her.

"So that argument earlier...?" Bruce asked, leaving the question hanging in the air.

"That was an actual argument" (Y/N) confirmed "Bucky was being an asshole"

"And here I was thinking you were over that" Bucky mumbled with a roll of his eyes "I said I was sorry"

"I know, I know" (Y/N) said soothing him with a kiss to his cheek.

"Wait but Bucky's only been here a few months so you guys must've started dating right after you met?" Steve questioned.

"Four days" (Y/N) confirmed.

"I'm sorry what?" Bruce asked his mouth hanging open just a bit. Both Bucky and (Y/N) shrugged.

"She's hot" Bucky said at the same time (Y/N) said,

"He's hot"

"Yeah match made in heaven" Steve sighed as (Y/N) and Bucky walked off, his arm still draped over her shoulder.

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