Amnesia: Part 2 (Bucky Barnes)

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Bucky Barnes X Reader

Warnings: multiple parts, this is part 2 out of 3


At some point during the idle chit chat, Bucky had left the lab and found Steve and Sam in the living room. A little while later (Y/N) left Tony to his work and found the trio sat in the living room. She sat down on Steve's right, Bucky was sat on his left and sam in the chair across from them. Every so often (Y/N) would steal sips of Steves drink until at last he asked the question Bucky knew she'd been waiting for.

"So what did you remeber, Bucky wouldn't tell us said you'd want to do it yourself" He plucked his beer botle from her grip as he spoke and finished of the last of it. (Y/N) gave Bucky a warm smile in thanks and began to tell her memory again with just as much enthusiasam as the first time around.

"Do you know what triggered the memory?" Sam asked after it had been explained and both Steve and Sam had asked questions, wanting, or hoping that (Y/N) could give them more details. Indulging her, Bucky thought. He was slightly bitter at the idea that maybe they were just pittying her, using her for her abilities. But then he looked again as Sam asked his question and he thought maybe he was wrong, maybe they had actually wanted to help.

"Music again, some classical thing this time" she answered, Steve seemed to perk up at this.

"We should try that with you Buck" he commented, Bucky shrugged in response "If I give you a list of songs from before could you help (Y/N)?" Steve asked.

"If Buckys up to it then I'd be more then happy"


The next day Steve had written out his list and (Y/N) had compiled it into a spotify playlist, now all that was left to do was for Bucky to knock on her door. He felt consumed by nerves all of a sudden as his hand hovered over the door. She seemed to have such a diffrent outlook on all this then he did and he was worried he'd just drag her down with him. Swallowing his nerves he placed a tentive knock on the door and she was quick to answer, greeting him with a warm smile and a 'come in'. 

Bucky stood awkwardly by the door for a few moments after it had shut, (Y/N)'s room was so full of life for someone with amnesia. Photographs of the team littered the room, along with objects that seemed fillied with personality and history. She cleared some books off the bed allowing him a moment to look around, take it all in.

"make yourself at home. Tony has surround sound so the music'll be great anywhere" she hummed as the last of her things were shuffled of off the bed. Cautiously Bucky sat down on the bed, shifting himself to lean against the headboard. (Y/N) plopped herself cross legged at the other end, facing him.

"So uh- how does this work?" Bucky asked after a few moments.

"Don't look so nervous. It's just music, it might trigger something in your memory. Don't try to force it though that just results in headaches" she lauged and he smiled, a nervous smile. "I don't know why Steve didn't suggest this earlier, it was the first thing he thought of with me" a few buttons tapped on her phone and the room burst to life with the soft hum of music. 

It was tense at first but after a song or two Bucky relaxed, in turn allowing (Y/N) to do the same. As time went on Bucky began to lose hope, until midway through a song he spoke up.

"Hey I remeber this, me and a dame danced to this one night. Don't think I got her name" he mumbled the last part, but (Y/N)'s eyes seemed to light up.

"Thats great!" She seemed even happier then he was about the memory.

"Do you think it would help if I danced to it again?" he questioned. (Y/N) shrugged.

"I'm no expert at these things and I don't really know how to dance but we could give it a try" a grin fell over Buckys face as he clambered of the bed, pulling (Y/N) up with him and holding her close.

"Just follow my lead" he mumbled as he began to guide her around the room. She soon found the rythm and then again as the next song started and then midway through Bucky paused and pulled away from her.

"whats wrong?" she asked.

"son of a bitch, Steves trynna set us up" he grumbled.

"Buck I'm sure thats not true-" 

"can you turn it off please" he interuppted gesturing vaugely around the room, haistly (Y/N) scrambled to turn the music off and Bucky made his way towards the door.

"Wait- please. Just hear me out for a sec okay?" she pleaded with him and to her suprise it worked. "I don't think Steve would try set us up, he knows we're both going through a lot of shit right now. But we're also in similar situations he probably thought we could help each other" she explained as best she could in the small span of time she had before he might leave. He turned on his heels and took two steps towards her.

"Thats just it, we aren't similar at all. Sure our situations are almost the same. But we handle this completely diffrently. I don't understand how you're so happy and cheery all the time about this, about what happened, what Hydra took from you. Do you even remeber any of the shit they could've put you through? The family they could've taken away from you?" he snapped at her running a stressed hand through his hair.

"Of course I do" her voice was so quite he instatly felt guilty. She sat on the edge of her bed and Bucky followed suit, wanting to apologise but not sure how to. "I remeber bits and pieces- people I killed and it's awful. It's terrbile what happened to me- to both of us. But Bucky it's so exhausting being sad and upset all the time. It's just so much easier to be happy, celebrate the small victories. So yes I deal with my fair share of nightmares and bad memories and I don't really tell anyone about them which is in no way healthy. But theres also good memories and the oppourtnity of a lifetime to make new ones. If you want to go you can, but if you still want my help I'll always be here" she was so busy looking at her hands that rested on her thighs, studying their every detail as she spoke, that when the weight on the bed shifted she assumed Bucky had left.

But he hadn't. He'd pulled her into a hug as gentle sobs escaped past his lips. Once she'd proccessed what was happening she was qick to reciprocate the hug. She held him close with no intent of letting go until he was ready.

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