Somewhat of a Party Animal (Natasha Romanoff)

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Natasha Romanoff X Reader

Warnings: alcohol, mentions of fonduing, as usual swearing


Steve Rogers had a younger sister, only a few years younger, but still a younger sister. Him and Bucky were always very protective of her, when they both woke up to find they'd been asleep for fucking ages they assumed you were dead.

You weren't, you had no idea how, but you weren't. At one point you'd just stopped ageing not that you minded, but it got a little tiring never dying.

When you found out they were alive you immediately reached out to them. They didn't quite believe it was you at first, but had Banner flown out to Ireland with them to visit you. He ran some DNA tests did background checks and everything lined up.

The rest of the team had never met you, you weren't fond of flying, so Steve and Bucky always came all the way to Ireland to visit you. All the team really knew was that you were somewhat of a party animal, a trouble maker and constantly facetiming either Steve or Bucky or both. So when they heard you were coming to America for one of Starks parties they got very excited.


"She'll be here in a few hours, don't be a dick" Bucky huffed to the group who were currently gathered in the living room.

"Language" Steve corrected "oh and none of you even think about flirting with my baby sister" Steve's voice was stern and protective but full of love.

Meanwhile you were very anxiously exiting the plane, grateful to finally be on the ground. You made quick work of leaving the airport and spotted a man holding a sign that read "(Y/N) Rogers" you smiled at him as you approached, dragging your (f/c) suitcase behind you.

"You must be Happy" you offered a hand out for him to shake, which he took but told you there was no need for formalities. You followed him to a nice looking car and hopped in. The two of you chatted idly as he drove, he seemed nice.

"We're here" he said pointing out the front window to a huge tower. You leaned forwards to try get a better look.

"Damn Steve's over here living like a king and I've just got some crumby little two bedroom cottage. I'm jealous" you half joked causing Happy to laugh. He drove the car into the garage and took your suitcase out the boot once parked.

"I can carry that you know" you laughed trying to grab your suitcase which he pulled away with a laugh.

"Just doing my job"

The two of you were laughing at something or other in the elevator when it arrived at the living room. You didn't even stop to take in your surroundings as you saw Steve.

"STEVIE!" you yelled launching yourself into your brother's arms and knocking him back slightly with an 'oof' sound.
"I missed you so much!" You turned your head to see Bucky and immediately latched onto him instead of Steve. "Bucko I missed you too! Wait a minute something's different about the two of you" you pulled back from Bucky at stared at both men, inspecting them carefully. "No way, did you guys fuck?" You asked Steve blushed slightly giving them away, you gasped a huge grin spreading across your face. "You guys totally fucked! It's about damn time!"

"You're not gonna call her out on her language?" A voice snorted from your left, you turned and realised the rest of the group were sat in what you now realise is the living room. "Hiya sweethearts the names-"

"Tony Stark, the asshat himself. Hot damn your pictures do not do you justice!" You exclaimed causing some of the other members to laugh. You looked around the room taking in your surroundings and the people around you. "Fucking hell Stevei if you had told me your friends were all so hot I would've come here months ago" you laughed, Steve scolded you on your language and inappropriate comment this time, but you just shrugged it off.

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