Taking Risks

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            If you talk to Mark again, would he remember you? What if he didn't actually want to meet you? "Like, he was at his fragile moment, I guess." You thought.
-Y/n? Hello? - Chin-Sun is waving her hands in front of your face. - You went to another dimension haha. Are you okay? Is something bothering you? - Her worried face makes you laugh.
-No, mom. Don't worry. You say joking. - I'm fine. I'm just an empty head. Head on the clouds. - You think it would be better to not talk about what happened yesterday to her. You don't know her very well yet.
-Okay, if this is it, it's fine. I'm like that as well. - Chin-Sun says eating another bite of her sandwich.

-I'm gonna buy a juice. I'll be back. - You say and Chin-Sun nods.
           Walking to the fridges, you choose a strawberry juice and two girls stop next to you.
- Hey! I saw that you are sitting with Chin-Sun. Are you new here? - One of the girl asks you with a little smile.
-Hey! Yeah. I arrived yesterday. - You say looking at her.
-Uhm... I thought so. I mean, just seeing someone talking to Chin-Sun we can see that the person is new here. - She says laughing and looking at your table. Chin-Sun realizes the looks and stops smiling making an angry kind of face.
-Uhm... I don't understand what you mean. - You look back at the girls with a confused face.
-You know, just by talking to her for five minutes you see the "pick me" vibe. She is just too much, you know. - She laughs with a disgusted face.
- Maybe you will feel better with us. You have the looks, we can introduce you to the boys. - The other girl says.
-You know, I don't think Chin-Sun is too much. Maybe you are just boring. She is not seeking attention, but you really came all the way here to say bad things of her to me behind her back? Oh, maybe you want her attention, girls. - You say opening the bottle and taking a sip looking at their eyes.
-We want what? You don't even know us, neither her. You should be careful, you don't know who you are talking to. - They get angry.
-Yeah, you are right. I've just met her. But I think trusting someone who says bad things about other people on their first conversation is even more stupid. I prefer stay with my new friend. I don't need your contacts. Now, excuse me, ladies. Bye. You say leaving and waving at them without looking. You come back to the table and face Chin-Sun.
-So, apparently, you got a bad blood between your friends here, right? To not say worse. - You take another sip.
-Yeah. She starts to talk like she was daydreaming. - We were friends before, but I think I don't need companies who try making me less than I am. I don't fake it, you know. It's just me. So, now I'm alone, but I think this is better for me. - Chin-Sun says drinking her coke.
-But you are not alone anymore. - Chin-Sun looks at you. - I'm here now. - You say and she smiles to you. - We have to know each other better tho. - You say grinning trying to cheer her up.
-YEAAH, GIRL. She high fives you and then notices that she spoke a little loud. - Oh, I must fix that, tho. I scream a lot, geez. - She says laughing.
-I think we're gonna laugh a lot together. - You laugh.
-I already feel the best friend's vibe. - She winks at you.
-So, ChinChin, I was thinking about asking you something. I like kpop a lot and I noticed that you too. Actually, I'm more into NCT. Do you know about any event or concert near? - You ask her.
-Oh, really? I'm so happy to know that. I'm more into Stray Kids, but I know about a fansign of NCT next month. You can buy the ticket on this site. - She shows you the site and the price. It's not so expensive as you thought it was, so you bought it with Chin-Sun.
            And like that, the month passes by. You start the classes and get to now more about Chin-Sun. Turned out that you really built a friendship and you are like sisters now. You made friends on your class and you are really happy. Sadly, Chin-Sun is not in the same course as you. She is doing dancing, but you can meet her when the two of you are free.
            Finally, the day of the fansign comes. You are a little nervous because you will meet your lovely idols, especially Mark, who you didn't stop thinking about since that day at the airport. You are now in the line waiting your time. They call your name. You start with Doyoung. You talk to him a little, trying to speak in Korean. He understands you and says you are doing great. You talk with Johnny and Haechan too. Now, the person you were waiting comes. Mark. You want to see if he would remember you, so you don't say anything yet. He looks at you and smiles widely.
-OH, DUDE! IT'S YOU, OMG. He says to you excited. "Omg, he remembers me. I can't believe it." You think.
-Mark, you remember me!
-Of course. It's Y/n, right? - He says looking you in the eyes. You are completely melted. "He even remembers my name!" You think a little embarrassed.
-Yeah! I'm so happy you remember me. And how are you? That day wasn't the perfect day, right? But at least I could see you, Mark. - You ask him concentrated on his answer. You really care about him. You are a fan after all.
-I'm fine now. - He takes your hand in his. Your heart starts to beat fast because you are nervous. Actually, I talked about this day with the members and they were impressed with you. You treated me so well and didn't force me to do anything. He intertwines his fingers with yours. "This is a crime, Mark. My heart is going to explode." You think. - I want to say thank y... - When you were in the middle of the conversation, the manager tells go to another member. You are stopping the line.
-Oooh, noo. But I want to give him a present first! Please! - You beg to the staff, but they don't listen. - Mark, I think my time is over. - The staff holds your arm for you to continue.
-Uhm... Ok. Take this first. - He winks at you like he wants you to hide something and hands you a paper under the table. You get the hint and take it fast, then you get up to go to another member, but Mark says:
-Hey, Staff! - You and the staff, who is holding your arm, look at Mark. - You can let go of her arm now. It will hurt her. – You thought it was super cute and smile embarrassed. Mark really knows how to let you in love. Yuta sees that and chuckles looking at Mark. Mark sees the look Yuta gave to him and clears his throat. The next fan sits down and he gives attention to her as everything comes back to normal.
                Now, already home, you let yourself fall on the bed. Today was a long day. All the energy you wasted is showing up now. You take a shower remembering of everything. How Mark protected you, how he held your hands, his smile, his eyes, and the other members too. You are happy you were able to see them. It was your dream to meet them and say how much they inspire you. You are putting the shampoo and humming a song when you remember. "Omg, I totally forgot! He gave me a paper." You finish your shower quickly and get the paper inside your jeans' pocket. You open it and see a telephone number. "He gave me his number? But... Can he do that? He is an idol. I don't know... It must be like a prank. The pizza delivery number." You laugh thinking about it. "But, what if it's really his number. Maybe it's a second number? Uhm..." You start to think what you should do. Should you really send a message? If turns out that it's just a staff number saying you won the big prize! Congratulations! Take your CD and poster now!" You would feel honored, but kind of disappointed at the same time. Well, it will not stop you from send a message, of course. Mark Lee gave you a number. It's obvious that you are gonna send something. So you add the number, rip the paper (so that no one sees) and think what you should write. Maybe a "Hey, Mark. It's Y/n!". No, no. What if he doesn't want to be caught? Ok, I got it.
-Hello. It's me, Y/n. - You read it like 10 times and finally send it. Your hands are sweating and you don't know why. Now you just have to wait until he responds.
                Meanwhile, at the NCT's dorm, the boys get home and start talking.
-Well, I think we did great today, guys. Congrats. Taeyong says to everyone after a long day of fansign.
-Yeah, we gave attention to everyone. Specially Mark. He looks after his fans a lot, if you know what I mean. - Haechan says looking at Mark and giving a smirk. He wanted to tease Mark a bit.
-Yeaaah, we saw that "You can let go of her arm, staff." Hahaha - Jaehyun says teasing Mark as well. Mark looks at them laughing and hiding between his hands.
-Yo, guys, stop. I was just looking after her. Y/n is a fan after all. They like when we take care of them, you know. - Mark says scratching his head.
-Oh, oh, wait. So that girl was Y/n? That girl who got her taxi invaded for you? - Jungwoo says with a surprised face making fun of Mark. Mark looks at him with a playful angry face. - Woow. Now it explains everything. Why didn't you say anything?
-It was so fast that I couldn't even think of anything. I didn't even get the chance of thank her for that day, but at least I said she did a good thing for me. - Mark explains.
-And after that you gave her your number. - Yuta says looking at him smirking.
-Wait, you did what? You gave her your number? Did you do that? - Taeyong asks surprised.
-Uhmmm... May...be? - Mark says showing his teeth and scratching his head already knowing he is in trouble.
-Mark! You know we can not give our numbers. Why did you do that? If manager finds out, you will be in trouble. - Doyoung says desperate. - We know that this always ends up bad. Normally they are reporters or paparazzies pretending to be fans and when we open up, it's a mess. We can't trust her.
-Sorry, guys, I didn't want to cause problems. I just thought that if she wanted to do something bad or if she is a reporter, she would have said about my black eye that day. There is no photos or reports of me on internet. Maybe she is a real nctzen. She was going to give me a present, but staff took her out and I didn't think well. - He says sad.
-Ok, I have an idea. - Taeyong starts to talk with his hand on his chin thinking. - We can test if she is dangerous or not. - He grins knowing he is a genius.
-Test her? How? - Taeil asks.
-Let's see if this number is going to explode from messages of saesangs or not. If not, you can talk to her. After that, we can send her a fakenews, like, uhm... Like we are going to release a new song or go in a tour soon. If she wants money and fame, she will tell to others and we can deny it later. - Everybody think it's a great idea. Mark agrees hoping you would not betray him because you are the first person to receive his number. All he wants is to thank you for what have done for him.

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