The invitation

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            After all this tiring conversation, he goes to his room, takes a shower and lies down on his bed without even checking his phone.
            At the morning, you are disappointed. You sent Mark a message, but he didn't respond. "Maybe he is busy. He is an idol after all." You bite your nails trying to keep calm. "Ok, whatever. I will not think about it. If it's meant to be, he will answer. Yeah." You think with pride. Then your phone rings. A notification. You run as fast as you can from the bathroom to your bed. Yeah, of course you are not excited for it, right? You take your cellphone. It is a message. From Mark!
-Hey, Y/n! I'm late, sorry. I came home yesterday and I was so tired that I didn't even check my phone. I'm happy that I can talk to you right now. - He says and you are almost dead now.
-Omg, is this really you, Mark? I can't believe. - You laugh and wait a bit. He answers. It's an audio, omg.
-Uhm... Yeah, it's really me. How are you? You hear his voice. His morning voice. A deep voice that seems recently awakened. What a beautiful voice. Coming from heaven. He sent you an audio. That's it. You are not believing it. How should you answer? An audio as well? Okay.
-Ehrm... I'm okay, thanks. Yesterday was really good. You must be tired after all that fansign. It was the best day of my life. Are you feeling better now? - You send. "Was it too long? 30 seconds. Why did you send him a 30 second audio, Y/n? Is he really really going to listen?". He listens. He answers.
-I'm glad that you like it. And yeah, I'm fine now. I'm gonna get up, make breakfast and go to practice. I'll be back late. - He says in another audio making you happy for hearing his voice.
-This is cool. Have a great day, Mark. Thank you. I'll be here for you always. Bye! - "Omg, was it too cheesy? Am I looking like a saesang or something?" You laugh feeling embarrassed, but you can not help it. You are trying to make him feel well. Mark sends an audio giggling.
-Haha, you are cute. Bye! - He says sending you to the stars. You are so happy! You are talking to your idol. This opportunity doesn't appear everyday. Are you like friends now? If he wasn't an idol, it would look like it. You chuckle from the thought.
             Now, as time goes by, you and Mark start to talk even more. Sometimes he takes more time to respond you because he is busy with schedule, so it takes about a day, but you have no problem with it. You were nervous the first time, but got used to it now and he even calls you time to time. Your last call was about your job.
-So, you said you are in university, right? What do you do? - Mark asks you while makes a coffee. He finished his practice early today and took the opportunity to call you a bit.-I'm doing Musical Production, but I've just started it. It's been 4 months yet. I'm at Seoul University. - You say.
- Wow, so it's not far from here. And Musical Production? You want to make music? This is nice. I mean, I like it very much, obviously. - You laugh of his joke. - Why did you choose it? Oh, I think I'm asking too much. Maybe it's personal, I don't know. - He realizes and worries if he is making you uncomfortable.
-No! You can ask. We are friends now, right? - You giggle. - Well... I grew up in the church, so I had a lot of contact with music. I thought that I would like to work with it, but didn't know how. Then, I started to make songs, adjust the voices and this kind of thing. Now I'm here searching work on a big company. - You explain with a nostalgic feeling.
-Yo, are you serious? I grew up in the church too. I like it. I miss those times when I used to play guitar with my dad there. This is cool. - Mark finally found someone who understands him. He likes talking to you and your conversation always makes him happy.
-Maybe we can make it someday again? - You giggle. - Who knows.
-You know, you said that you want to work on a big company. Do you think about SM? If you want to, I can bring you here for you to give a look around. Just for fun. - Mark says thinking if you would be excited for it.
-NOOO, BOOY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I would love that. Working on SM would be a pleasure. If it will not get you in trouble, yeah, I would like it very much! - Your smile is now from ear to ear.
-Always taking care of me, right? I will make it happen. Just wait for it. - He says laughing of your excitement. - I have to look on my schedule though. We are working on a new single now. Broken Pieces. - Mark decides that this is the moment to test you. Actually, NCT isn't going to release anything yet. Nothing called Broken Pieces at least. He doesn't like the idea of lying to you, but this is what the group decided. NCT was a great group. They didn't have serious fights until now. They are professionals, but nobody is perfect. They have had some problems with relationships, saesangs and fans. Problems that weren't revealed to the media. The classical "I'm a fan, I love you" is not always true and they must be careful with information and scandals. When Mark decided to test you, it was not easy for him. You were talking for about a month now and even though you had small conversations, he was happy with the new friendship. He doesn't have many girl friends, specially one that he could speak freely, so he said that hoping you don't say anything to betray his trust.
-Oh, really? I didn't know that. I follow a lot of NCT pages. Is this news already out? - You asked checking your social medias.
-Uhm... Actually, this is a secret. It's not out yet. - He says afraid of what will come from now on.-Wow, okay. So, I will not tell anybody. What a secret. My heart can not handle it, Mark. - You two laugh. - I'm just kidding. I'm glad you told this to me. Good luck on the song. I know it's gonna be a bop. - You say trying to cheer him up in the case he is anxious.
-Thanks, y/n. I hope it can end up well. - You didn't now the real meaning behind his words. - I think I must go now. I have to wake up early tomorrow. It was good to talk to you. - He says goodbye to you.
-Okay. I'm glad to talk to you. Good night. Bye. - You end the call and go do your stuff. At NCT dorm, Mark lets the cellphone on the bed and goes to the living room where are Taeyong and Doyoung now.
-Guys, I was talking to Y/n now and started the test with her as you asked me to. Let's see what happens now. - Mark says as he lies down on the sofa sighing heavily.
-Are you worried? If she is really your fan and your friend, she will not betray you. - Taeyong says and Mark agrees humming with a pillow on his face.
-What did you say to her? - Doyoung asks curious. The rest of 127 come to eat something and listen the conversation.
-Who said what to who? - Jungwoo comes and sits on a chair in the living room with a coffee.
-Mark started the test with Y/n today. - Taeyong explains.
-Oh, really? Is this the reason why he is like that? - Jaehyun says meaning the way Mark is dropped on the couch. He laughs of Mark.
-Hahaha, Mark, don't worry. Y/n is so cute. Cute people don't do bad things. - Jungwoo says taking a sip of his coffee and Mark takes the pillow off his face to look at them.
-Yeah, right. Like that cute fan of yours that turned into a crazy saesang that time, Jungwoo. - Johnny says rolling his eyes.
-Oh, I almost forgot about that... Well, Y/n is different. I just can feel it. - Jungwoo says confident and Mark smiles.
-Is your cellphone still normal? No strange calls? - Yuta asks to Mark.
-No, it's normal. And it's been a month now. - Mark looks at the others.
-I think she will pass. But be careful. - Taeil says crossing his arms and smiling.
-Yeah, Mark. Go get your girl, man. 1 month and you didn't do anything. - Haechan says already running away from Mark who wants to chock him.
-Thanks, guys. I will be careful. - Mark lets go of Haechan, takes a potato chips in the kitchen and sits on the couch again. - Movie?
-LET'S GO! - Jungwoo shouts.
             And just like that you kept talking to Mark. You want to tell everything to Chin-Sun so bad, but you are afraid she might end up talking about it to someone without even notice. Although you are quiet about that, your suddenly happiness is noticed by her. Now you and Chin-Sun are in a restaurant. You decided to hangout a bit to relax from your week of exams.
-Y/n, I wanted to ask you something. - Chin-Sun says to you while you are going to have lunch. - It's that... I know you are a happy and bright person. You rarely are on a bad mood. But lately I noticed that you are really happy. I mean, you keep smiling at your phone and stuff. Did something happen? Do you have a new boyfriend? - You almost spit out your juice.
-Uhm... Haha, Ehrm... - What do you do now? You can not hide it anymore. You are so happy to have met Mark and be able to talk to him, but you didn't know if you could tell that. You start biting your nails. - Actually, I met a boy at the airport on my first day. He was late for something and got in my taxi. He didn't see me, but he was so desperate that I let him take the ride with me. We had a convo and I got his number. I'm talking to him since then. I think we are friends now and he is cool. - You say without many details. You think there is no problem since she doesn't know who is he.
- Wow. What a funny story. But... What are you thinking? Do you like him? - Chin-Sun asks.              Actually, you never thought about that. Mark is an idol. Why would he want to date you? Why would he even be interested in you? He is in a world where he sees famous models all the time. He is surrounded by gorgeous and hot girls. It's impossible that he feels attracted to you.
-Uhm... I don't know. I haven't think about that yet. He is kinda out of my league, you know. I don't think he would be interested in me. - You say to Chin-Sun who doesn't know which kind of boy you are talking about.
-Girl, I- What are you talking about? You- I'm gonna hit you. You are gorgeous, girl. I haven't seen him yet, but come on, you are just fine. Omg, I can't. - She drops her french fries dramatically. You laugh of how cute she is. Mad at you because you were saying that you are not attractive to him.
-Okaay, okay. Don't get mad at me. - You say taking her hand on yours.
-I won't if you stop thinking you are not beautiful. You are my bestfriend and you are perfect. - She says pouting cutely.
-Am I your bestfriend, ChinChin? Aaaawww. - You say pulling her for a hug.
-Okaaay, okay. You understand now. Stop it. - She says and you laugh because you were being clingy on purpose. - So, let me know if something happens. I'm romantic and curious, you know that. - She says to you.
-Of course. For now, just friends. - You smile at her and finish your lunch.
               The weekend passed and you got home. As you always do, you send Mark a message. Sometimes you are afraid that you are being annoying by telling him your day and personal things, but he never said so. Actually, if you don't say anything, he always asks, so you got used to talk to him.
-Hey! I'm home now. I went out with Chin-sun today. We went to a new restaurant near here. It was cool. I ate a pizza and it was soo good. If you could, I would go there with you. - You send the message and a selfie of you and Chin-Sun to him. You let your phone on the bed and go to take a shower. Mark answers 2 hours later.
-Yo! The pizza looks really good. I don't know if I could go to a place well-known like that. We could be surrounded a little bit. I've just finished practicing now. - He sends you a selfie. He is sitting on the floor of the practice room. His hair is a little messy and he is sweaty. "Oh God, does he now the power this photo holds? He is so handsome even all sweaty." You think. And yes, he does know the power of it. He is not trying to seduce you, but at the same time, he likes to tease you a bit, as you like too. You two flirt sometimes, but you never thought seriously about that.
-No problem. I know these things can be annoying and stressful sometimes. I mean, I can imagine. - You say to him as he laughs.
-You know... I have been thinking. What do you think about coming to visit SM on Wednesday?

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