The Truth

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           After work you meet Mark like he asked you to. You two go to eat at the SM restaurant. You two take a pizza.
-So, tell me. What's concerning you? – You ask him before biting your slice of pizza.
-I was talking to Eric and he said he saw Emilly kissing Saehyon here at the company. – Mark says and you frown your eyebrows.
-Oh God. – You say shivering. – Do you think he has something to do with that crazy fan and the photo? – You ask.
-Of course! I don't know what he is planning, but we have to be prepared. – Mark says and you nod. – I want you to know something. – You look at him. – Don't ever believe anyone who says that I don't love you. – He looks at you serious. – I won't believe if they say it about you too. – You look down and nod. – Look at me. – He says touching your chin and slowly putting your face up to look at him. – It was not your fault. I know what happened to you. Eric told me. I will never do this kind of thing to you. You are the only one for me and I will be by your side whenever you want me and need me. – You nod again and you eyes get watery.
-I will be by your side too. I love you. – You say shy. He chuckles and winks at you.
            Meanwhile, at Saehyon's house:
-But Saehyon, I- - Emilly says and Saehyon interrupts her.
-Shut up. – He sighs. – You had only one job, which was taking a picture of him kissing another girl. And you bring me this shit? – He throws the picture of Mark and the "fan" on the table.
-That's all I could do! He likes her for real! He wouldn't kiss anyone else. Doesn't matter how pretty is the woman. – Emilly says. – Honestly, I thought we would just piss them off. But this is crossing the line. If my uncle finds out I used his money to pay that girl, he would kill me. He can put me in jail. – She says looking at him serious.
-I don't care. – He says not looking at her. Emilly sighs. They stay in silent for some seconds.
            When you told Emilly that she should talk to Saehyon, she thought you were kidding. Then she met him. He said he hated Mark Lee and she said she hated you, so they started to talk. As Saehyon is smart, he made Emilly fall for him to use her as a tool to take his revenge. As he is not allowed to enter SM on his own anymore, Emilly was the best option he found.
-So that's it. You don't care. You just care about Mark. – She says. – The more you try to put him down, more he goes up and more you sink. You are a shame. – She scoffs looking at him disgusted. He looks at her fast.
-What did you say? – He stands up and grabs her neck. – You don't know who you are talking to, right? – He says with a scary face. Emilly trembles. That face Saehyon makes can scary anybody. "He's gonna kill me." She thinks. Saehyon stares at her and then sighs, releasing her. She sighs relieved he didn't do anything. – You are just a pick me girl who wants attention of everybody. You are nothing. Get out of my house. I don't need you anymore. I'll do the work alone. – He says with his back facing her and his hands resting on his hips.
            Emilly gets out of there before he could do something bad to her.
-It didn't end here, Saehyon. You will know who is a nothing here. – She says to herself. She leaves the building and gets in the car that is waiting for her. Inside is her driver who is also her security guard. – Let's go, James. – She says sitting and throwing her purse on the seat. The man looks at her from the rearview.
-What is that on your neck? – He says and Emilly covers it with her hands. Apparently, Saehyon left a bruise of his grip on her neck.
-It's a hickey. – She says not wanting him to know.
-It doesn't look like a hickey. – He says.
-Forget it. – She turns to look at him from the rearview. – I need you to do something for me.
            Some days pass by. As Mark is worried about Saehyon doing something to you, he escorts you from SM until your dorm every day you have work. Eric stays tuned too if Saehyon shows up at the company. Now it's a little late, so Mark walks you to the dorm. You are holding hands and talking.
-I don't know what to do. What if he does something to you? – Mark says. You turn to him and cup his face with your hands.
-Listen, he is just a jealous jerk that is chasing my talented boyfriend. He won't do anything serious. We are prepared now. Don't get anxious because of that. You have stages and work to do. – You say and kiss him on the cheek. Mark sighs nodding and gives little kisses all over your jaw. You giggle because it tickles.
-Okay. I won't think about it too much. – He says smiling and more calm now.
-I love you, boyfriend. – You say to him grinning. You put your arms on his shoulder caressing his hair and the back of his neck.
-I love you, girlfriend. – He says smiling. You peck and say goodbye. You wait a little to see him going away. When you were about to get in the dorm, you hear a voice.
-What a cute view. You two are really together after so long. Congratulations. – You turn to see if the owner of this voice is really who you are thinking it is. And sadly, you are right. It is Saehyon. You get shivers inside your spine. You move your key, that you were holding, to be prepared to stab him if he tries something.
-What do you want? – You ask him.
-I wanted to talk to you since a few days ago, but Mark is really escorting you everyday. Like, where is the privacy, you know? It's just a quick chat. – He says and you see he is no longer hiding his personality. You decide to play along to not get him angry.
-It's just for security. You know, there are some crazy people out there nowadays. – You say and he laughs.
-Yeah, I can imagine. – He says looking at you top to bottom. You get uncomfortable and decide to end with it fast.
-So, what do you want so much to talk about? – You say. He sits on a bench that is close to the dorm's gate. You sit there too, not too close to him.
-I just want to warn you. – He says and your heart starts to beat fast.
-About what? – You ask trying to look calm so he doesn't notice. He can't know that you are afraid of him.
-You know my target is not you. Actually, it's annoying when I want to hit him, but it goes on you instead. You know, I have nothing against you. Actually you did a great job with 4Get. If it was not Mark... – He checks you out again.
-Is this your apology? – You scoff. – If you really cared you wouldn't have done all of this. You are not sorry at all. You don't care about anyone. – You say not looking at him.
-"You don't care"... I have heard that a lot lately. – He says laughing and remembering of Emilly. – The last person who said that to me didn't end up well. – He says serious. Your throat closes. "This is getting serious. I should be careful. Is he threatening me?" You think.
-Emilly, I suppose. – You say and he glances at you. – You are not so unpredictable, Saehyon. – You say and he laughs. – What did you do to her? – "He didn't do anything serious, right? He couldn't..." You think.
-Don't worry. She is fine. I'm not the kind of person who likes to waste time with not important things. – He says. He stands up to go away, but you want to see if you can find out more things.
-So, if you came here to say that I'm not your target and that I should keep distance of Mark. - He stops and turns to face you. – It means that you plan on doing something to him. Am I wrong? – You say and he just grins. He turns around again and walks away.
-Shit... What do I do now? – You say to yourself passing your hands on your face.
            You come back to the dorm and tell everything to Chin-Sun. She is terrified. You decide to tell Mark everything tomorrow. Even if Saehyon is planning something, you will stay with Mark no matter what.
            The next day comes and after your work, you tell Mark you want to talk to him. You two go to the practice room, as usual.
-So, do you want to talk about something? How was your day, sweetheart? – Mark asks pulling you closer and giving many kisses on you cheek and on your neck.
-I met Saehyon yesterday. – You say and Mark stops immediately opening his eyes wide.
-You did what? – He looks at you.
-After you walked me home, he was there.
-Omg... Are you okay? – He says scanning you with worried eyes.
-Yeah, I'm fine. But he said he went there to warn me to stay away from you because he would do something. – You look down. Your eyes getting watery. – Mark, I'm afraid. What will he do? I don't want to lose you. – You say and hug him tight. Mark hugs you back.
-I don't know, baby. But don't worry. I'll tell manager and he will do something. Maybe he can put security guards around us. – Mark says.-Can't we call the police? – You ask.
-We don't have any proves that he does all of this. – Mark sighs. – I will be careful. I swear. – He says and kisses you.
            Mark walks you home and comes back to the dorm. He thinks about how he's going to deal with Saehyon's problem. He is walking on the street already getting at the dorm, but he spots someone with a black hoodie in front of the building. It is Saehyon. Mark breathes deeply.
-What do you want? – Mark asks. He stays a little far from him in case he has a knife with him or something like this.
-You must know I met Y/n yesterday, right? – Saehyon asks looking at him. Mark tightens his fists.-Stay away from her. – Mark says. – She has nothing to do with this.
-Yeah, I agree with you. – He says walking around him. – I was thinking what I should do with you. I thought of so many things, but... None of them could totally give me my revenge. – Mark stares at him without saying anything. – Then I thought, what could be more fair than take something important from you like you took from me? – Saehyon says.
-I didn't take anything from you. – Mark says. Saehyon approaches Mark fast and grabs his shirt.
-You took my fame. You took my spot. You took my money. You took everything. – Saehyon says to him not so loud because it is late and someone could listen. Mark chuckles.
-If you were good enough, you would have the spot. But you are just a loser who is good on nothing. – Mark grins grabbing Saehyon's hand and pushing it away. Saehyon looks at him with that scary face, but Mark is not scared of him.
-Watch your mouth, Mark. Y/n is important to you, right? What would your fans think if they see this? – Saehyon shows his cellphone to Mark. In there was a photo of you and Mark kissing. – I think it would not be good for her career. Think, all those saesangs coming after her, SM firing her, she not being able to work anymore because she was romantically involved with an idol of her previous company... – Saehyon says and Mark gets worried.
-What do you want? – Mark says and Saehyon grins.
-It's not obvious? Break up with her. Fair changing, right? – He says and Mark's heart aches. He stays in silence and Saehyon talks. – You have a week. If I hear something about you two together again, this photo is gonna be all over the internet. – Saehyon says and walks away. Mark stays there on the street without knowing what to do. He looks up to not cry.
-Sorry, Y/n... But you are more important than my heart to be alright. – Mark says to himself and enters the dorm.
            The week passes by and you notice that Mark is kind of weird. You thought he was worried because of Saehyon, but the way he is looking at you is different. Like he was sad. Like he was about to go away.
             He calls you to talk.
-Can we talk for a moment? – He calls you. He seems nervous. He looks at you with serious eyes. – Let's break up.

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