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-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? ARE YOU NUTS? – Mark shouts at him. Saehyon sees him and lets go of you and you run to Mark. He takes a look on your arm and sees a dark red bruise of Saehyon's hands grip on it. He widens his eyes. – I'm gonna kill him. – He says with angry eyes.
-No! Don't do that! – You start to feel anxious. You can not let Mark fight again. Taeyong holds him by his arms. – Please! I don't want you to get hurt. – Your eyes start to get watery and a tear escapes from your eye. Mark sees that and steps back looking at you with worried eyes.
-Wow, Mark. You do care about her. She can even calm you down. She must be really good at her job, right? – Saehyon says. Everyone looks at him without understanding. – I wonder how much you pay for a night with her. – At this moment everyone widen their eyes. The rest of 4Get can't believe what he just said.
             A suddenly silence fills the room. Mark is furious. Then, Saehyon gets punched on the face, but not by Mark. Si-woo shakes his hands trying to make the pain go away. He punched him. Mark, who was going for it before, stops now. You can't believe what just happened.
-You- You punched me? – Saehyon says touching his bloody lips. – You are dead.
-No. You are. It ends today. – Si-woo says. Young-Chul, the leader, can't blame him now. Si-woo was always the quiet and introvert one. The kind of person who never gets angry about anything. But it seems he just had enough.– Y/n, - You look at Young-Chul. – I want to apologize for everything he said. – He bows. Some tears scape from your eyes and you wipe it with your hand. – We could bear anything he does to us, but not today. Not with you. – He looks down. Saehyon is looking at him furious without saying anything. Gabriel starts to cry. The rest of NCT is frozen.
            The 4Get's manager arrives. He looks at Saehyon on the floor with his lips bleeding, Gabriel and you crying, NCT around you, you behind Mark and Young-Chul bowing. He scratches his head and passes his hands on his face.
-You 4, come here now. Sorry, Y/n and boys. We are gonna fix this mess. – The manager says.
-You don't even know what happened! – Saehyon shouts to the manager.
-SHUT UP! YOU WILL COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW AND IF YOU SAY ANYTHING YOU WILL BE OUT OF THE GROUP. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? – The manager screams at him. You flinch at the suddenly loud sound. Mark notices you are trembling and holds your hand. Saehyon gets up without saying anything. He glances at Mark before going away. You immediately think that, in fact, all he said about you was not meant for you, but for Mark. You were not his target, but you felt bad anyway. Young-Chul, Si-Woo and Gabriel follow him bowing at everyone without looking at you. They could not face you now. They really like and care about you and what Saehyon did made them feel responsible for it.
            4Get leaves the room and Mark asks if you are fine.
-How are you? Is this hurting? – He asks pointing at your arm that Saehyon held.
-Not that much. I'm fine. – You say taking a breath.
-Guys, I will take her a glass of water. – Mark says as you sit on the chair.-Yes, please, Mark. I'll see if the cars are already here to let us at home. – Taeyong says making a signal to the members to let you and Mark alone to talk. Mark comes back with the water.
-I can't believe what happened. If that member had not punched him, I would... – Mark starts talking, but you interrupt him.
-I- Am I really a burden to you? – You say as more tears fall from your eyes. Mark looks desperate at you. – Is that the image I pass? A girl who you pass the night with? – You look down embarrassed.
-No! What are you talking about, Y/n? Don't listen to him. Look at me. – He says cupping your face with his hands. – He wants to piss me off. You are not a burden. You never were and will never be. And you are not this type of girl either.-I work with him everyday and he never said something so... so... – You sigh and wipe your eyes again.
-That's because I was not there. – He hugs you. – You can't even imagine how important you are to me. I'm the one who should be apologizing. This is happening because of me. Sorry, Y/n. – Mark says kissing the top of your head to apologize and pulls away.
-It's not your fault either. I hope the manager does something about him. The other members are so nice, but he messes up with everything. – You say sighing.
-Yeah... You are right. But don't think about that anymore, okay? Never. – He says and you nod smiling. You take a sip of your water and take a deep breath deciding to let it aside.
-But, changing subjects, - You say more cheerful now. – Your perform today was incredible. – He smiles.
-Really? – Mark says excited.
-This suit is amazing. – You touch the suit that Mark is still wearing. – I mean, if you want to take me to a fancy dinner in this suit someday, I would not mind, you know. – You say joking and he laughs.
-It would be a pleasure, my lady. – He says taking your hand and kissing it. You laugh of his "classy" attitude and blush a little. – And you are even using the green color.
-Yes. Do you like it? – You say looking at your shirt and looking back at him. – It took me 3 hours to get ready, omg.
-It was worthy. You are really beautiful. – He says looking at your eyes.
-Thank you... – You say looking at him too. You two stay silent just looking at each other. You see that Mark looks down at your lips. Your heart skips a beat. "Does he want to...? No... it's not possible, right?" You think.
-Okaaaay, guys. – Jungwoo comes back kicking the door. You and Mark jump startled.
-Oh, Jesus Christ. – You say putting your hand on your heart. Mark looks at the other side not facing you.
-Oh! Did I... Interrupt something? – Jungwoo asks laughing of how you two are now.
-Uhmm... No. Mark was just... helping me to calm down a bit. – You say now breathing properly.
-Let's go, kids. The car is here. – Taeyong calls the members. – Y/n, come with us. We can let you and Chin-Sun home. – He says.
-Thank you, Taeyong. Let's go Chin-C- wait. Where is she? – You realize now that Chin-Sun was not with you since you came here.
-I'm here! – She arrives with Haechan. – We went to get Boba at the cafeteria. – She says and takes a sip. – Let's go. – You laugh of how their friendship is already built.
-Okay, lets go. – Mark says and you get in the car. You get home and say goodbye to Mark.
-Bye, Mark. Thank you for everything. – You say hugging him.
-Sleep well, Y/n. Bye. – He kisses the side of your head and you leave the car with Chin-Sun.
            Meanwhile, 4Get get in the dorm with their manager.
-Come here you all. Sit down. – The manager asks with a serious tone. They sit down without saying anything. – So, I want to know what happened today.
-Happened that Saehyon can't stop being an ass! – Si-woo says angry.
-Si-woo, watch your mouth. Let's calm down now. – The manager says.
-He said bad things about Y/n in front of everyone! She didn't do anything wrong! Actually, all she did was helping us. She worked on our song and gave us good advice. – Si-woo says. Saehyon is quiet looking down.
-Saehyon, we can not tolerate this kind of posture. If you don't change your habits, you are out. – The manager says. – I know you are doing this because of Mark. – Saehyon looks up. – What do you have to say? – The manager asks and the members stare at him wanting to know what he's gonna say.
-I... – Saehyon starts to talk. – I hate him. – He pauses. – I SHOULD BE THERE! I SHOULD BE IN NCT. HE TOOK MY PLACE! – Saehyon screams angry.
-YOU ARE WITH US NOW! FORGET ABOUT THAT! – Young-Chul screams back.
-I can't. That's all I have to say. – Saehyon looks down again.
-So, - The manager sighs. – you are out. – The members look at the manager. – Do you agree? – He asks the 4 boys.
-Yes. I can't take it anymore. – Si-woo says. Young-Chul and Gabriel agree.
-Saehyon? – The manager turns to look at him.
-Whatever. – Saehyon says, takes his bag and leaves the room.
            The room is filled with silence. The manager lies with his back on the chair and sighs heavily.
-What a troubled kid. – The manager thinks out loud. – Okay, so, let's discuss what will happen now. – He leans on the table again. The members look at him. – 4Get can not have only 3 members. We will have to recruit another one. I already have a person in mind. At least you already debuted. You can rest now and I will contact you with all the information. – He was about to get up when Gabriel starts to talk.
-But... Will Y/n leave us? – He asks.
-Is that what you want? – The manager asks.
-NO! – The 3 boys shout together. The manager laughs.
-Well, so she can stay with you. – The boys smile. – If that is what she wants, of course. We don't know if she wants to, after what happened. – The manager says and the boys look at each other.
            You are home now. You tell Chin-Sun what happened and she is impressed. As you two are tired, you take a shower and go to your bed.
-So you and Haechan... – You say to her smirking. You two are on your bed already prepared to sleep.
-Yeah... He is so cool. Energetic. We talked a lot. He likes games and Michael Jackson. – She says laughing because she likes it too.
-And... – You start and she looks at you. – He is hot. – You say laughing.
-Hahahaha. I know, right? He really is. – You laugh out loud like two high school girls talking.
            You and Chin-Sun talk a little bit more and you turn the light off to sleep. You are looking at the roof thinking about Mark. These days you have been thinking about him a lot. Even though that incident with Saehyon happened, you are not mad at all. You loved the night and the concert. You remember all the face expressions Mark showed on that stage. Seeing it up close is completely different from seeing it on the computer. You felt all the adrenaline. Your heart raced in a way you never experienced and it is almost addictive. And when you met him on backstage, it was difficult to be close to him. Every time you looked at him, you wanted to just kiss him. "It must be because of the adrenaline. It made me crazy." You think. His eyes are a whole universe for you. They shine like millions of galaxies. And his smile... That smile he gives every time he says your name. The way he says you are important to him. His hair. You wanted to touch it. You wanted to see how it feels like. And his warm chest that you love to lean on, but you only do it when you say goodbye to him because it's the moment you have the excuse for a hug.
            All these feelings come at once. Just looking at the roof. You feel a heat cover up your body. "Oh, no. I have to stop thinking about him. I won't be able to sleep otherwise." You think. "If I keep these thoughts and end up doing something dumb like kissing him, he will walk away from me. I have to control myself." You start to talk to yourself. "He is just a friend. He is an idol. He is not attracted to you. He doesn't think of you that way." The fear of losing him because of silly feelings fills you up. But you shake it off and fall asleep.

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