Secrets Revealed

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          On your way to there you all talk a lot. You all are excited for the day. Mark drives about 15 minutes and you get there. The house is huge and beautiful. You give Chin-Sun a look that says "Are you seeing this house? Jesus!" and she answers back "I'm seeing for sure, girl. Omg." You 4 get in and everybody is there already.
-Hi, guys! We're here! – Mark shouts and everyone shouts back. You say hi to the boys and spot some girls in the kitchen and in the sofa. "Are they the girls they talked about?" You think with yourself.
-Okay. Y/n, do you want something to drink? – Mark asks you.
-Uhm... Yes. It can be a coke. – You say. He nods and goes to take it. Haechan asks Chin-Sun and takes it for her too.
-Here. I'll be back soon. I have to do a thing. Why don't you introduce yourself to the girls and talk to them? I'm sure you will like them. – Mark says.
-Okay! – You smile and go to where they are. - Uhm... Hi, girls! I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you!
-Hi! I'm Chin-Sun. Y/n's best friend.
-Oh, so you are Y/n! Nice to meet you! My name is Yuna. I'm Taeil's wife. - She you and Chin-Sun almost spit your drinks.
-You- You said you are what? – You say and the girls laugh out loud.
-Yes, Taeil is married. To me. - She chuckles. - It's a little shocking at first, but you will get used to it.
-My name is Sohui. I'm Doyoung's girlfriend. Nice to meet you, Y/n. - She says and your mouth drops even more.
-My name is Yu-Mi. You can say I'm Jaehyun's friend. Nice to meet you – The girls laugh.
-Hey, Jaehyun, is Yu-Mi still your "friend"? What are you two even doing with your lives? When will she be your girlfriend? - The other girl screams to Jaehyun who is outside. He gets in the house, approaches Yu-Mi and gives her a quickly peck.
-I'm working on that. – He winks and leaves smirking.
-Oooh! – All the girls shout and Yu-Mi blushes.
-Well, the most beautiful is the last one. I'm Soo-Min. Lucas' girlfriend. Nice to meet you! – She says tossing her hair.
-What kind of introduction is that, Soo-Min? You can't lie, you know. - Yu-Mi says and they laugh. Soo-Min gives her a slight slap knowing she is just kidding.
            You talk to the girls and think they are really cool and outgoing. Some are more introvert than the others, but you like everyone. You talk about yourself and Chin-Sun too. You tell them how you and Chin-Sun met each other and all the girls paid attention and laughed. You also tell how you met Mark.
-Oooh, so he gave you a paper with his number. What a romantic boy. Taking risks for the girl he likes. - Yuna says. You blush, but think it's better to not say anything to deny for now. – I remember when I met Taeil. And now, 3 years later we are here. - She sighs with lovely eyes.
-But it's hard, tho. We have to be careful, you know. - Yu-mi says - All the paparazzies and saesangs, omg. It scares me until today. - She says shivering.
-Yes. Do you remember when Jaehyun almost revealed about Yu-Mi on a live with Johnny? Hahaha. That day was dangerous. - Sohui says.
-Yes, omg. I could kill him that day. The manager is with eyes on all of us. We have to be careful. – Yu-Mi says sighing heavily.
-And Lucas, that boy is crazy. He keeps saying he has a girlfriend, but after says it's the nctzens. He finds it funny, but Kun already told him to stop. Hahaha. - Soo-Min says.
-Wow, it must be really difficult to date them. - You say.
-Yeah, but if you are really in love, you will take the risks. Right, girls? – Sohui says and the girls agree together.
-So... You are the new Mark's girlfriend. And you are Haechan's girlfriend. – You and Chin-Sun widen your eyes.
-No, no! We are friends. - Chin-Sun says as you both blush.
-Hahahaha. Of course you are. Okay. It's cool to have friends. Let's see if it's gonna continue like this. - Yu-Mi says.
-Let them be, Yu-Mi. They are friends. – Yuna says and winks to you. You laugh.
-So... Yu-Mi, you said you are Lucas' girlfriend. Is he here now? I never met him before. - You ask.
-Oh, actually, he- - Before she could finish, Mark comes back.
-Y/n! – He calls you and you look at him. – Here's the surprise I said earlier. - He says and you look at the front door and you don't believe what you are seeing. Ten and Lucas get in the house.  Your bias is here! The person you admire the most! Your chin is on the floor and you stand up.
-Omg! Ten! It's really you! – You get closer to him and your eyes get teary. - I... I...
-And here comes the speech. – Johnny says to Mark and he laughs.
-I'm so happy to be able to meet you. Omg, I can't talk right now. – You say looking at him. He is smiling and laughing of how nervous you are.
-Nice to meet you, Y/n. Come here. Let me give you a hug. - Ten says and you run to his arms. You pull away.
-I admire you so much! You helped me a lot in my hard times. I think it's amazing how you dance. – You start the speech.
-Oh, it's different this time. – Johnny says to Mark about your speech.
-Your dance inspires me. And you speak so many languages. Your personality is cool and we can see you are talented since you were a kid. And... You are handsome too. I love you so much! – You say looking at him with bright eyes.
            Mark is looking at you. He knew you would be happy to meet Ten, but... for some reason, he is not that happy. He feels a little bit... jealous. "She said she loves him. I know it's a fan love, but... I was the only one who have listened it from her." He thinks, but he shrugs and prefers to forget these feelings.
-Oooh, baby. I'm getting shy here. Don't do that to meee. - Ten says hugging you again.
-Okaaay, so, let's eat, everyone. I'm hungry! – Haechan screams and Jungwoo slaps him in the head because he broke the vibe of the moment.
-Yeah! I'm hungry too. Let's go! - You say to them and everyone start to organize the things for the lunch.
            You and the girls are in the kitchen with Taeil, Haechan, Jaehyun, Doyoung and Ten. You are preparing the lunch and talking about random things. The rest of the boys are in the living room. You are loving this day. You are having a lot of fun and you are glad Mark invited you. Ten stays close to you to give you attention as Mark said to him he is your bias. As you are cutting some vegetables, Ten is close helping you. He sees you are having some difficulty with the Korean receipt so he gets close to teach you and sometimes guiding your hand to cut the vegetable and the meat. Mark glances from the living room. "Why does he need to be so close, tho? He is not like that with every fan. I want to go there too. Aaah!" He thinks. Mark is not even noticing he is jealous, but Johnny notices.
-Hey, Jungwoo! Look at Mark. – Johnny says. Jungwoo looks at him and sees him looking at the kitchen searching for you. Jungwoo chuckles. - We need to help him a bit. He is so jealous. - Johnny says.
-Okay. I know what to do. We can- - Jungwoo whispers the plan to Johnny and he agrees.
            You and your group finish preparing the lunch and go to the table outside. You sit next to Mark and Ten. Chin-Sun sits next to Haechan and the girls sit next to their boyfriend. You eat a lot and everyone have fun. After everyone finish, you all stay on the table a little. Mark moves his chair a little closer to you. You notice that, but you don't say anything. He puts his arm around your shoulder and caresses it. You really like when he does that. You look at him.
-Was it worth coming? – He asks in a tone that only you could listen.
-Yes. I'm so happy. Thank you, Mark. – You smile at him.
            After that, some of you watch a movie, some play video games and some go home. You are playing cards with Johnny, Jungwoo, Ten, Mark and Sohui. Haechan and Chin-Sun are outside playing basketball. You are making a duo with Ten. It's already 6pm and you two win that match.
-Yeah! We won! – You say high fiving Ten.
-You are really good at this game, Y/n. – Ten says.
-Many years of practice, my dear. – You say to him smirking. He laughs.
-So, guys, I'm hungry again. Why don't we go buy some snacks before going home? - Johnny says.
-Wow, that's a great idea! - Jungwoo says. – Ten, can you come with us? Mark, you can stay here until we come back. – Johnny hits Jungwoo with his elbow. He's gonna make the plan obvious to everyone.
-Uhm... Okay, I guess. And you, Y/n? Do you want to go? – Mark asks you. As you are not giving so much attention to him today, he is feeling a little bit down.
-Uhm... I'm gonna stay here with you. - You say and Mark looks at you surprised.
-Perfect! So, let's go, guys. – Johnny leaves with everyone letting you and Mark alone in the house. He goes to sit on the couch and you follow him.
-I thought you would want to go with them. I mean, to be with Ten a little more. - He says looking at you.
-Uhm... I was with him all day long and it was really cool to meet him. He is nice. - You look at him. - But... I want to be with you a little bit too. - He smiles.
-Let me put on some music to kill this silence a bit. – Mark gets up and puts his cellphone on the Bluetooth. Mark is very eclectic and you like his taste of music. He puts it not too loud and sits on the couch again. You two start to talk. You tell him about what happened to 4Get. He is relieved to know that Saehyon is no longer around to fight with him. You talk about other random things when suddenly you listen a different song. That song reminds something in the past.
-Wait... Is this song from... – You say to Mark.
-Oh, do you know this song? It's from Romeo and Juliet play of school. - Mark says.
-No waay! Did you do that play too? Omg, this is so nostalgic! – You say excited because of the good memories.
-Yes. Which character did you play? I played Romeo. - He grins remembering.
-Omg! I played Juliet! – You say smiling for the coincidence.
-That's cool. So I'm gonna skip this song and- - Before he could finish, you steal his phone from his hand.
-Nooo! I want to listen to it. Do you remember the choreo? - You ask him standing up. Mark laughs.
-Yo, are you serious? Do you want to dance here? Right now? – Mark says.
-Of course. Come here, Romeo. - You say pulling him by the arm forcing him to get up. Mark stands and laughs of your craziness. Johnny sends him a message.
-Yo, dude, how are you there? Do you want us to come back already? - Johnny sends the message. Mark is being dragged for you and answers the message fast.
-Can you wait a little bit more? Thanks. Bye. – This is all he wrote. Johnny shows it to Jungwoo and they smirk. It looks like their plan is working. Coming back to you and Mark, you start to dance with him. The play is a musical. There are about 4 songs with choreographs. You don't remember so much, but you dance to it anyway. You have fun with him and you two laugh a lot together.
-Yo, I didn't know you could dance that well. – Mark says to you.
-Wow, am I really being praised by Mark Lee? - You say laughing to him.
-I should be cautious, tho. You could steal my place. - He says and you push him slightly.
-You silly. – You say and he giggles.
            At the last song, the slow one, you two are already tired and decide to just vibe to the song. You are dancing with him in a waltz style. He is holding your right hand and his other one is resting on you back. Your left hand is rested on his right arm. You are there dancing slowly, just talking about random things. You two stay quiet a bit enjoying the song and you stop to think. "What would he do if I get closer?"

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