Forever - Chapter Bonus

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*Three years later.*
-BEST FRIEEEEND! – Chin-Sun shouts and jumps on you.
-Omg, ChinChin. – You say hugging her and taking a bit of her weight.
-Mark arrives today, right? – She asks.
-Yes. After 6 months. I miss him so much... – You say to her.
            After three years, you are happy with your life. You are a famous producer of SM. Your name is known on the workspace and you have worked with many groups. You are secretly dating Mark Lee from NCT and your bestfriend is Chin-Sun is a famous Solo singer on the kpop industry. Chin-Sun, in turn, is dating Haechan, another member of NCT, but they fight a lot.
-And you, ChinChin? Do you miss Haechan? – You ask.
-No! I'm mad at him. – She says pouting.
-Again? – You laugh and sigh. – What is it this time?
-He was playing games every night since last week and didn't even bother to call me. If he doesn't miss me, I don't miss him too. – She says crossing her arms. She says that, but you know she is lying. She misses him very much. You miss them because of their tour. They are in a world tour of 6 months and now they are coming back to Korea. Mark sends you a message. "I'm here, Y/n!"
-They are here, ChinChin! – You say and she looks at you with wide eyes. You two run to the principal door and see they coming. – Mark! – You shout at him. He spots you and opens a wide smile. He makes a sign asking you to wait a bit until the reporters go away. You get the sign and wait with Chin-Sun. After the doors close, they run to meet you.
-Hey, baby! I missed you so much. – You say as he is still coming closer. He doesn't say anything. He grabs your wrist and drags you out of there.
-And there they go... – Taeyong says seeing you two leaving. Mark pulls you until you reach a empty hall. Seeing that there is no one there, he looks at you. Before you say something, he gets closer fast and kisses you. He slightly presses you against the wall and uses both of his hands to cup your face. Giving you plenty of pecks on the lips, he smiles before deepening the kiss. He pulls away.
-I think you missed me too. – You say chuckling. He chuckles too.
            You, NCT and Chin-Sun go to Taeil's house. Yuna invited you to pass the day there. After the tour, everybody wants a day of rest with their girlfriends. After the lunch, you and Mark go to outside of the house. You two lie together on the hammock. You lay your head on Mark's chest as he caresses your hair.
-And how are you? – He asks and you two start to talk. You tell him your news and your concerns while you draw circles on his chest with your finger. Mark always listens to everything you say. You are glad to have him by your side. He tells you about the tour and the trip.
            After a moment, you two stay in silent just cuddling.
-Uhm... I wanted to ask you about something. – He says and you look up at him. – During the tour I kept thinking about us. – He seems a bit nervous, what is weird for you.
-What do you mean? – You ask.
-You know, sometimes don't you imagine how would it be if we didn't have to stay away for so long? – He asks and you frown your eyebrows.
-Uhm... Yeah, sometimes. – You say a little bit worried.
-Sometimes I think I would like to meet you everyday and not need to be hiding of others when I see you at SM. – He says and you keep quiet. – The fact of just walk you home after whole day without giving you a kiss sometimes annoys me. – He says and you bite your lips.
-Are you saying this because... you got tired of our relationship? – You ask a little afraid of his answer.
-Yeah... I don't know how long I can keep it this way. – He says and your mouth opens a little surprised. You pause for a moment.
-So... What do you want to do? – You look at him trying not to cry. He looks at your eyes for a moment.
-Marry me. – He says serious. You don't really understand at first.
-Uhm... I think I misheard. Can you repeat? – You sit on the hammock paying more attention now.
-Marry me. – He says again and you cover your mouth with your hand.
-Are you serious? – You ask and he nods. – You want to get married. Like, marry. You are not saying to marry like, someday. You are asking me now for real. – You say not believing it. Mark looks down.
-I don't know how long I can keep being like that because I want you more than that. I want to come back after work and be with you. Spending time with you. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. I want to buy a house. Our house. Like Taeil hyung did. I want to go to to sleep with you by my side and wake up with you still there. I want to kiss you without having to hide or being afraid of someone see us. I want to have a family. With you. – He says serious and looks at you. You can see that his cheeks are slightly red. – I want to pass the rest of my life with the one I love. – He says that looking direct at your eyes. You always dreamed about your proposal, but you never thought it would be so perfect like that. – Do you want it too? Do you want to marry me? – He asks.
-Yes... – You say as tears fall from your eyes. You nod with your head and he cleans your tears with his thumb. Mark takes a little box out of his pocket. You know what it is and you smile. He opens it and takes out a beautiful and simple ring. This ring looks just like the ring you gave him as a present on the fanmeeting. – Is this...
-Yeah. I asked them to make it just like this. – He says and shows you the ring you gave on his finger. – It's not the same. I will redo my ring too when we get married. – He scratches hid head. – I thought it would be a good memory. I don't know if it was a good idea...
-It's perfect. – You say smiling at him. He smiles too. – I love it. It's beautiful. – You say looking at the ring that shines bright from the gold that is in it.
-I love you. – He says a little shy. You chuckle.
-I love you too. – You say giving him a kiss. – You got more bold, Mark Lee. – You say joking.
-Are you making fun of me? – He laughs. – I was nervous, you know.
-Oh, I noticed. You almost made me have a heart attack. I thought you wanted to break up. – You say dramatically.
-It was not you who said you would not believe that I don't love you? – He says grinning.
-Who did say that I would accept the end of dating, tho? – You say and you two laugh. – But I don't need to worry about that anymore. – You look at your ring. – Now you are mine. – You say and look at him again. – All mine. – You say looking at him head to toe. Mark blushes hardly.
-Duuude, you- you want to kill me, right? – He jokes and you laugh.
-Okay, okay. I will stop now. – You laugh. You are relieved. You never imagined you would love him that much. When you two started to date, you thought that, with time, you would get used to be by his side and that your heart would slowly get calmer. But as the time went by, your love for him only increased and he still can make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. When he started to say those things about the distance, you thought that his love was fading away and he no longer was fighting for you. But then he said the words. "Marry me". You two never talked about that seriously. You thought he was not thinking about it. You wanted to ask him if it had crossed his mind, but you were afraid. What if he doesn't want to live together with you? What if he ends up getting tired of you? All of it crossed your mind, but you let it go because you wanted to be with him always. And now, he made you fall in love again, as he does everyday.
            You two get in the house where the rest of NCT and the girls are.
-Guys, I have something to announce. – Mark says and you widen your eyes. Is he gonna tell them? Everyone turns and looks at you two that are holding hands. – I've just asked Y/n to marry me. – He says and everyone gasps.
-OMG, Y/N! – Yuna says. – My house was the stage for your proposal, omg. I'm so happy for you two! – She says with teary eyes and excited. Everybody shouts congratulating you. Chin-Sun jumps on you, as usual, crying her soul out of her body. You end up crying too. Mark is a little bit shy because the boys are teasing and hitting him. Taeyong congratulates you two giving you a hug. The girls are excited and drag you to another room so you could spit out all about the proposal. You show your ring to the girls and they go crazy. Actually, you are proud of your fiancé. You tell everything he said and the girls listen carefully to everything you say.
            Meanwhile, at the living room, the boys are talking too and asking everything to Mark. Haechan and Chin-Sun are there sitting together a little far from them. Haechan starts to stare at Chin-Sun and she notices it.
-Don't even think about that, Hyuck. – She says looking at him.
-Uhm... Why not? – He asks.
-First, you can not just seize the opportunity to propose to me just because Mark did. Second, we are still young. We can wait a little bit more. Third, I know you don't think about that. Four, I'm still mad with you. – She says and crosses her arms, turning to the other side to not face him. He sighs heavily pushing his tongue on the side of his cheek.
-I'm sorry. – He says and she glances at him from the side. – I shouldn't have ignored you. I did want to call you, but... I was jealous. – He whispers the last part.
-Jealous? Of who? – Chin-Sun asks with a confused face.
-Of that guy who is all the time next to you. Whenever I call you, he is there glancing and smiling to you. He keeps being touchy with you. Who is he? – He says and Chin-Sun stares at him. After some seconds she burst out laughing.
-You- HAHAHA. – She can't even speak.
-Yeah, great! You can laugh if you want to! Haha it's so funny. – He says with a angry childish face.
-Hyuck, he is my stylist. – Chin-Sun says and Haechan glances at her. – He is always with me because he must make my clothes. HAHAHA – She laughs and Haechan looks at the other side kind of embarrassed of his jealous cold shoulder. – And he is gay tho. – She says and they stay in silent for a few seconds.
-How could I know that? You didn't tell me! – He says not wanting to say he is wrong. He glances at her again. – So, are we good again?
-Yes, we are. But don't ghost ever again! I was missing you and you didn't even send a message. – Chin-Sun says.
-I know. I'm stupid. Sorry. Come here. Give a kiss. – He says on a cute way and she smiles. She gives him some pecks on the lips and on the cheek. -And I want you to know, - Haechan starts to talk and Chin-Sun looks at him. – It's not true that I don't think about it. The marriage, I mean. I would not propose to you just because Mark did. I want you to feel that I'm doing it seriously. – He says and she blushes a bit.
-I didn't know you think about that. – She says.
-If you want to live with me, I want to live with you too. – He says looking at the other side. Chin-Sun smiles of his cuteness. Haechan is not a boy who says these things easily. He is not the romantic type of guy. Chin-Sun does not mind that, but when he is like this, she thinks it's super cute and gets all lovey-dovey with him. – Okay! Enough with these cheesy things. – He says and she laughs.
            Even though dating an idol is hard, you and Chin-Sun don't want to give up. You two faced many occasions you had to deal with, but you are stronger now. After all the problem with Saehyon and Emilly, you learned about trust and loyalty. These kinds of thing don't hit you anymore. After a year, Saehyon was free again. It was hard for him. All the news were against him, but it looks like he learned that he must accept when he can't have all he wants. He never did anything to you and Mark again and he is slowly growing on his career as a solo rapper.
            4Get, on the other hand, is very famous now. They have a lot of fans and you meet them sometimes. They are always sending you messages about their stages and you are friends like always were. Eric is dating a model he met last year and you are happy for them. Even so, he never loses an opportunity to tease Mark, but they laugh about that and are friends now.
            You are happy with your life, and even more now knowing that you will marry and spend your time with the love of your life. Mark is happy too. He wanted you to go in public as his girlfriend, but you decided that it's better to stay in secret like Taeil and Yuna. Sadly, the fans could not accept you two. But that's the price of an idol life. What is the most important is that you will be with him as he always dreamed since he got in that taxi.

Hey, reader! I hope you liked this story! It's my first one, but I enjoyed writing it very much. On my Instagram (@isallaboutthevibehere) there is a extra part showing a little bit of the wedding party through gifs. Check it out! 
Follow me if you want to see the next stories. It's very important to me to know that you are enjoying it with me :D 
Thank you again! 

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