New Challenge

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                As the week goes by, the process starts. There are about 30 students that applied to the job, but you got to be confident!
                First it starts with a test of mixing. You pass the test and others 19 students as well. The second test is musical reading and writing. You choose the guitar and play it singing a bit. You pass again with other 9 people. Finally, the final test, about sound and musical arrangement. You have to analyze a song and give it your touch. You love putting voices and shouts behind the main voice and it called the picker's attention. There will be chosen 3 students and you want to be one of them. As everyone finish their test, you go home to wait for the answer. It will come in about a week.
                After 3 days, you receive an email of SM. Your hands are trembling a bit, but you take a breath and open it. The message says: "Congratulations! You are one of the students assigned to the internship. Please, attend the company tomorrow for registration. SM entertainment." You start to jumping of happiness. You immediately call Chin-Sun, who is not in the room now, to tell the news. She answers.
-Chin-Sun, I just received an email of SM about the internship. – You say pretending to be sad.
-Oh! And how did it go? - She asks you apprehensive.
-I.. Ehrm... - You sigh dramatically. - I... PASSED! AAAAAH! - You scream at your phone and Chin-Sun screams too.
-Omg, Y/n! I knew it! And you dare to scare me, girl. I'm gonna kill you someday. - She laughs.
-Not now, please. I want to work a little bit at least. – You two laugh.
-I'm so happy for you, sis. I have class now, but when I get home we can make a party. - She pauses. I mean, a party of two. You two laugh.
-Ok, Chin-Chin! Thank you. See you! – You end the call.
                 The next morning you attend SM for the registration. You arrive early and see the other 2 students. A man comes to talk to you.
- Welcome! You three are the new workers of SM. I hope we can have a good experience. Please, follow me. - You three follow the man to a room and sit on the chairs. - Well, during the test we saw all your qualities and skills and we designated each one of you to work in a group. You must be with them at the recording sections and help with their songs. If we see that you are really good, maybe we can hire you and so on. - The three students seem more excited. The man take three papers and give it to the students. – Now, I'm gonna say which group you were selected for. You (pointing at the first student) will work with SixLions. They will debut in September. You (pointing at the second student) will work with No Chance. They will debut in July. And you (pointing at you) will work with 4Get. They will debut in March. - The man says. Your eyes open widely. – Doubts?
-Uhm... Sir. - He looks at you. - Is it possible to change the group? – You ask him. You already know how Saehyon is. Maybe you could have a problem with him and you obviously don't want it.
-What's the problem with 4Get? Are you afraid because they will debut soon? I chose you to be with them because I saw your skills and thought you were the best among all the students. Am I wrong for choosing you? - He says looking at your eyes. If you decline the opportunity, it will look like you have no confidence. It could kill your career.
-Absolutely not, Sir. Thank you for the trust. I will work hard to impress you. - You say looking seriously at him.
-That's what I like to hear. - He smiles at you. – Ok, you can go home now and come back next week to start working. - You four stand up and leave the room.
                "Of all the groups, It has to be 4Get." You think rolling your eyes. "Well, It can't be helped. I will have to deal with him from now on. I can do it!" You encourage yourself on the way home. "But at least I impressed them. I'm so happy. I'm gonna call mom to tell the news. She is going to be happy too." You smile at the thought. You missed your family so much. – "I gotta tell Mark too. Now I can see him more." – You don't even realize you are smiling because of it. You send Mark a message saying you have something to tell that will surprise him. You don't talk to him since you meet on SM. You know he is busy, but you want to tell in person, now that you work there.
                The week passes by and your first day of internship starts. You take a shower and put comfortable clothes. You say bye to Chin-Sun, who has waken up and is still sleepy.
-I'm going now, Chin-Chin. Sorry for waking you up. - You say taking your stuff.
-It's okay. I have to wake up anyway. Good luck, Y/n! - She says and you leave the room.
               You arrive at SM and go to the room selected. You wait a little there and the picker and 4Get get in. Saehyon looks at you with a surprised face. The picker starts to talk.
-4Get, this is Y/n. She is gonna be your second music producer. She is an intern and was tested and selected to be working with you. She is the best among all the students, so respect her, understand? – He says and looks at them.
-Yes, sir! – The four boys shout together and you almost get startled. The man turns to you.
-Y/n, as they're gonna debut in March, we have a lot of work to do. Please, follow me and I will let you in the music producer's hands. - He and boys start to walk.
-Yes, sir. - You follow them. You go to the music production room and mentally thank Mark for having already taught you the main tools of the mixing table. You talk to the producer while the boys are talking to each other.
-Okay, boys. Get to know her. – The producer says and turns to you. – Y/n, try to know about their work and their style. We are gonna make music together, so we must be on the same path. I'll be back soon. - He says and leaves the room. You look at them avoiding eye contact with Saehyon.
-Well, hello, boys. I'm Y/n as you already know. I hope we can work together and make great songs. Maybe win some awards. What do you think? – You smile at them. Three of the boys smile to you. Saehyon looks at you.
-Wow. The last person I thought we would be with is you, Y/n. This is a big surprise. – He smirks looking you top to bottom. – How did you get here? Did Mark help you? Or did you use this pretty face you have? - He says trying to grab your chin. You slightly slap his hands away.
-I thought you heard it. I got here doing the selection process. I didn't need anyone's help. - You say looking serious at him. He chuckles.
-Okay then. Let's see how long you can handle it. – The rest of the boys look confused and scared.
-Uhm... Hyung, I think we should keep calm... – Saehyon interrupts who looked like the maknae of the group.
-Shut up, Gabriel. She is a friend of Mark. – Saehyon says and the boys open their eyes widely. Saehyon looks at them. – Yeah, you already know all the bullshit. - He pauses, looks at you and sighs. – I'm thirsty. - He says and leaves the room. You and the boys stay some seconds quiet.
-Uhm... Sorry for all this, Y/n. He is not easy to deal with, but if you let him be, he won't do anything with you. – He looks down. – I'm Young-Chul by the way. I'm the leader. These are Si-Woo and Gabriel, the maknae. - He says pointing at each one of them. You notice they are a little afraid of Saehyon. At least only one of them is a jerk.
-You don't need to be sorry. Thank you for trying to defend me. We are gonna work well together. Let's not care about that. - You say and they nod smiling at you. The producer comes back and you talk with them about music and what they have in mind for their career. Saehyon comes back after few minutes and sits with all of you. He stays quiet with a straight face while you talk. He seems to not like you, but flirts with you sometimes anyway. As you already know the kind of person he is, you don't trust him and just try to be professional and not let he exceeds the limit.
                 The producer gives you a break of 15 minutes and you take the opportunity to visit Mark and tell him about your new work. You ask a staff which one of the rooms NCT is practicing and you head over there. You look through the window and see that they are on a break too, so you get in slowly. They all glance to the door to see who is coming and open a wide smile seeing you.
-Y/n! – Jungwoo shouts happily for seeing you.
-Hi, guys! Surprise! – You say to them. They all get up to greet you. Mark comes fast to give you a hug.
-Yooo, what are you doing here, Y/n? Oh! Sorry, I'm a little sweaty. - Mark moves away a little.
-No, no problem. - You chuckle. Actually he is smelling good even if he is sweaty, but you won't say that ever.
-How did you get in? – Jaehyun says after highfiving you.
-Actually, I'm here to tell you something. - You pause dramatically and they pay attention to you. - I did a test for a internship here and passed! – You say jumping and smiling.
-You are kidding! No way! – Mark says glad for you. He knows this is something you want a lot and knows you are happy for work at SM.
-You are studying musical production, right? – Taeyong asks you. You nod. – Which group are you working with? – He asks and you glance at Mark. Your smile fades away a little. You are so happy that you forgot about this.
-Turned out that I got 4Get. – You say and Mark looks at you surprised.
-Oh, no. 4Get? Why? Of all the groups... It has to be them. - He says rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
-Yeah, I know. But don't worry. I got this. I will work and be professional. – You say pushing his arm slightly to relieve the tension.
-Okay... Buy if that idiot do something bad for you, tell me right away! I'm gonna punch him. – Mark says making moves and punching the air like a box fighter. You laugh of him.
-Yeah, yeah, right. Thank you, Rocky Balboa. - You say and everybody laugh. You all were talking when someone knocks the door. Mark goes to see who is it and, out of nowhere, a girl jumps hugging him.
-Emilly? What are you doing here?

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