A New Life - The end

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-Tell me what? – You hear Mark's voice and turn around to face him, but he puts his hands in front of your eyes so you guess who is it.

-Silly! I know it's you. – He laughs.
-You who? – He says.
-You. My boy, my love, my favorite idol in the world, my Mark Lee. – You say and he gets shy and lets go of your face.
-Yo, dude, don't say that like this. I was not prepared. - He says and you and Chin-Sun laugh. - Hey, Chin-Sun. Are you visiting Y/n today? – He asks giving her a high five. - Haechan is gonna love to know you are here. He is complaining about how he misses you all day long. - Mark stands behind you caressing your shoulders while you are sitting.
-Oh! Actually, I'm here because I have something I need to tell you. - While Chin-Sun was talking, you hear another voice.
-Baby! - Haechan shows up in the cafeteria and spots Chin-Sun. He immediately opens a wide smile and goes to where she is. He hugs and gives her a cheek kiss. Mark pulls out a chair to sit next you. What are doing here? Why did you not tell me you would be here? – He asks as the rest of NCT 127 comes and greets you. They all get chairs and sit with you.
-I have a surprise. - Chin-Sun whispers to Haechan.
-So, guys, we have good news to tell you. – You say and they look at you curious and excited. - Can I go first? - Chin-Sun nods. - As you must know, my internship is ending tomorrow. I was in a meeting a few minutes ago to know if I would get a permanent job here. Aaand... - They look at you intensely. - I GOT THE JOB. – You say and NCT smiles happy.
-Omg, dude! I'm so happy. – Mark says relieved that you got the job. Not only because he will keep seeing you often, but he is happy that you are doing well on your career. NCT shouts on the cafeteria not caring about being noisy.
-Okay, okay! Keep some voice for me too. It's my turn now. - Chin-Sun says. - Well, you know that I'm at the same university as Y/n, but I'm doing the dance course. I made a test for backup dancer here and I passed too! – Chin-Sun says and NCT shouts again. Even though you and Chin-Sun are Mark's and Haechan's girlfriends, the members built a friendship with you too and they are happy that they can see you when they want to. Haechan is the happiest of them all.
-So, now I can kiss you whenever I want? – Haechan says hugging Chin-Sun.
-Yah, are you only thinking about that? Chin-Sun says hitting his head slightly.
-No, of course not. Your career is important, of course. – He says and smirks. You and the members laugh. They really are a funny couple.
            You, Chin-Sun and the boys stay there for a while talking and you go home after that. Tomorrow is the day you have to say goodbye to 4Get. You are sad. You are gonna miss them and they are gonna miss you too, but you can always meet them at SM and that's what makes your happier.
            You wake up in the next morning. You go to the university and take all the internship papers. You get in SM and go to the meeting room to meet 4Get and their manager, but they are not there. You look at the table and see a note. It's written "come to the production room". You shrug and head over there. Getting there, the lights are spent. You open the door and suddenly the lights turn on and you see the boys and the manager popping streamers. There are balloons everywhere and a big poster saying "thank you for everything". You look at them with your mouth slightly open.
-You... - You don't know what to say. You know what's happening, but it doesn't get in your head. The boys run in your direction and give you a group hug.
-Oh! Easy, boys. Don't kill the girl. – The manager says smiling at you.
-Did you make all this for me? - You ask them.
-Of course. It's your last day. - Young-Chul starts to talk. - We want to thank you for everything you did for us. If it wasn't you, we wouldn't have the courage to deal with Saehyon. It was because of you that we could reach the top on debut groups. You never gave up on us. You were always there to give us a hug when we were nervous before the stage. We... will always be grateful for have had you with us. - He pauses for a moment. – 4GET! – He shouts.
- THANK YOU SO MUCH, Y/N. – The four boys shout together bowing. You put your hands in front of your mouth. A tear escapes from your eyes.
-Nooo, Y/n is crying. - Gabriel says going for a hug. You hug him laughing of how cute he is. The rest of 4Get and the manager come closer to hug you too. They bring a cake and all of you eat together.
-I don't know what to say, guys... I wasn't expecting this. - You pause for a moment and they look at you. - I love working with you. I want you to know that whenever you need me or miss me, I will be here to talk to you - You say and they look at you confused. - Oh! – You chuckle. I didn't tell you yet. My internship ended, but I was hired yesterday. I will work at SM now. – You say and they look at each other surprised.
-No way! This is awesome! - Si-Woo says smiling widely.
            You all have a great party. Singing and dancing. You dance a little bit of their choreography. The boys didn't know you could dance and you all had fun. They give you a present. A cute bracelet with a 4 on it. You like it very much and say thank you. You want to give them a present too. They are like your brothers, after all.
-Wait. I have something for you too. - You say going to take it in your backpack.
-Noo, Y/n. You don't need to give us anything. - Young-Chul says.
-Shh. I want to. - You say and they chuckle. You take the presents and hide it with your hands. - Uhm... It's simple, okay? I just wanted you to remember me.
-Come ooon! I'm curious. - Gabriel says.
-As if we would forget about you. – Eric says laughing.
-Okay, okay. This is for you. - You open your hands and show them keychains with pendants. Inside of it, there is a selfie that you took with them on the practice room some months ago. They look at it smiling.
- What! This is so cute, Y/n! – Si-woo says. - Is this handmade? - He asks looking at it.
-Yes... – You say playing with your fingers. - Is it too cheesy? – You ask shy.
-NO! – The four boys shout together and the manager laughs out loud.
-We love it. Thank you, Y/n. - Young-Chul says.
-I gonna put it on my backpack! – Gabriel says.
-Be careful, Gabriel. As Y/n is on that selfie, it's better to use it in a place that reporters can't see. They could misunderstand. – Eric says.
-Oh! That's right. – Young-Chul says and Gabriel nods.
            After some minutes, the party ends. You help them with the cleaning while you talk to them a bit more. You are throwing away the trash and Eric comes closer.
- It was good, right? They really like you. - He says and you smile.
-I know. - You giggle. - I like them very much too. They are good boys. They treat me like I'm part of their family. I'm glad I met them. – You say. Eric chuckles.
-I mean... Who wouldn't like you, right? – He says and you chuckle thinking he is kidding. - You always shine wherever you are. - He pauses. - That's why I will always love you. - He says in a low tone so no one, except you, could hear. You turn to look at him. You stare at his eyes not knowing what to say.
-Eric... I... - You start to talk, but he interrupts you.
-Hey, boys! Do you have something to throw away? - He shouts to the boys, leaving you behind. He already knows that you love Mark, but it couldn't stop his feelings for you. He knows it is not reciprocal, but he wanted to say it to you even so.
            After you and the boys clean everything, you get out of the room. From afar, you see Mark in front of his production room.
-Hey! Mark! – You shout to him. He looks at you and smiles.
-Yo, I didn't know you were still here. – He shouts back and starts to walk in your direction. At this moment, Eric gets out of the room and sees him too. He gives a smirk. "I wouldn't lose the opportunity to tease Mark one last time." He thinks.
-Hey, Mark! – Eric shouts to him, waving. Mark waves back while he is still walking. Suddenly, Eric pulls you by your waist and steals a cheek kiss from you. Mark stops mid-way and his mouth opens surprised. Eric looks at him and smirks. You freeze there shocked.
-That little piece of... - Mark says to himself and starts to run. Eric, seeing that, starts to run away of him.
-Oh, Oh! Stop right there! – You say opening your arms so Mark wouldn't go straight.
-He- He kissed you! And smirked for me! He was teasing me. That brat. - Mark says angry and pouting. You laugh of how childish they are.
-Let him be. It's my last day with them. They threw a party for me and said goodbye. – You say and Mark groans rolling his eyes. – Forget about it. – You come close and whisper to him. - You know I'm all yours. - You say to him and he blushes.
-You- - He says laughing. – I will forget it for now. But if I see him again I will... – Mark says making punching moves. You laugh of him.
-I haven't seen my Mark Balboa for quite a while now. - You say to him laughing of when he did it for the first time, when you pretended to be his girlfriend because of Emilly. He laughs remembering of it too. You get closer, passing your nail on his chest, drawing circles. - You know... You can give me kisses much better than that one. – You say and look up at his eyes. He laughs nervously covering his face.
-You flirty. - He says and grins to you. He gives you a tender kiss. – Let's go. I will walk you home. - He says hugging you from the side as you walk to the hall and you know, for sure, that he will be there for you forever.

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