You are important to me

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–Uhm... Chin-Sun? Are you crying? Are you okay? – You ask now concerned. Mark looks at you with a confused expression.
-Y/n... I... I've just came back of the date and... It was terrible! – She cries even more.
-Oh, no, ChinChin. Where are you now? – You ask her.
-I'm at our room now. Are you coming back? – She sniffs heavily. – I need you so bad.-Is she okay? – Mark asks and Chin-Sun listens him through the phone.
-Oh... You are with Mark right now. So, you don't need to come! Stay with him. You can rarely see him. I'll be okay. – She says to you.
-I... Ehrm... Just a moment, ChinChin. Don't hang up! – You say to her and turn to Mark. You distance your phone and whisper to him. – Sorry, Mark. Chin-Sun is not okay and I need to help her. I would accept your invitation, but she is important to me too. – You say to him making a sad face.
-No, no problem! I understand. I hope she will be fine. We can see each other at the backstage of the concert. – He says and you think it's really cute how he is so understanding. You bring your phone closer again.
-ChinChin, I'm heading home to stay with you. Wait 5 minutes and I'll be there. – Chin-Sun agrees and thanks you crying even more. She is grateful you are her friend. You hang up. – So, I'm going right now. See you. – You give him a goodbye hug.
-Help her, but also rest, okay? – He says while hugging you. You agree and give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and kisses back on the side of your head. – Go now. – He says and you go away running out of SM.
-These two will get married one day. – Jungwoo whispers to Haechan and Johnny who are hidden behind the window watching you. They laugh. You get home and look for Chin-Sun.
-ChinChin? – She is in the bathroom taking off her make up, if you can call those black lines on her face make up. She turns to you.
-Y/nnnn! – She throws herself into you hugging you. – You fool! You should have stayed with Mark. I don't want to mess up with your date.
-I- we are not dating, ChinChin. – You sigh. – Forget about Mark. If you need help I'll always be here. – She sniffs heavily again. – Now, tell me. What happened? Sit here. – You drag her to sit on the bed.
-I... I was on the date. – She starts and you nod, paying attention to her. – It started so well. We went to the cinema and after that we went to drink a coffee. But... He started to get weird. – She says.
-Uhm... Why?
-He started to say that I was not what he expected me to be. That I was too much. That I talk too much, that I eat too much, that I laugh too loud. – She says and you look at her with a confused and disgusted face. – Then he... He took his stuff and went out. He left me alone at the restaurant. – She puts her hands on her face and starts to cry again. You don't even know where to start. – Am I really too much, Y/n? I always hear that, but I try to let it aside. I try to not care about that, but... Maybe it's true. Nobody wants to be around me and my energy.
-Nooo, ChinChin. What are you talking about? I love you and your energy. It makes you even more beautiful and special. I want to be around you whenever I can. I chose to be here with you instead of being with Mark because you are special to me. – You say looking at her in the eyes. She cleans her tears. – Listen, these boys don't want us. They want a girl they project on their minds. They want a robot. A doll. – She looks at you.
-Do you really think so? – She asks you.
-Of course! – You say serious.
-Do you really like me? – She asks again.
-I love you a lot! – You say again. She sniffs again and fan herself to stop crying. She nods. – You will find someone who likes you for who you are. Someone you will fall in love and will treat you well. – You say standing up to get her a cup of water.
-Someone like Mark is to you? – She says and you turn to look at her fast. You see she is smirking.
-You- Stop with that! – You say blushing and laughing. Chin-Sun laughs out loud. – I'm seeing that you are already okay, right? So I'm gonna sleep now.
-Nooo! I'm bad. Very bad! – She jokes pulling you by the arm.
-Yeah, yeah. I'm seeing it. – You say ironically.
-But seriously now. – She says and you look at her from the kitchen. – Thank you, Y/n. I don't know what I would do without you. – You smile to her.
-I don't know what to do without you too. – You say and she smiles widely. – I mean, everybody knows I'm the one who always save us. – You joke and she laughs throwing you a pillow. After you have dinner, you take a shower and you two go to sleep. The NCT's stage is next week and you are looking forward to it. Specially because Chin-Sun already knows about Mark. She will also be there and it will be awesome.
                While you wait for the weekend, your work is in full swing. After that argument with Saehyon, he is behaving a little more. You feel relieved with that because even though you had the courage to talk back at him, your heart was pounding with anxiety. At least the other members respect and like you and they help you when Saehyon gets out of hand.
-Gabriel, can you double your last verse, please? I think it's gonna be cool. Let's try. – You say to the maknae that is now ending the records of the day.
-Sure! – He says. After all the work is done, you and the other 3 boys leave the production room.-Where is Saehyon? – You ask them while you look the paper with your notes.
-Uhm... As he has no work today he has not come. – Young-Chul answers.-I see. – You say. – Then why did you come if only Gabriel had records to do?-We wanted to cheer for him. – Young-Chul says smiling and patting the maknae's head.
-Also because Saehyon is unbearable and we prefer to be here than in the dorm with him. - Si-Woo says taking a sip of his water from his water bottle.
-Si-woo! – Young-Chul screams at him and he looks down.
-Don't worry. It's okay. You can say whatever you want with me. – You say and they look at you. – I got to know a little of his personality and I have to say that I understand what you are going through. I know you are doing this because you don't want any more problems. – They look at you with a tired look. You see Gabriel's eyes getting watery. – But, if you keep letting him do whatever he wants to avoid problems, someday he will do something that you will not endure. You are 4, not 3. You are talented, boys. Saehyon as well, but if he doesn't value that, it's not your problem anymore. Keep that in mind. – You say and they look at each other thinking. – You are awesome, boys. – You say and wink at them. The manager calls you and you come back to the room.
               Although Saehyon is not pleasant, you like the other members a lot. They are younger than you and you feel like a sister to them (Saehyon is the oldest. He is the same age as you). They also feel like this and listen to everything you say. They got respect and admiration for you and it made you want them to have success even more. You enter the room to talk to the manager.
-Well, Y/n, the concert is in 2 days and I think we have finished with everything. You can rest a bit now. – The manager says to you. – I like to work with you a lot. I will definitely give a good review for your university.
-Thank you, sir! – You bow smiling at him. – I hope I can work with you here at SM.
-Yes, I hope so too. But you are not finished yet. After the concert I want to see you work passionately again. – He chuckles.
-Of course, sir. See you soon. – You bow again and leave.
            You pass in front of NCT's room and look at the window. You see the boys practicing and think it's better to not interrupt. You're going to see Mark in two days anyway, so you go home. Finally, the weekend comes. You and Chin-Sun are going crazy over the concert. It starts at 8pm. It's 2pm and you two are getting ready.
-Wooow, someone is hot today! – Chin-Sun says to you and you laugh. – Your make up is stunning. I think you are trying to impress someone... – You look at her with suspicious eyes. – I'm just saying... – She says coming back to her make up.
-Look who is talking. You are stunning too. – You say looking at her.
-Do you really think so? – She asks and you agree. – Do you like my hair?
-Yes, it's so pretty! – You say.
            After 2 hours you are ready. You put a black short with a pearl neo champagne shirt (NCT's official color, or lime green), long boots that reach your knees and a black jacket. Chin-Sun put a cute black skirt with a red and black jacket (Stray Kids color), white shirt and sneakers. You two thought it would be cool to wear your group's official colors. You curl your hair a bit and your make up is on point.
            You two leave the dormitory and take a bus to get there. There are many people in the line, but Mark has already given the passes for you, so you two go to the back door. The staff guide you to where NCT is. They are now finishing the lasts details of the makeup. You get in the room and greet the boys.
-Hi, guys! – You greet them. – Omg, you look incredible! – You say seeing them with makeup, idol clothes and microphones. It looks like a dream. Mark hears your voice and comes from the other side of the room.

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