New Rival

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-And I like you. - He says. You stop and look at his eyes. Your heart starts to race. He really said that. You blush and Mark giggles. – You are so cute. – He says caressing your face. He looks at his phone and gets up. - Wow, the time passes fast. It's late already. I can sleep a lot tomorrow, but you have to wake up early right? – You widen your eyes and nod. – I see you again tomorrow. - He says taking the trash and throwing it away. You take your stuff. – Okay, let's go. - When he was about to leave, you pull him by his hoodie and you kiss him again. He smiles while kissing you. You pull away and get closer to his ear.
-I like you too. – You whisper to him and he looks away laughing.
-Yo, you took me by surprise. Don't do that! – He says, but actually he loved it. You laugh and leave the room. You go to the front door, and give him the last hug.
-Bye. See you. – You say and peck him on the lips. He smiles and watches you going away.
            As the days go by, you and Mark try to see each other when you can. Sometimes it takes some days or you just lunch together. On the same way, you see Eric everyday, as you are working together. You wouldn't have to see him that much, but he makes sure to go everyday to SM. Mark notices that and feels kind of annoyed. He flirts a lot with you and he suspects Eric likes you for real. It's like he is sending signals to Mark. As you are his friend, you don't really care about it, but Mark thinks it's weird.
            One day you go to have lunch at SM restaurant. You messaged Mark, but he didn't see it, so you went alone. When Eric saw it, he went with you. You two are eating together and suddenly Mark sits on the same table.
-Oh! Hey, Mark. – You smile at him. – I sent you a message, but you didn't see.
-Oh, sorry. My phone died. - He says starting to eat. He greets Eric and Eric greets back. You eat and start to talk.
-But this song is hard to mix, you know. – You say to Eric and sigh.
-You are doing well, tho. It's your talent, after all. Like when we were kids. - Eric says and holds your hand that was resting on the table. Mark glances at him. "Why is he so touchy?" Mark thinks. You notice Mark's face and move your hand away.
-Haha. Yeah. It was a long time ago, right? But it's good that we can follow our dream nowadays. – You pause. - Ehrm... I think I want a dessert. I'll be back. - You stand up and go to take a dessert. The boys are alone at the table.
-So... Mark starts. - It's Eric, right? – Eric nods. - You are Y/n's childhood friend. - He nods again. You like her, right? - Mark asks looking at his phone. Eric thinks a little and answers.
-Yeah. I like her. – Mark looks up. He didn't think he would confess so fast. - I like her since we were kids. I would have asked her out, but I was a coward. – He sighs looking at the window. - Then we got separated and I lost my chance. But I met her again. And now I'm gonna take this opportunity. – Eric says.
-I see. – Mark says not looking at him and drinking his coke.
-And you like her too. - Eric says and Mark looks at him.
-Yeah. I do. - Mark stares at him in the eyes. - And she likes me too. - He drinks the coke again. Eric looks at him.
-Are you two dating? – Eric asks.
-We- uhm... Like... I... – He stops and thinks.
-Let me ask her myself. - Eric says. He saw you coming back with a red velvet cake. You sit at the table.
-Hi, guys. - You smile and take a bite of your cake.
-Y/n, I have a question. – Eric says and you look at him waiting for it. – Do you have a boyfriend?  - Eric asks and you choke with the cake. The question gets you by surprise. Eric and Mark look at you waiting for the answer.
-I... Erhm... - You glance at Mark to see if he will say something. - I... don't... know. – You say confused. Actually, you don't know if you can say that you and Mark are dating. You haven't talked about it yet. But at the same time, you like him and he likes you and you two kiss and spend time together. Just like boyfriend and girlfriend.
-You don't know? Hahahaha – Eric says and laughs out loud. – You are so funny, Y/n. – You laugh nervously and look at Mark. The producer sends you a message saying that the break is over.
-Oh. We have to come back, Eric. The producer is calling us. - You say and finish your cake fast. You 3 stand up. You wave to Mark to say goodbye, but he gets close pulling you by your waist and gives you a kiss on the cheek, really close to your lips.
-Bye. - Mark says and walks toward the practice room. Mark passes in front of Eric and shows him a smirk. You freeze there surprised. Normally you and Mark don't do skinship when you are in public. It could call people's attention and they could suspect you two have something. Eric clicks his tongue, but you don't notice.
-Uhm... Let's go then. – You say to Eric and you two leave to work.
            Since that conversation, Eric starts to be more bold. He asked to go out with you a lot of times, but you always decline. In the same way, Mark is trying to see you every time is possible. You notice that he is a little jealous and think it's kind of cute. Even though he is "fighting" with Eric, you already like him and he wouldn't even need to do all of this. First you thought he was just joking around, but actually he is very jealous and he doesn't like when Eric flirts with you at all. As Eric is your childhood friend, he knows a lot about you and your family and it annoys Mark.
-AAAH, JOHNNY! I can't take it anymore. – Mark says to Johnny who is on his bed on his phone.
- Is he still flirting with her? - Johnny asks still looking at his phone.
-YES! Do you know what he did today? He gave her flowers saying "here, Y/n, I know this is your favorite." – Mark imitates his voice in a weird way rolling his eyes. Johnny laughs seeing that Mark is all jealous. – But I know what to do. I got this. I'm preparing the best surprise for her.
-You are working hard, bro. – Johnny says. – I think she is the one, then.
-She is. He smiles. - I won't lose her for anything. – Mark says looking at the roof.
-Cheesy. - Johnny says and Mark laughs.
            The next day Mark calls you after the practice. You say goodbye to the boys while Mark waits at the door.
-Bye, guys! – You say to the boys as they leave. Gabriel gives you a hug and leaves. He really looks like your little brother sometimes. Mark chuckles thinking that is cute. But then, Eric gets out of the room and hugs you too saying bye while smirking at Mark. He leaves and you see Mark rolling his  eyes. You two get in the practice room. Mark lies on the floor like a starfish, dramatically sighing. You laugh of his childish behavior.
-I think someone is jealous. - You say while sitting beside him. He was looking at the roof and then turns to look at you.
-Dude, come on. He does that on purpose. You know that. - He sighs again and you laugh. - He keeps hugging you and holding your hand to send me signals that he likes you and has a chance with you. - He says and looks at the roof again pouting. You lay with him putting your head on his chest.
- What did you say? – You ask chuckling. - Did I hear "he has a chance with you?" – He stays quiet. - You trust me, don't you? – You ask and he hums agreeing. – As I work with him, I can't stop talking to him, but what I can say is that he has no chance with me. No one does. Only you. – You say and he looks at you smiling. - Only yooouuu. – You sing joking. He laughs.
-Silly. - He jokes. – But I would never say to you to stop talking to him. I have no right to say that. It's just... annoying sometimes. - He says while playing with your hair.
-Don't think about that, okay? I will talk to him about it soon. – You say.
            You two stay like that for some minutes cuddling. You lain on his chest and he playing with your hair. You close your eyes for a second and sighs deeply. Mark is the best thing to give you peace. His warmth heats you up and his breathing calms you down. He glances at you.
-If you stay like this, you're going to sleep. - He says looking at your face. You hum. He giggles seeing how comfortable you are. - I want to ask you a favor. - He says and you hum again. - You know I have a concert here next month, right? – You hum answering, still with your eyes closed. - I want to perform a new song at this concert. I would like you to listen it. Can you go? - He asks and you open your eyes.
-Yeah, sure. - You say and he nods. You pause for a moment. – Well, I think I have to go now. - He sighs.
-Yeah, me too. - Mark says.
-Are you going home? – You ask.
-No. I have to talk to the manager before I go.
-Oh. Okay. – You say standing up. But before you could completely get up, Mark pulls you again and switches sides, being on top of you. – What are you doing? – You giggle blushing.
-I want my kiss before you go. – He says and smirks. You roll your eyes and let him kiss you. You cup his face with your hands, smiling during the kiss. He kisses you slowly and deeply, leaving a peck at the end.
-Satisfied? - You say joking looking at him.
-For now. - He chuckles and gets up in a jump. He gives you his hands to help you to stand up. – So, like I said, because of the concert I will start the busy schedule again, but I will call you when I can. – He says.
-Okay. No problem. Rest well and eat, okay? – You say.
-Yes, mom. He laughs. You take your stuff and leave, giving him the last peck on the lips.
            Meanwhile, at your dorm, Chin-Sun is up to something.
-Hey! I'm here! - She whisper-screams. – Haechan!

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