Look at Me

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-Y/n! Hi! You are here- - He sees you and stops mid-sentence. - Wow... You are so pretty. He says looking at you top to bottom. You get shy and blush. Actually, Mark is handsome too. You usually see him with no makeup on and you already think he is handsome, but now... He is completely charming. His hair is died black and is split in the middle. He is dressed in all black with a leather jacket. You can't take your eyes off him.
-Hi... - You get closer to give him a hug, but when you are about to do it, a makeup staff puts her arm between you two.
 -No, no! If you two hug right now the makeup will be ruined. And also the clothes. No hugs! – The woman says and you two look at her with an angry face. You don't know why you wanted to hug him so bad, but you wanted to. You and Mark look at each other. - And no kisses too! – The woman shouts in the other side of the room. – You and Mark blush hardly and he starts to laugh nervously.
-I'm not doing anything! – You shout back to the woman that was not even there anymore. Chin-Sun is watching everything and laughing internally. You clean your throat. - Okay. So, anyway! - You turn to look at the members. – Guys, this is Chin-Sun. She is my bestfriend. I wanted to introduce her to all of you for a long time. - You say and they all greet her. Chin-Sun as usual is screaming excitedly not believing she met them.
            The boys finish with the makeup and you all go to a different room to wait for the stage. Chin-Sun is talking to the members. Haechan is looking at his cellphone very concentrated.
-Haechan, what are you doing all concentrated like this? - Yuta asks him.
-I'm playing Magic Dungeon. - He says still looking at his phone.
-Oh! Do you play Magic Dungeon too? - Chin-Sun says to Haechan. He pauses the game and looks at her quickly.
-Do you play Magic Dungeon? – Haechan asks Chin-Sun with sparkling eyes.
-Yes! Which level are you at? - She asks trying to look at his phone.
-Wait! - Haechan sits next to her. - I'm at level 42. I don't believe I found someone who plays it too. – He excited.
-Me neither! – She says. - But, sorry for ending with your happiness... - She pauses dramatically. He looks at her with all his attention. – I'm at level 60. – She says smirking.
-No. You are not. - He scoffs.
-Yes, I am. - She shows him her phone and he opens his mouth widely.
-You- How do you... We have a lot to talk about, girl. - He says and she laughs.
-Well, I think she already has a person to talk to. - You say to Mark. He laughs. – And how are you? Are you nervous? - You ask him curious about the idol's life. He laughs about your cuteness.
-Uhm... Not that much. – Mark says looking at you.
-Sometimes I forget that you are an idol. - You giggle from the thought. - Usually I see you at the practice room. But now... - You say looking at his face, hair and microphone. - You are so... handsome. - You didn't want to say the last phrase, but it ended up scaping from your mouth. You were wandering in thoughts. Mark chuckles and looks at you waiting for you to realize what you just said. You wake up from your daydreaming and widen your eyes. - I mean- Erhm... - You try to say something and Mark laughs of your confusion. - What I am saying is that very professional now, you know, with all these, like, idol stuff. Oh, God. – You blush hardly and put your hands on your face.
-Thank you, Y/n. - He says giggling. You listen someone calling NCT. It seems like the concert is starting. - I think I have to go now. - You two stand up. He fixes his microphone. You look at Chin-Sun and see she is saying goodbye to Haechan.
-See you soon, Mark. Good luck! I will be there at the front. Let's see if you can see me. - You say and he chuckles.
-Yeah. I will find you. - You thought he was already leaving, but then he gets closer to you to whisper something in your ear. – And by the way, you are very beautiful too. – He says that and quickly steals a kiss from you on the cheek. He smiles pulling away, winks and runs to the stage door. You look at him leaving with wide eyes and burn cheeks.
            Meanwhile, Chin-Sun was saying goodbye to Haechan.
-I think I have to go now. – Haechan says to Chin-Sun.
-Okay. Good luck on stage! – She says that, but when she was about to stand up, she stumbles. Haechan catches her by the arm.
-Wow, are you okay, Annie? - Haechan asks her using a Michael Jackson reference (Smooth Criminal lyrics). Chin-Sun stands up looking at him.
-Yeah, I am okay now. Thanks, Michael. – She giggles. Haechan looks at her, his chin falling down a bit.
-You- Do you like Michael Jackson too? – He asks surprised.
-Yes, I do! - She says smiling. He smiles at her too. He was going to say something, but Taeyong calls him again.
-I have to go, but we still have a lot to talk about! - He shouts almost at the door. You and Chin-Sun leave and go to the front.
-What did take you so long? – Taeyong asks Haechan.
-I... – Haechan is looking at nowhere. - I have think I found it. - He says looking slowly at Taeyong.
-Found what? – Taeyong asks him thinking this kid is already crazy.
-I found the love of my life. – He says.
-Oh no, not you too. – Taeyong facepalms already worried about his 22 kids. Poor soul. Mark and Johnny, who were listening, laugh looking at each other.
            Before you go to wait for the concert, you pass to see another group. 4Get. Although you passed tough moments because of Saehyon, you want to wish them good luck. They are the first group you work with. They are special to you. You ask the staff where they are and enter the room.
-Can I wish good luck to my boys? - You get in the room slowly and see them. They see you and smile.
-Y/n! You are here! - Gabriel runs and hugs you.
-I came to wish good luck for you. Are you nervous? – You ask.
-A little bit. - Young-Chul says scratching his head.
-He is terrified. – Si-Woo says.
-Si-woo! – Young-Chul screams his name to shut him up. The same as always. You laugh.
-Keep calm. Don't worry. You practiced a lot for it. You are gonna rock today. - They sigh relieved. - Where is Saehyon?
-So.. about that... - When Gabriel was about to say something, Saehyon gets in slamming the door.
-Give me another microphone now! Incompetents! - Saehyon yells at staff.
-Yelling at the staff before your debut stage? Wow, what a good professional you are. – You say to him as the staff changes his mic.
-Ooh... The princess is here. Why did you come for? You want a kiss before the stage? – He gets close holding your chin. You move his hand away.
-I'm here to wish you luck. – You turn to the other members. - I'm gonna be in the front. Try to find me, okay? – They nod. You wink at them and leave.
            Now, you and Chin-Sun arrive at the fan area.
-Wow, ChinChin! We are really at the front. - You say to her excited.
-Yes! I can't wait for it to start.
            You and Chin-Sun wait a little while talking and the show starts. You are surrounded by fans of many groups and the adrenaline starts to run in your blood. It's your first show in Korea and you couldn't have imagined that you would be part of it. The show starts with Stray Kids and Chin-Sun goes crazy. You two sing out loud and have fun. You are really close to the idols, which makes the experience even more incredible. After Stray Kids, Aespa comes and you sing along. After them, 4Get comes. You scream a lot cheering for them. The boys are really talented and you see they found you in the crowd. At the end of their stage, Gabriel, Young-Chul and Si-Woo make a finger heart for you. The fact that Saehyon didn't make it it's kind of predicable, but you don't care about him.
            After them, it's time of NCT. Your heart feels like it's going to explode. You look at the door where they get in the stage and see 4Get leaving and NCT coming. Saehyon bumps into Mark on purpose, but Mark shrugs it off. "They will never stop fighting, right?" You think and sigh. But you forget about it fast when NCT comes. The fans are loud and you too.
            Each one of the members get in their place to start and you are looking at Mark. He is looking around like he's searching something. You raise you arm waving to him. He looks at your direction and smiles widely. You put your arm down and he winks at you. You are impressed by how Mark is so attractive. You always thought he was handsome, but now he looks even more.
            They start to dance. They are gonna perform two songs. The first one is punch. You know a little bit of the choreograph, so you sing and dance with them. Mark is more energic today. Actually, you don't know about that, but when you said that he is handsome, it made him more confident.
            Their second song comes. It's baby I don't like it (yeah, you know what I'm talking about). They come back now wearing suit. They start to dance and he is totally killing it with his facial expressions, and the great part of them are directed to you. Your head is empty. You are not thinking about anything now. You are completely hypnotized by him. After a moment you notice that, actually, he is... teasing you. It's like a cold war. He is not saying anything, nor you, but you can feel him challenging you with his eyes.
- It's just me or I'm thinking right when I say that Mark is looking at you all the time? - Chin-Sun says and you laugh.
-Yeah. He is doing that on purpose. I know that. - You say looking at her laughing. - He knows what he is doing. Omg, I hate him. – You joke.
-He knows, and it's totally working. - Chin-Sun says teasing you and you roll your eyes.
            They get closer. The fans are with their hands up to try to touch them. You put your hands up too. He starts to touch the fans' hands. When he reaches you, he knees down (because he is up on the stage) and intertwines his fingers with yours while singing. He looks at your eyes and the fans scream even more. He pulls away coming back at the center and they end the  performance. After them, other groups come.
            At the end of the show you are tired and you lost your voice a bit. You screamed a lot and you had fun with Chin-Sun. You two come back to the backstage to say goodbye to the boys. Before you could see them, you meet 4get.
-Hi, guys! Congratulations! You did so well. I'm so happy. The fans screamed so much. Your choreo was on point and the song too. - You say to them excited. They say thank you.
-Do you really think so? I didn't see you look at me not even once. I'm sad now. – Saehyon says to you and you know it's not sincere.
-Yeah, right. I would congratulate you if you change your actions. - You say to him serious.
-My actions? – He scoffs. - How do you want it, princess? Do you want me like Mark? That loser? Sorry, I can't. - He says getting closer to you. He is making that scary face again when he was almost fighting with Mark. You step back. He holds you by your forearm. - Don't worry, princess. I know you will like it like this. - He smirks and you look at him disgusted. - How furious you think Mark would be if he sees us?
-Hyung, what are you saying? Let go of her. – Young-Chul says to him. He tries to take Saehyon's hand off you, but he just tightens it more. The other members don't know what to do. At this moment NCT arrives. Mark looks at you and sees the scene: Saehyon holding your arm, the member trying to separate you two and you stepping back avoiding Saehyon.
-Saehyon, let go! You are hurting me! – You say with a pain expression.

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