Healed Pieces

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-Heey, Mark! How are you doing? – Emilly says after spotting him.
-Why are you here? Who are you chasing this time? – He asks after drinking his water. His sweat is falling down, making his shirt sticks on his abs.
-Geez... No one. I'm a one-man woman now. – She says and raises her hand to try to touch Mark's abs. He slaps her hand away.
-Yeah. I can see it. I wonder who is this courageous man who wants to be with you. – Mark says not looking at her. She just chuckles.
-Anyway, I have some business here, so I will get going. – She winks and walks away. Mark shivers. Just thinking about her is already traumatic.
            Seconds after Emilly goes away, a weird girl comes running. She stops, looking around. Mark looks at her wondering what the hell is happening. The girl spots Mark and gasps.
-Mark! Omg, it's you! – She starts running towards him. "Oh no..." Mark thinks. – I can't believe I found you! I'm your fan since before you debuted! – She says a little desperate.
-Uhm... Yeah... Thank you. But how did you get here in the company? – He asks.
-I invaded! – She says and Mark widens his eyes. "Oh, God. She is crazy. She must be a saesang." He thinks.
-Uhm... Look, I think it's better if you- - Before he could finish, they hear some voices.
-GIRL! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU CAN NOT GET IN HERE. COME ON. SHOW UP! – It looks like the security guard. Before Mark could say anything, the girl jumps on him and kisses him on the lips. Mark widens his eyes and pushes her away hardly. He cleans his lips with his arm.
-What are you doing? Are you crazy? SECURITY! – Mark calls the guards and they lift her up by the arms dragging her out of there. While she was going away, she looked at Mark smirking. Her face was scary. – God... What just happened? She must be crazy. – Mark is impressed. But at least nobody got hurt. He decides let it go and continues on his practice. As it happened in the morning, you are not there.
           The month passes quickly. Eric is practicing and 4Get's gonna have another stage soon. As they still didn't release any song, except the debut, Eric is gonna replace Saehyon on the next stages. Now you and Chin-Sun are preparing for the concert that Mark asked you to attend. As usual, you go earlier to meet Mark at backstage.
-Hi... – He sees you coming and smiles. He gives you a quick hug and kisses you cheek. – You are beautiful as always. – Mark says and winks at you. You giggle winking back at him.
-Good luck on your new song. – You say to him. He puts his microphone and waits with NCT in a room. Meanwhile, Haechan and Chin-Sun are greeting each other too.
-Hey, shawty. – He says to her smirking.
-Hey, baby. – Chin-Sun says back and hugs him.
            All of you are in the room relaxing a bit and talking. But suddenly, a unwanted presence appears. She walks in.
-What do you want, Emilly? – Mark says to Emilly who is with a smirk on her face.
-Oh, why are you treating me like that, Mark? You treat me like that when YOU are the one who does bad things. – She says. He looks at her confused.
-I don't want to waste my time with you. Get lost. Go. – Mark says.
-Yeah. I will leave, but before I think Y/n should know the things you have been doing behind her back. – She says and shows you her cellphone. You look at it and see a picture of Mark kissing another girl. You widen your eyes.
-What...? – You take the phone and look at him with confused eyes. – Mark, what is this? – You say. Mark takes the cellphone and widens his eyes too.
-What the hell...? No, it's not true, Y/n. This was a crazy fan that showed up at SM a month ago. She jumped and kissed me. I didn't want this. I swear! – Mark says throwing the cellphone away. Emilly just looks at you two with a grin. – Please... Don't say you are going to believe her. – He says. Your head is empty. You are not listening to anything anymore. You look down.
-Why...? Why did you do that? – You say as a tear escapes from your eye. Mark's mouth opens not believing it.
-No! Don't say that! Don't believe her! Y/n, look at me. – He begs you. Emilly looks around and leaves.
-I trusted you, Mark. – You say still looking down. NCT and Chin-Sun are watching not knowing what to say.
-Look at me, Y/n. – Mark says with tears in his eyes. – LOOK AT ME! – He screams desperate. You look up. – It's only you. Always has been and always will be. Only yoouu, remember? – He sings trying to convince you. His voice cracking. A tear drops from your eye and you bite your lip. – No... no... Trust me. I would never cheat on you. – He says. Even though you and Mark are not dating, you and him built a feeling for each other. You haven't exactly talked about that, but inside your hearts, you two wanted to stay with each other only. You thought this was what was going on. And it really was. Mark has separated his heart for you since the moment you two kissed for the first time, but now you can't feel that.
-No! I won't go! – Mark shouts. He cups your face with his hands. – Please, let's talk. Don't go away. That was a lie. – He says and you take his hands off your face.
-Go. You have the concert. – You say. "I'm such a idiot. Even though he did this, I still worry about him." You think.
-Please, just watch the concert. You need to listen my song. You have to listen. Please... – He says begging. You turn around and walk away crying. Tears fall down of Mark's eyes. He turns to Chin-Sun. – Chin-Sun, please, help me. You are my last chance. – Mark says holding her hands. – She needs to listen the song. – Chin-Sun looks at Haechan. She doesn't know what to do. She must support her friend, but at the same time, she feels that she must listen to Mark.
-I... I will try to make her go. – Chin-Sun says and runs after you. Taeyong approaches Mark.
-Hyung... What do I do? – Mark asks Taeyong.
-Sing your feelings. It's what you can do now. Tell her all you need to say and it's up to her believing it or not. – Taeyong says patting Mark's back. Mark looks up, wipes his tears and nods.
            Meanwhile, Chin-Sun finds you.
-Y/n! – She calls you and hugs you.
-It's happening again, Chin-Sun. – You cry. – I... It was too good to be true. I trusted him with my all. – You hug her tight, putting you head on the crock of her neck. Chin-Sun is desperate too. She hates seeing you like this.
-Y/n, I know how difficult it is. I know the feeling of trusting someone and they betray you. But... Why don't you listen to what Mark has to say? Is Emilly so trustful like this? – Chin-Sun says and you pull away to look at her. – Let's hear Mark's song. He asked me to make you listen to it. – You sniff and wipe your tear. You nod and you two go to the grandstand.
             NCT is ready to go to stage. Mark is serious. In his head is passing all the moments with you. And in his heart has anger. Anger against Emilly. Why did she do that? For what? What does she win with all this? Has he lost you forever? Mark feels an arm on his shoulder.
-Be strong, Mark. She will listen. – Taeyong says. Johnny, Haechan and the rest of NCT nod to support Mark. He cleans his throat and enters the stage.
            Up there, Mark looks around searching for you. He looks everywhere. "Did she not come after all? I lost her." He thinks. But then, Chin-Sun raises her hand. Mark sees her. And sees you. His heart felt relieved. "Oh, God, thank you. She is here." He thinks. He looks up to prevent his tears from falling.
            The concert starts. Anyone that looks at Mark could see he is not at his best. He tried to hide it so that he could make a good concert, but his heart is aching. His eyes are locked on you. You, otherwise, don't know where to look. You heart is aching too. Chin-Sun holds your hand and prays that Mark is right. She knows how much you like Mark and how much Mark likes you. He wouldn't do such thing.
            The concert feels long. Not just because of the duration, but because of you two. Finally the times comes. Mark is going to sing his song. A rap beat starts to play and NCT leaves the stage. It's only Mark now. You look up at him.
-This is a song I wrote some months ago. – He says to everyone in the microphone. – It is very special to me. The song is called "Healing Pieces". I did it for you. It's always for you. – He says and the fans go crazy. He says like the song is for the nctzens, but you know who he is talking about. He starts to sing.

"Everyday living my life
Day by day, night after night
Then I saw you in that car
You were a angel came from afar
I was like broken pieces
Alone in the dark
But you healed me
And made me yours in you arms
Healed pieces, yeah
You brought me peace, oh
Healed pieces, yeah
Just you and me

After a moment I realized
I can't go on without you by my side
I don't now if you feel the same
But my heart races just for seeing that you came
I made a decision, I ask you now
Look at me and say it out loud
Do you want to be the queen of my reign?
I mean, do want to be my girlfriend?
Healed pieces, yeah
You brought me peace, oh
Healed pieces, yeah
Just you and me"

            Mark sings the song and you listen to every part of it. He sang of every moment of you two until now. Since you two met in that taxi at the airport. You are confused. You don't know what to believe. You saw that photo. A photo given by Emilly. A blurry photo that wasn't even a little bit convincing. A photo of of him stepping back while the girl drags him closer. The fans are screaming loudly, but you only hear Mark. It's like he is singing only for you.
            The music stops. He sang it all. But even though the song ended, he starts rapping again.
-Huh? Is he going to... improvise? – Chin-Sun says.
-Yo, Yo, there so much I want to say. – Mark says starting to rap again without a background. – So look at me for a moment, my girl. I want to say all that's inside my heart now. – The fans scream loud. You know he is talking to you, so you keep your eyes on him. Seeing that Mark was still going to rap, a new beat is played. Mark listens to it a bit, gets the harmony and starts to rap again incredibly fast.

"I never thought I would come so far
With you by my side I could reach the stars
God, I don't deserve this present you gave
I was blessed since the moment she said "hey"
Just for being next to you I was satisfied
But when you kissed me, girl, I felt so high
She asks me why would you choose me of all these girls I say you are more precious than anyone of this world
But a moment came for us that I wish it wouldn't
The jealousy seeing what we have, talking shit, lying, how she could
You are slipping from my arms, I don't know what to do
All I can say is that I want you
I need you
I love you"

            Mark puts his mic down. A tear rolling down his cheek. The fans jumping and screaming, but he is looking only at you. Chin-Sun, that is always with you, looks at Mark too.
-Y/n, did you hear what he said? He said that he- - Chin-Sun turns to look at you, but you are not there. – Wha- Where is she? – Chin-Sun says looking around. She sees you walking through the crowd going to the stairs. Mark sees you going away. He looks down. Taeyong pats his shoulder and puts his mic down so no one hears him.
-I saw the look in her face. She heard you. – Taeyong says to Mark.

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