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             You two have fun together mixing songs and creating new ones. You make a new melody while Mark plays it on his guitar. He goes to the mic to rap a bit for the song. You fix the details and tell him what you want to do. You stay there for about 2 hours, but it looked like 30 minutes. You two start to feel hungry, so you decide to get something to eat at the company's restaurant. There are not many people there. When the idols are in the company, the others don't pay too much attention to them or who they are with, so it feels like two friends grabbing something to eat. You are enjoying it a lot.
-Okay, I confess. I underestimated you. - Mark says to you as you put the pizza on the table.
-No, you should say: Y/n, sorry for underestimate you. Actually, you are the best music producer I've ever seen. - You laugh and bite a slice of your pizza. Mark chuckles.
-Yeah, yeah. Don't get too excited. We gotta release the song first for the fans. They will rate it and we'll see if you are all this good. - He grins and you look at him.
-Don't play with my feelings, Mark! - You say faking a cry.
-No, I'm serious. We can release the song together. I mean, if you want to. I think you don't want... - Mark says that because he knows you would love to make a song with him. It would be awesome for your career. Before he could finish, you interrupt him.
-Noooo. I accept. I want it. - You say poking him as he looks to the side to pretend to ignore you. - You know I want it. It would be incredible. Thank you, Mark. - You say eating another bite.
-Yeah. I don't know when I'll be free, but we can see it later. - You two eat the pizza and laugh together while talking. But then, someone you don't know shows up.
-Woow, look who is here. - A boy you never saw appears talking to Mark. You look at Mark and he doesn't seem so glad to see him. – I thought it was your rest day. - The boy says and looks at you. - But I'm seeing that you maybe have a new... girlfriend? - He looks at you top to bottom.
-Uhm... No. I'm his friend, actually. - You say to the boy trying to read Mark's expressions.
-What do you want, Saehyon? Let her be. – Mark says not really patient with him. It seems Mark doesn't like him.
-So, you are his friend. He ignores Mark. Are you single then? If you don't mind me asking. - He looks at you with a smirk that you didn't like.
-Hey, dude! Get lost. I don't want to see your face. - Mark stands up and you start to feel anxious. You don't know what's happening, but you won't let Mark fight now. You stand too and touch his arm to prevent him of doing something more.
-Calm down, Mark. It's okay. - You say to Mark and turn to look at the boy. - I don't know you, but I think it's better if you leave now. - You say to him a little behind of Mark.
-Yeah, I think so too. But anyway, you are really hot. If you want a real man, you can talk to me. - He winks at you.
-I'm already with a real man here. I don't need you. - You say to him and Mark smirks.
-Wow, an angry kitty. Sexy. - He says looking at you and trying to piss Mark off again. Mark gets closer to him and you reach his arm again forcing him back a bit.
-Do you want another broken nose? I can give you one right now. - Mark tightens his fists. You think of what you should do. Who is he? Why is he ruining your perfect day?
-And you want another black eye, right? - The boy says and looks at him with a scary face. He seems dangerous and you start to get scared. Mark notices it and steps back holding your hand.
-Don't be scared, Y/n. He is all talk, but in the end, he is just a bad loser. - Mark smirks looking at him in the eyes. What he said seems to hit the boy and his eyes get even more furious.
-You- - Before the boy could start, a man calls his name from the hall.
-Saehyon! Come on. Enough with all this show. You have a schedule, let's go. - The man who looks like his manager makes him a signal and Saehyon goes away with him.
               Now, after these 3 minutes that looked like a whole hour, you can breathe properly. Mark lets go of your hand and sits again sighing.
-Ma-Mark... What was that? Omg, I was scared. Who is he? - You ask looking at him wanting answers.
-Well, it's a long story, but, like, his name is Saehyon. He is from the group 4Get. - Mark explains.
-4Get? I never heard about this group.
-Yeah, they will debut in March. - He says.
-Oh, I see. But why is he like that? You said you would give him ANOTHER broken nose. Did you fight other times? - You say remembering better now.
-Uhm... Yes. Sorry, Y/n. I'm not like that. I don't like to fight, but... Like, he is strange. He was one of the rookies that could be chosen to be in NCT too. He is also a rapper. We were finalists together and we made a battle. I won and since that time until today he hates me. He said I'm not good and he is the one that should have been chosen. - Mark says looking at nowhere thinking.
-Geez. I can't believe that. - You two stay quiet for a moment and you start talking again. - So, that day in the taxi, that bruise... It was him? - You look at him. Mark nods still looking serious at the front.
-Yes. We had a fight. He tried to convince my manager to not let me feature with Baekhyun, but let him do it in my place. I heard about that hours before we go to the airport. We fought and the security was called. Then we went to the airport and when we got off the plane, it was filled with reporters. Reporters that he called. - Mark facepalms. You are impressed. Poor Mark. It must be getting on his nerves.
-Omg, what a jerk. – Mark agrees. - And even after all this mess, you still treated me so well. It looked like you were fine. Now that I think about it, how stupid it must have looked. I was so happy to meet you and you were... - You feel embarrassed and look down.
-Nooo. Dude. I didn't think that. I'm serious. Actually, you made me forget about all of that. I was angry, running of all that reporters and got inside that taxi and saw you. - He says laughing. - Ok, I was afraid of you scream and draw the attention of the reporters again, but you didn't do that. - You smile to him. - You helped me and I could chill for 20 minutes. Thank God you were there. – Mark says.
               You didn't know all of this happened. You thought it was just your first day in Korea, but it was so much more. You blush and giggle to Mark. He was looking at you with lovely eyes. Eyes that say "I'm lucky to have you". And without even notice, Mark raises his hand and places it on the side of your face. He caresses your cheek with his thumb smiling to you. You know that was a "thank you for everything" gesture, but your heart started to beat faster anyway. You were looking at his eyes, but if you kept that, it could get awkward, so you take his hand, caress it too and look to the front standing. You didn't know, but actually, Mark's heart was beating fast too.
-Uhm... So... I guess it's better for me to go home now. It's getting late. - You say to him while looking shyly at the floor.
-Yeah. Uhm... It was a good day. If that idiot hadn't shown up... - Mark sighs.
-No! Let's delete that part, okay? It was perfect. I don't know when we are gonna see each other again, but I will never forget this day. - You give him a wide smile.
-You are right. I don't know about it too because now we have a stage near and we will start to practice hardly now. But you know I always answer when it's you. - He says and you think "He does that on purpose. I swear, this boy...".
-I know. Good luck with the stage. I mean, of course I will be there to see you. I know the tickets are going to start selling on weekend. I will try to be at the front. - You wink smiling and pointing at him.
-Duude! I forgot about that! No, no! I will give you the tickets. You are gonna be at the front, dude.
-Whaat? Can you really do that? Are you sure? - You look at him with a mistrust face.
-Yo, of course I can. Are you kidding me? You are gonna be there on the backstage too. You will not run away, girl. - He says that and you get excited.
-Oh. My. God. Maaark, thank yooou! - You jump of happiness and give him a quickly hug. - It's gonna be so cool! Can ... Can I bring a friend? - You start to act cute for him.
-Are you doing... Aegyo? - He laughs out loud. Yo, dude, you are actually good on that. So cute. - He laughs more. - But, a friend? Who? Chin-Sun?
-Yes! She will love it too. I can meet her on stage after, don't worry. - You say to him.
-Okay, okay. Fine. Just be careful, okay? - He says.
-Yes, sir! - You say putting your hand on your head like a soldier. Mark laughs. - So, I'm gonna get going then.
-Uhm... I will go with you. It's dangerous for a girl to walk in the dark alone. It's near anyway. - He says putting his mask and his cap.
-Okay. Thank you, Mark. Let's go. - You get out of the company jumping happily. Mark goes behind you smiling.
                  You pass by the streets talking about random things and about the stage day. That stage is gonna be a multiple show with various groups including nct, red velvet, got7, stray kids, aespa, etc, so you are excited. It will be on March, so you have to wait a little until there. You and Mark arrive at the gate of your dorm.
-Well, we're here. Thank you for today, Mark. It was so cool! I got to see the boys and talk to them. They are really nice. Maybe someday I can meet wayv and the dreamies too. Specially Ten. - You say with sparkling eyes looking at the sky.
-Of course. They will like to know you. But why Ten? Do you like him? - He asks curious.
-Ehm... It's because... - You get a little shy. - He is my bias. My ultimate. - You put your hands on your face excited.
-Oh. He is your bias. - Mark seems a little.... disappointed? But you don't notice. - I'm gonna see if I have a schedule with them someday. - He smiles to you. - Then you can make "the speech" for him. - He jokes about what you always say when you meet one of the members. You laugh.
-Yo, are you making fun of my feelings? - You laugh and push him slightly, knowing he is just kidding.
-Noo, noo. I could never. - He grins.
-They are true tho. - You look at him.
-Yes, I know that. - He pauses. - I know you love me. - You two stare at each other a bit and then burst out laughing.
-Okay, okay. I'll let you sleep happy today, so I'll let it slide. - You chuckle to him. You two were laughing when someone appears.
-Y/n? Where have you been all day long? - A girl is calling you.
-Ugh? Chin-Chin? Is that you? - You say and Chin-Sun gets closes.
-Uhm... Who is he- Oh, wait. OH! IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?

Airport Match - Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now